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1.The old man is ______________(熟悉) with the old village.

2.When I came into the classroom, he ____________(假装) to be reading.

3.To be __________,(诚实)he stole your book.

4.He will _____________(系上) the label to your luggage.

5.We used branches and leaves to ____________(形成)a shelter.

6.I ____________(挣得)no less than 4000 during the last summer holiday.

7.Our group _______________(表现) very well in the class.

8.You can't ______________(依赖)upon them to help you.

9.Xiao Cui is a very _______________(幽默) host of CCTV.

10.I _______________(梦见) about flying in the sky last night.


After I finished the school this year, I began to took for work. Now several month later, I still hadn’t found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday morning I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr Smith. He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do very well in your studies, I may have a job for you.” I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped that I will go through the job hunting talk today and he would take nm on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised, what he said disappointing. He only needed a model.

