


"Win-win negotiation Raiders" course notes

Recommended reasons: too much training, the course of the day seems a little nervous, I feel a little in digestion, the most impressive is the following words?

1,PMP successful people, all the way along ..........

2,concessions can, unless the exchange, negotiations must not commit suicide, and somehow kill him;

3,who speaks first who died;

4,can not answer, kick the ball;

5,try to let the other party to open conditions, if the price must be open; give yourself leeway, finally small concessions

reluctantly makes it cool.

6,pliers + Red white?

7,the negotiations are very asymmetric information, as far as possible to obtain more information on each other, must not talk incessantly, to learn to ask questions, business matters -------- what can I do to help you? It's all the way.??

1, bargaining power

1)negotiating momentum

Profit 二profit (real gain) + name (Xu Rongxin)二win (take advantage of)

Meet vanity: smile, PMP (successful people: experience along the way; failure: future plans)

Ming Pat: private, sensitive people; dark shot: open, rational people.

The ID is emotional, the ego is rational; the person has to be socially, that is, reason, work, and sensibility, which is called superego.

2)types of negotiations

Competitive negotiations: zero sum negotiations, confrontational negotiations;

Win-win negotiation: cooperative negotiation;

3)negotiating thinking

How about two cents for an apple?

1,I cut you pick: surface win-win, suitable for use in a strong, not strong when;

2,each one takes what he needs: the essenee of win-win;

3: the strategy of win-win and reciprocity? Zhejiang.

A man who knows only his own interests is called a warlord, and he can not be a monarch?

Concessions are made unless they are exchanged?

Don,t kill yourself in the negotiation, and kill him anyway.

2, preliminary preparation

1)basic preparation:

Time: never mind. The key is to be well prepared;

Location: try to win the home, not to play at home, or in the middle of the game;

Person: the other side asks whether you speak or not The best answer: within the purview of count, permissions, go back to ask

for instructions?

The other party is a party to come, do not count, as far as possible to obtain the other side information, the other party into their own, for their own affairs? Only principles, not specific issues?

2)SWOT analysis

Strengths and weaknesses 一bosom friends

Opportunities and threats ——itself

Zhiyizhibi, baizhanbudai!

3)determine the negotiating objectives

To offer



4)draw up alternative strategies

Simulation of various scenes: what their own cards, the other side will be what card, how to deal with their own?.

3 、negotiation and communication

1)opening techniques

At the outset, make clear our position;

Should be principles, rather than specific; who first talk about principles, who is active, who first talk about specific, who is passive?

Wait until the partner has finished and then contradict them?

I exist because I am worth you.

2)questioning skills

Closed questions: for confirmation, guidance

Open questions: get down to business? May I help you? What's your experience?

Selective question: when you want to be strong, don,t dare to be strong, for example, about your customers meet, give leadership two programs finalized?

The first three questions: what are the successful people (along

the way you have experience), what you are going to do for the failure, and what is the plan for the general?

3)answering skills

Answer: don,t answer correctly, don,t answer thoroughly, lower your interest, and aim at the other person,s psychology;

Don,t answer: get plenty of thought;

No answer: kick the ball, make excuses, delay.

4)listening Art

One of the obstacles?: selfish, do not listen to others: (holding a pen with their own - self-willed)

Two of the obstacles: less listening, no listening

Three of the obstacles: don,t understand

5)the art of speaking

Glorious future: words related to fame and fortune;

Horror story: but what if the other party graduates from Xiamen University? And what if the other person is scared to death?

6)barriers to negotiation and communication

There is no regulation of their emotions and attitudes;

Negative, hostile, or hostile towards the other side;

Stick to yourself and ignore the needs of the other side;

For face reasons, resistance to concessions:

4, negotiation strategy

1)prophase strategy (pre layout)

Asking price strategy

Who will open the condition first? Try to let the other party to open conditions, unless the heart bottom;

Open higher or lower? Open high, can leave leeway, let each other very cool;

The less you know, the higher the asking price;

The more prepared and experienced, the higher the offer;

How much higher if you open higher? Never mind the end, open top and credible price; heart bottom, the segmentation strategy for. Such as last year to 9000, and this year would like to rise to 10000, the asking price will be opened 11000.

Never kill yourself, and kill him anyway.

The horse strategy?

Question: when communicating with customers, the biggest confusion is that when the conflicts between the interests of the customer and our interests lead to failure to continue, what can we do?

Business: 1. explanation; 2. decomposition, the purpose of killing the other party,s morale?

Insider: 1.PMP (along the way); 2. free lunch

It doesn,t work, telling horror stories, exerting pressure, or depicting glorious prospects?

Counter-offer strategy

Know how to use segmentation strategy, the heart does not use the vise strategy.

Tiger clamp method

Silenee is golden, who speaks first who died;

One minute to earn millions, a yuan of money worth more; to hold on to the ball to each other;

The reverse strategy: use the vise, it is not the pressure with the red face strategy.

Good cop bad cop?

If the other party does not accept, then dig vise, it is not red. What a surprise!

Negotiation is the process of acting;

Two people lose their temper,


A man and his good cop, then a


Segmentation strategy

Quotations: 90

We expect: 80

I put it below: 70

Try to ask each other for the

Never accept a client's first

another one smooth hair, gold virtual white face ?(my mother first time; offer;

Reverse strategy: expose him?


Never willing to be in the other party's condition;

The scale of the negotiations was compressed from the start;

The more willing, the more passive;

The reverse strategy: to dig the vise, it is not red?


Keep off the negotiations. Real feelings? Negotiation is a show;

What's really important: where are you talking now? What should I do next?

2)medium-term strategy (medium term advantage)

Ask the leaders

The right to suppress you has no right to put pressure on the other side;

Frustrated by the fact that you can,t meet the decision maker;

And forced him to stand with me;

Dissent strategy

90% of the objections are vague and clear;

Deal with your feelings first, then deal with them;

Process: recognition, admiration, diversion (PMP, free lunch, glorious prospect, or horror story);

The reverse strategy: pliers, red and white;

Service devaluation 二later

Soon after work, the service drops quickly;

So, before you do something, you need to talk about the terms first;

After a good talk, hold on, he'11 promise you;

Compromise strategy

Unfair compromise;

Encourage the other side to compromise;

When he compromises, we use the vise tactics;

Keep it up and the other side will compromise again;

Hot potato!

What do you think of this thorny problem?

I do not, you are supposed to see?

You have more experience than me. What can you do about it? Reciprocity?

A concession is possible, but at a cost:

This will protect your honesty;

A reward may really pay off;

Asking for a reward increases the value of the concession;

Block an endless process;

3)post strategy (win loyalty)

Good cop bad cop?

Nibbling strategy

There is no need to ask for everything!

After reaching an agreement, see if there are any other agreements

The effect: icing on the deal, allowing the other person to agree to something he has previously disagreed with?

Concession strategy

A concession:

1)symbolic concessions;

2)conditional concessions;

3)ask the leader to give in;

Average concession

Finally, make a big stride

All at once

First of all, make a small concession to test the depth?

Recall strategy

The other side never stops making small concessions;

Don,t waste time on important matters, because it really irritates each other!

You can go back on a compromise, or go back on fees, in eluding additional terms such as training?


Finally, a small step will make him feel that he has won, so don't give up all at first;

The key is the timing of the concession, not the size of the concession. It can be very small;

Using these tactics, a negotiator can make someone feel better. Draw up a contract

The party to whom the contract is written has an advantage;

Only when we write it can we know whether we are talking about a good deal or not;

Once the oral agreement is written down, the meaning will vary; Remind you to include all the terms you want;

Notes encourage you to write down what you were not willing to accept;

5, control negotiations

Character control, learn to split personality, bullshit, talk to people.

One thing is worth another? Touch control type of people (fast rhythm), deal with him with analytical character; meet analytical person (good slow), deal with him in plain type character; plain type people encounter (slow fast), deal with him with expressive character, met expressive people (fast rhythm he used to control), deal with the type of character?

In the troubled times, legalist thought was used to spread Confucius thought, and the legalist thought was in his mind?

2. 1 game theory and negotiation

From the 20 world in 70s, the application of game theory in the economic field, the study of many economic phenomena and economic behavior can be understood as a game problem, can be analyzed by game theory. In recent years, as game theory has been applied more and more widely, game theory has attracted more and more people's attention in the negotiation activities, which has aroused people,s interest. The negotiation behavior of complicated and uncertain through game analysis of clear and concise make the research more scientific, standardized and systematic, find out some

regularities, establish a analysis model, so as to construct the basic framework of negotiation theory analysis?

2. 1. 1 negotiation by game theory

The,z game theory" from English Game Theory, the basic meaning of

the word ,,Game,/ is the English game?

There are many forms of game? Here we analyze the classical game problem and establish the basic model of negotiation and cooperation.

Negotiation model

Wang Eryou an old car, assuming he owns and uses it for 3000 yuan; Lee five year-end 5000 yuan bonus, he decided to buy two of the king's old car, he thought the car worth 4000 yuan.

Let's say the transaction price is 3500 yuan?

Prisoner,s dilemma is a non cooperative game situation. Suppose two suspects were tried in separate rooms, unable to communicate and aerate each other? The police showed two suspects that if a man confessed and his accomplices were out of commission, the confession would be held for half a year, and his accomplices would be held up for 10 years, and if they did, they would be sentenced

to 5 years, imprisonment? If they do not confess, they will be sentenced to one year each sentence. We know that the best strategy and choice for the two suspects in this game is that neither side pleads guilty? But six months in prison is the most attractive, so each suspect may have the motivation to admit that both parties may plead guilty, resulting in imprisonment for five years? See Figure 2T

Now let us assume the use of game theory here, that is the result that a "'cooperative solution" and a "non cooperative solutio The so-called ''cooperative solution'' means that Wang two and Li Wu agreed on the transaction price, thus enabling the successful completion of the old car transaction.

Non cooperative solution is refers to the two person bargaining, Each sticks to his own stand? in price, failed to reach an agreement? If two people failed to cooperate, Wang two still retains his old car, its benefit is 3000 yuan, Li five still has

his 5000 yuan, Wang two risk value of 3000 yuan, Li Wu 4000 yuan, so no solution for the 3000+4000=7000 yuan of gross cooperation. From the cooperative solution, if Wang two sold the car to Li five, he said to Li Wulai, "this car is worth 4000 yuan. Besides, there

is a shared benefit between the two sides. 〃?If 3500 is the

transaction price, Wang Erzuan got 500 yuan, Li five savings of 500 yuan, gross cooperation solution is 4000+500+3000+500=8000 yuan, obviously, this is not cooperation to increase the value of 1000 yuan?

2.1.2 negotiation procedures on the basis of game

Through the above analysis, we can divide the negotiation process into three steps: one is to establish the value of risk; two is to establish the surplus of cooperation; three is to reach agreement

to share the surplus?

1,establish risk value

The establishment of value at risk refers to the evaluation of the contents of the transaction to be conducted by the parties to be planned?

2,establish cooperation surplus

When the value of the risk is determined, it will form the surplus of cooperation between the two sides, that is, the 1000 yuan we mentioned above, but how to allocate here is the most critical issue?

The basic problem of determining the surplus of cooperation is how to distribute the interests of all parties participating in the game? In many cases, the increase in the interest of one party must be the decrease of the other party,s income, but no matter how it is allocated, it does not affect the total result change, which is called zero sum game?

Modern negotiation concept: negotiation is not a piece of cake after, discuss how to divide, but want to make the cake bigger, so that each party can be more points? This has been proved by game theory, that is, game of change and game? The study of variable sum game is to combine different strategies so as to increase the profits of all parties in the game? This means that participation in the negotiations (Bo Yi) between the parties there is mutual cooperation, that is, under their own interests, driven by a conscious and independent attitude and behavior of cooperation.

3, to reach agreement to share the remaining

On the above, the remaining is refers to between two to 3000 yuan car evaluation of Wang and Li five to 4000 car far evaluation of the difference between 1000 yuan, whether this should be how to allocate the remaining average or not, on average, depends on many uncertain factors? In fact, many negotiations are difficult to determine even if there is a surplus of cooperation between the two parties? As far as equity theory is concerned, there are many ways of allocating, and if they are able to recognize that an agreement is beneficial to both of them, the understanding and cooperation between the two sides is entirely possible?

An agreement is a guarantee for the parties concerned to share the remaining cooperation, and also a link to maintain cooperation among all parties?

2. 2 fairness theory and negotiation

(1) the basic connotation of the theory of equity

The fairness theory proposed by Adams, an American behavioral scientist in 60s, is the most representative and has a profound influence on people,s social practice? Adams is based on the basic elements of people,s perception of fairness,

Established the functional relationship among these elements, and summed up the formula to measure people,s sense of distributive justice


In formula, 0 refers to the outcome, that is, what is allocated, including material, spiritual, or whatever the party considers worthy of consideration;

means devotion, that is, the contribution that people contribute, and also the mental, physical, and related elements;

P stands for those who feel just or unjust;

R stands for the reference object in comparison, which can be the average state of a specific person or group, or the state that the person has experienced or envisioned in the future?

(two) the elimination of the sense of injustice

When people feel unfair when eating, they feel resentful or resentful, and then affect the whole mood and behavior? The consequences are extremely negative? In order to restore the sense of fairness, we need to eliminate the root causes of unfairness:

First, actually expand your income from Op, or increase the contribution of the other Ir, and reduce yourself to pay Ip or reduce the other party,s income Or.

But in fact, in addition to I, the other three situations are out

of control, so the main way to restore justice is to reduce the amount of I that you offer?

Second, change the reference object to avoid unfairness.

Changing the opposition can quickly dispel people,s sense of injustice? There is an old saying, called "less than, more than surplus"', refers to change the reference object, people,s psychological state?

Third, quit comparing to restore balance.

The way people adjust their sense of unfairness, mentality, and one of the more common things is to get out of the balance? In real life, people do not have a sense of fairness is formed in the comparison of reference of the next, so the easiest way to

eliminate the unfairness, exit is compared, when CF matter disappears, bumpy also disappeared?

(three) the criterion of "fairness";

We explore the basic meaning of justice, and the way people try to eliminate the sense of injustice? Then, is there a general criterion for the distribution of justice? In other words, what is the basis for fair allocation?

1,the theory of fair distribution of the four options

In western culture, people mainly consider two aspects of the study of justice? First, what factors should be put into the ,,fair/,operation, and what kind of allocation should be adopted in two??The negotiation in the "justice" to discuss the issues and evaluation standard, an example with experts on game theory is

often discussed, is the two negotiations between the parties, the rich and the poor to z,fair,z share of $200.

Program 1: to psychological tolerance as a standard, according to the proportion of 150:50 distribution, the rich get more copies?Because psychologically, 50 dollars is a big amount for the poor?The poor lost $50, equivalent to 150 dollars for the rich. There is some truth in the standard of psychological acceptance? For example, some social organizations have relief


Donations are often made according to people,s income?

Programme two: the principle of compensation in actual need?According to the above proportion, but let the poor take one more, it is reasonable for the actual needs of both sides? That is, the principle of compensation for the weak?

Scenario three: the average allocation is proportional to the standard, that is, 100:100, the poor and the rich get half of $200 each? This distribution looks fairly fair, but since the rich have higher tax rates than the poor, the rich get the $100 and pay less taxes than the poor, so some blame the unfair distribution. But in
