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1、假如你叫明明,你邀请你的朋友天天今天下午到你家来参加聚会。请根据下列提示给天天写一封电子邮件,告诉他如何来你家。 提示:在我们学校前面的公共汽车站乘8路公共汽车,在邮局处下车,然后直走5分钟,在十字路口向右转。你在左边会看见一家书店,我家就挨着书店。

2、你在日常生活中是怎样遵守交通规则的?你能写一写吗?你可以用到以下短语:go to school,by bike/bus ,on foot,traffic rules,red/green/yellow light …

要求:1. 语言流畅,字迹工整。 2. 50个单词左右。

3.下面是Tom 的周末计划表,请读一读,并写一写他在这

4.周末到了,同学们都 有出去游玩的计划,读表格,将大


5. 你的爱好是什么?请以“My hobbies ”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的爱好。

6. 要求:1. 语言流畅,字迹工整。 2. 50个单词左右。

7. 你一定很爱你的家人吧,请以“I love family ”为题写一篇习作,要求描述一家人的职业和爱好,还可以自由拓展一些其他的内容,表达 “我爱我家”的情感。50个词左右。

8. 同学们,在我们的生活中,生病是难免的。假如你今天感冒了,感觉不舒服,你的感受是怎样的呢?请以“A bad cold ”为题写一篇作文,描述你感冒时的感受,50个词左右。

9. 你一定有许多好朋友,你了解他们吗?请选择一位好朋友,写一写他或她的爱好 、家族成员以及日常生活。要求书写工整,50个词左右

1、Dear Tian tian,

Please come to my home this afternoon.Now let me tell you how to get to my home.First,take the No.8bus in front of our school.Get off at the post office.Then go straight for five minutes,and turn right at the crossing.You’ll see a book store on your left.My home is next to the bookstore. Yours,

Ming ming

2.I usually go to school by bike.I know the traffic rules very well.There are three traffic lights in our country:red,yellow and green.Red light means“Stop”.Yellow light means “Wait”.Green light means“Go”.We must go on the right side of the road.I always obey the traffic rules.And you?

3.The weekend is coming.Tom has many plans.He is going to play sports and read a book on Saturday morning.On Saturday afternoon,he is going to the supermarket with his mother.On Sunday morning,he is going to do his homework.And on Sunday afternoon,he is going to the park with his friends.He will have a happy weekend.

4.The weekend is coming.Mike is going to the park.He will go there on foot,because it is near his home.John is going to the museum.He is going there by subway,because it’s fast.David is going to the beach.He is going there by car, because the beach is far from his home.

5.My hobbies

My name is Ann.I am12.I am a student.I like collecting sta mps.It’s very interesting.I also like drawing pictures.I draw pictures every day.And I like reading very much.I usually rea d books at night.What are your hobbies?Can you tell me,pl ease?

6.I love my family

There are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and I.My father is a coach.He works in a gym.He likes doing sports.He goes to work by bike.My mother is a worker.She works in a factory.She goes to work by bus.She likes cooking Chinese food.I’m a student.I go to school on foot.I like reading and singing.We often go to the park on the weekend,sometimes we climb mountains.We are happy every day.I love my family.What about you?Tell me, please.7.A bad cold

I don’t feel well today.I’m ill.I think I have a cold.I am sad.I can go out to play.My mother is worried.She takes me to the hospital.I should see a doctor.The doctor says I should wear warm clothes and take some medicine.I should do more exercise and drink more hot water.And then I’ll get better soon.


My name is Sarah.I have a good friend.She is Amy.We

are in the same class.We often play together after class. Amy likes dancing and reading stories.She goes to school by bike.She studies very hard.In the evening,she reads books at home.She goes to bed at9.Amy’s mother is a factory worker.She goes to work by subway.She likes watching TV. Her father is a businessman.He goes to work by car.He likes doing sports.They are happy every day.


Hi,I am Amy.I am a student.I have a good friend.Her name is Ivy.She likes listening to music and reading books.

There are four people in her family.They are her father,her mother and her brother.Her father is a doctor.He works in a hospital.He goes to work by car.Her mother is a teacher. She works in a school.She goes to work by bike.Her brother is a pilot.He works on a plane.He goes to work by bus.They usually go to the natural park.Ivy loves her family very much.
