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About “Pick up”

Tom picked up the wallet and opened it. (捡起)

How can Mary play guitar so well? Because Mary picks up guitar by herself. (学习、学得)

He studied hard and picked up French. I want to pick up my children from school. (开车接某人)

What do you want me to get for you? I'm leaving now. Pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread please. (顺便买)

Why did Margaret call yesterday? She wanted to pick up some magazines she lended me. (索取、认领)

Hi, Tom. I haven't see you for a long time. Why are you so busy today? Because my parents are going to visit me next week. So I have to pick up my room before they come. (收拾、整理) pick up the taxi (付款、买单)

Where has Mary been? I haven't see her for a week. I'm sorry to tell you that she picked up a cold in the office. (不幸染病)

Let's pick up the discussion after lunch. (继续做某事)

About Quit

quit school 辍学 quit smoking 戒烟 quit a job 辞职 It's so early to quit. 放弃

quit doing sth. 停止做某事 quit pressure 摆脱压力

About Count:

W: She is counting the days. (数)

You can tell the age of a tree by counting its rings.

W: But what happens if it rains? What are we going to do then? M: We'll have to count on good weather. But if it does rain, the whole thing will have to be cancelled. (取决于)

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

A) The weather forecast says it will be fine.

B) The weather doesn't count in their plan. (被考虑进去)

C) They will not do as planned in case of rain.

D) They will postpone their program if it rains.

About Bother:

bother bother sb. doing sth.

it's no bother to me sorry to bother sb.

have a lot of bother in doing sth. bother about doing sth. don't bother with it





M: Have you met the new teacher?

W: I have been sick for three days.

M: Wouldn't you tell me the meaning of the phrase?

W: Don't you have the dictionary?

M: If I go to the store, will you cook dinner for me?

W: Bring back in a food.

W: Where is the orange juice I made just now?

M: Didn't you hear a crash?

3词汇的组合性: 比较句式

一、had expected 本来以为句型

M: What do you think of Professor Brown's lecture?

W: The topic was interesting, but the lecture was much more difficult to follow than

I had expected.

Q: What does the woman say about the lecture?

A. It was a long lecture but easy to understand.

B. It was as difficult as she had expected.

C. It was not as easy as she had thought.

D. It was interesting and easy to follow.

2. W: Hi, Tony, how did your experiment go yesterday?

M: Well, it wasn't as easy as I had thought. I had to continue doing it tonight. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

A) Tony could not continue the experiment.

B) Tony finished the experiment last night.

C) Tony thought the experiment was well done.

D) Tony had expected the experiment to be easier.

二、比较动词 match/equal

2. W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made it myself.

M: Very delicious indeed. Even my mother's can't match this. Q: What does the

man mean?

A) This apple pie tastes very good.

B) His mother likes the pie very much.

C) This pie can't match his mother's.

D) His mother can't make apple pies.
