

六年级下册英语三单元导学案 Unit 3(第1课时)


六年级下册英语三单元导学案 Unit 3(第2课时)


PEP六年级英语上册第三单元知识点 教师:学生:时间: 年月日段一、授课目的与考点分析:二、授课内容: Unit 3 What are you going to do ? 一、主要单词和词组: this morning 今天上午 this afternoon今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 next week 下周 tomorrow 明天tonight 今晚 post card 明信片 comic book漫画书 newspaper报纸 go to the cinema read a magazine else其他,另外二、主要句子: 1、What are you going to do on the weekend?你周末打算做什么?I’m going t o visit my grandparents this weekend? 这个周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。 2、Where are you going this afternoon? 你今天下午打算去哪里?I’m going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。 3、What are you going to buy?你打算去买什么?I’m going to buy a comic book。我打算去买一本漫画书。 4、What else?还有别的事吗?三、知识点: 1、What are you going to do?你想做什么?询问他人在未来的打算。Be going to 后面要跟动词的原形。 2、this evening 和 tonight的区别: this evening指的是今天晚上睡觉以前的时间,一般指晚上十二点以前。而tonight 指的是今晚,一般是指一整晚的时间,通宵。 3、特殊疑问句 1)、结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的形式(一般情况下)例:Which do you like better? 特例:what happened to the other people on the plane? 2)、特殊疑问词的分类:疑问代词:what;who;which;whom 疑问形容词:what+名词;which+名词;whose+名词疑问副词:when ;where; why; how 3)、疑问代词的用法:(1)What “什么”用来问是什么,做什么,叫什么,什么样,询问职业等等。例:What is your name? 你的名字叫什么? What is your father? 你爸爸是干什么的?(询问职业)=What does your father do ? What is your hobby?你的爱好是什么? What is your favourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么? What’s your math teacher like? 你的数学老师长得什么样子? What is the date today?今天几月几号?It is May 1st. (2)who“谁”用来问人物是谁。例:Who is your English teacher ?你的英语老师是谁?Who’s that man? 那个男人是谁?


分类专项复习卷(一) 听力 建议时间:40分钟满分:100分 一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前括号里。(5分)( ) 1. A. afraid B. amazing C. attention ( ) 2. A. can’t go to school B. count to ten C. don’t be late ( ) 3. A. a TV reporter B. a sports reporter C. a PE teacher ( ) 4. A. I want to buy a postcard. B. I want to send the postcard. C. I want to go to the post office. ( ) 5. A. It’s next to the restaurant B. It’s near the museum shop. C. It’s behind the supermarket. 二、听录音,选择与你所听到的内容相符的图片,将其序号填入题前括号里。(5分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 三、听录音,用数字给下列图片排序。(6分)

()()() ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否相符,相符的写“√”,不相符的写“×”。(5分) ( ) l. Mike should see a doctor in the morning. ( ) 2. Amy’s father works at sea. ( ) 3. Mike’s brother is a postman. ( ) 4. Peter likes doing kung fu and swimming. ( ) 5. We are going to Beijing next Tuesday. 五、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(6分) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 六、听录音,选择相应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号里。(7分) ( ) 1. A. He’s over there. B. Thank you. C. Great! ( ) 2. A. Here you are. B. Sure. C. Thanks. ( ) 3. A. Please turn left. B. It’s near the door.


六年级上册第四单元A I. Read and write. 按要求写单词。 1. hobby(复数形式) 2. swim(现在分词形式) 3. run (现在分词形式) 4. make (现在分词形式) 5. foot (复数形式) 6. play (现在分词形式) 7. his (主格形式) 8. write (单数第三人称形式) II. Read and choose. 选择填空。 ( ) 1. What’s your hobby? ---I like . A. read books B. dancing C. sing ( ) 2. He collecting stamps. A. like B. love C. likes ( ) 3. Can he go us? A. with B. and C. for ( ) 4. Listen! Liu Mei in the next room. A. is singing B. singing C. likes singing ( ) 5. The girl often play piano on the weekend. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 6. Tell me something you. A. about B. at C. in ( ) 7. There a kite show on Sunday. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 8. I write an email Alice every week. A. for B. of C. to III. Read and write. 根据图片完成下列句子。 1. I like .


牛津小学英语6Bunit3单元检测试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,给下列图片标上序号。(听两遍)(8分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍)(10分) ( )1. A. away B. way C. always ( )2. A. then B. them C. than ( )3. A. station B. question C. quiet ( )4. A. museum B. minus C. music ( )5. A. think B. thank C. thinner ( )6. A. holiday B. heavy C. history ( )7. A. get off B. get on C. get up ( )8. A. middle school B. twenty minutes C. history museum ( )9. A. He wants to visit the History Museum. B. He wants to go to the History Museum. C. He wants to know the way to the History Museum. ( )10. A. Turn right at the second crossing. B. Turn left at the second crossing. C. Turn left at the first crossing 三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(5分) ( )1. A. Yes, they do. B. No, he doesn’t.C. Yes, she does. ( )2. A. OK. B. That’s all right. C. No, thanks. ( )3. A. It’s over there. B. It’s nice. C. They’re there. ( )4. A. It is one. B. There is one. C. They are two. Qinhuai Road. C. It’s about 2 kilometres away. ( )5. A. It’s 2 yuan. B. It’s on 三、听录音,完成下列句子,每空一词。(7分) 1. A: Can you ________ me the ___________ to the history museum? B: Go____________ this____________, and then _______ ________ at the third________, __________. it’s on your 2. A: ___________ _____________is it from here? B: It’s _____________ 5 kilometres ______________ . ___________ ___________ . A: Oh, dear. That’s a


人教版小学六年级上册英语时态专项习题 一般现在时专项练习 一.写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______ watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________ tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice___________ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________ 二、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ 三、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One. 3. We _______(not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. ______ they ________(like) the World Cup? 6. What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 7. _______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays. 9. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening. 10. There ________(be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike _______(like) cooking. 12. They _______(have) the same hobby. 13. My aunt _______(look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always _______(do) your homework well. 15. I _______(be) ill. I’m staying in bed. 16. She _______(go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao _______(do) not like PE. 18. The child often _______(watch) TV in the evening. 19. Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have) eight lessons this term. 20. -What day _______(be) it today? It’s Saturday 四、按照要求改写句子 1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) ___________________________________________________ 2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) ________________________________________________________ 3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)

PEP六年级英语上册 第四单元

P EP小学英语六年级Unit4 A Let’s read内容教学设计 一、教材分析 1.新课标要求小学英语以情景教学为主,以听说认读为主要目标,提倡通过听听、说说、 做做、玩玩、演演、唱唱等方式来学习英语,鼓励学生积极参与,创设轻松、活跃的教学氛围。本教材选自人教版PEP小学英语六年级上册第四单元Part A, 教材内容是 2.本课时教材是对本单元的阅读部分,在第一、二课时学习新知识的基础上增强阅读能力, 和对部分句型的理解、认读。 二、学情分析 学生们在五年级已经接触了what’s your hobby ?句型的回答。我采用了游戏教学法和情景教学法,让学生通过听说、思考、猜词、交流和合作等方式学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 三、教学目标 1.能够听、说、认读Let's read中的两封电子邮件。 2.能够听、说、读、写动词短语的 ing 形式: collecting stamps , riding a bike, diving, playing the violin , making kites 。 3.了解一些有关英语信封书写的知识。 四、重、难点 1.本课时的教学重点是阅读Let's read中的两封电子邮件。 2.本课时的教学难点是能理解、认读句子:My twin sister Ann likes drawing picture and making kites.We look the same,but we don't like the same things.Tell me something about you. 五、教学策略与手段 1、情景教学法,利用图片和简笔画表意,创设贴近生活的情景。 2、游戏法教学法。通过游戏激发学生的学习兴趣。 3、小组活动学习法。学生互相交流,共同完成学习任务。在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义,从而形成同步学习的环境。 六、课前准备 1.教师准备录音机、磁带,学生准备课堂 练习本 2.PPT课件。 七、教学过程 一、热身(Warm-up) 1、Greeting 2、上课前教师播放歌曲“My Pen Pal'’的录音,让学生跟录音轻声哼唱。

人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册Unit 3同步试题(含听力材料及答案)

Unit 3同步习题 Listening Exercise 听力练习 I. Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。 1. A. cinema B. comic C. computer 2. A. postcard B. park C. space 3. A. film B. festival C. family 4. A. next Sunday B. next Saturday C. next Tuesday 5. A. visit my grandparents B. visit my good friend C. visit my cousin 6. _____are you going? A. Where B. When 7. I’m going to_____. A. visit my grandparents B. visit my good friend 8. Sarah is going to take a trip _______. A. next week B. next Sunday 9. John is going to the ________. A. nature park B. supermarket 10. What are you going to do _______. A. this morning B. this afternoon

II. Listen and order. 听录音用1, 2, 3给在括号里你你所听到的单词或词组标出顺序。 e.g.:(1)go (3)turn (2)left 1.()evening ()afternoon ()morning 2.()today ()tonight ()tomorrow 3.()dictionary ()postcard ()post office 4.()draw pictures ()do homework ()go to the cinema 5.()comic book ()English book ()word book III. Listen and mark. 听录音,按1-5的顺序给图片标号。 IV. Listen and choose. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的选项。 ()3. A. Where B. When C. What ()4. A. take a trip B. wash clothes C .go for a picnic ()5. A. This morning B. This afternoon C. This evening V. Listen and translate. 听录音,为你所听到的英语短语或句子选择恰当的中文。 ()1. A. 今天上午 B. 明天上午


1 一、 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。 ( )1.A.how B.know C.yellow D.window ( )2. A.apple B.cat C.many D.mango ( )3. A.not B.doctor C.kilo D.orange ( )4. A.pears B.bananas C.apples D.grapes ( )5. A.boxes B.peaches C.buses D.apples ( )6. A.these B.thirsty C.those D.they 一、 选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。 ( )1.baseball A.table B.father C.banana ( )2. brother A.nose B.doctor C.son ( )3. which A.knife B.with C.white ( )4. this A.mouth B.three C.with ( )5. room A.too B.book C.good ( )6. ear A.pear B.bear C.hear 二、 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不相同的单词。 ( )1.A.hurry B.student C.puppet D.bus ( )2. A.that B.think C.mouth D.thank ( )3. A.guess B.she C.egg D.watermelon ( )4. A.right B.climb C.this D.pineapple ( )5. A.mother B.today https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa11208226.html,e D.some 三、 找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 1.( )father A.mouth B.brother 2. ( )nose A.close B.seven 3. ( )cake https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa11208226.html,te B.father 4. ( )sister A.bike B.is 5. ( )boy A.climb B.brother 6. ( )mother A.sister B.her 四、 判断下列划线部分读音是否相同, ( )1.driver write ( )driver teacher ( )2.farmer her ( )knife big ( )3.cook good ( )drink dress ( )4.tree trousers ( )look school ( )5.their hair ( )where here ( )6.that mouth ( )they those 五、 将下列单词按th 的两种发音分类。 that mouth this three think thin thank thirsty those there these they [that] th [ ] mouth 六、 单词辨音,用“√”或“×”表示。 student ( ) bus ( ) bananas pear grapes ( ) ear ( ) teacher nose worker ( ) orange ( ) tree ( ) dress ( ) 八. 判断下列划线部分读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。 1.hair airport ( ) 2.ship shop( ) 3.where who ( ) 4.good school ( ) 5.minibus student( ) 6.station library( ) 九.找出划线部分读音与其他不相同的单词。 ( )1.A.move B.noodle C.who D.coffee ()2. A.sweets B.friends C.cats D.biscuits ( )3. A.apple B.water C.at D.bag ( )4. A.juice B.cup C.bus D.much ( )5. https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa11208226.html,k B.it C.kite D.his ( )6. A.classroom B.bedroom C.room D.bathroom 十一、找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 1.music A.bus B.student C.cup D.buy 2.chocolate A.goB.open C.too D.office 3.teacher A.school https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa11208226.html,e C.lunch D.cake 4.bookcase https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa11208226.html,te B.cap C.apple D.snack 5.desk A.grape B.bed C.she D.he 6.kilo A.library B.like C.tiger D.hospital 7.oranges A.booksB.cats C.teachers D.maps 8.chair A.pear B.here C.ear D.dear 十二、判断下列划线部分读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。 1.bread egg ( ) 2.plate snack ( ) 3.where whose ( ) 4.try right ( ) 5.bowl how ( ) 6.chopstick school( )


直击考点 一、重点单词和短语 pen pal笔友hobby爱好idea主意studies学习(第三人称单数)puzzle谜语hiking徒步旅行forest森林gift礼物sometimes有时angry,生气shout大喊bushy浓密的have to 不得不get … from…,从。。。得到。。。reading books读书read stories读故事do kung fu 练功夫play sports 进行体育运动play the pipa 弹琵琶climb mountains爬山listen to music听音乐sing English songs 唱英文歌fly kites放风筝on a farm在一个农场里write an e mail to给。。。写封电子邮件on the playground在运动场上六live in住在。。。 按要求写单词 二、按要求写单词 have(第三人称单数)has do(三单形式)does do (否定形式)don’t does (否定形式)doesn’t like (三单形式)likes he( 所有格形式) his talk(动词-ing形式) talking hobby(三单形式)hobbies story(三单形式)stories read(三单形式)reads live(三单形式)lives swim动词-ing形式) swimming do动词-ing形式) doing sing动词-ing形式) singing go动词-ing形式) going teach动词-ing形式) teaching also(同义词)too play动词-ing形式) playing student(复数)students dance动词-ing形式)dancing write动词-ing形式) writing puzzle (复数)puzzles hike动词-ing形式) hiking learn动词-ing形式) learning friend(复数)friends cook(三单形式)cooks study(三单形式)studies go (三单形式)goes teach(三单形式)teaches different(反义词)same make(三单形式)makes talk (三单形式)talks love (三单形式)loves sleep(三单形式)sleeps let(三单形式)lets sing(三单形式)sings dance (三单形式)dances sang (原形)sing was(原形)is/am threw(原形)throw looked(原形look did(原形)do/does true(反义词)false 三、重点句型分析 1. 问:What are sb’s hobbies? 某人的爱好是什么?(询问某人的爱好) 答:主语+like/likes +动词-ing形式(+其他)。。。。喜欢。。。 此处是对别人的爱好提问及回答的句型,问句中一般hobby要用复数形式,因为别人的爱好不只一个,特别注意hobby一词的复数形式变化规则,变y为i再加-es。答句是一般现在时态的三单人称的句型。当主语是第三人称单数时,后面的动词要用它的第三人称单数形式,同时like意为“喜欢”,而喜欢做某事结构:like + v-ing 即like 后面跟动词的 -ing形式 Eg: What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories. 动词-ing形式:singing唱歌dancing跳舞reading stories 读故事playing football踢足球doing kung fu 练功夫doing word puzzle猜字谜go hiking远足watching TV看电视drawing pictures 画画listening to music听音乐going fishing 钓鱼 3、Does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t. 此句是助动词does开头的一般疑问句。其回答要根据助动词和主语来决定。结构为“Does+ 三单人称+ 动词原形?”,肯定回答结构:Yes, 主语+ does, 否定回答结构:No, 主语+ doesn’t. 4、So he doesn’t like Zac’s music.

PEP人教版小学英语六年级上册课堂同步练习试题 全册

六年级(上)第一单元第1课时学案 Unit 1 How can I get there? A let’s talk 【目标点击】 1. 能够听、说、认读句型:Where is the …? It’s near /next to /behind.. 并能在实际情境中运用句型交流场所方位。 2. 能跟读Let’s talk部分,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读并分角色表演对话。 【预习导学】 1.“Where is…? It’s near\behind …”这一句型是用来询问某一地点位置关系的。 译一译下面的句子。 —动物园在哪儿?_______________________________ —它在学校后面。_________________________________ 2. 我们学过了哪些方位词?试着写下来: _______________________________________________________ 【学习探究】 任务一:复习所学地点单词,我会翻译下列单词和句子。 Post office museum shop Park bookstores hospital 任务二:预习文本 1. 听录音,做Let’s try. 2. 观看Let’s talk 的视频,了解对话内容,理解重点句型:Where is the museum shop /post office ? It’s near /next to … 3. near和next to的区别。 从空间位置上讲,____表示“在......的附近” (指周边的某一处);_____表示“紧挨着;紧靠着”,也可以理解为隔壁。 【文化常识】 礼貌问路从“请问”开始。 在使用Where’s the…?问路的时候,为了表示礼貌或客气,我们应该在前面加上“请问”,例如:—Excuse me. 对不起;劳驾;打扰了。 —Can you help me, please? 您能帮我一下吗? 六年级(上)第一单元第1课时学案答案 Unit 1 How can I get there?

人教版英语六年级上册 专题 阅读

一、阅读理解。 Jenny is from New York, America.She is twelve.Now she is in Shanghai with her parents.She can speak English very well and a little Chinese. Her father is a teacher.He works in a university.And her mother is a doctor.They go to work by subway.Jenny is studying in a school near her home.She walks to school from Monday to Friday.Her classmates are friendly to her.Her family are going to take a trip to Xi’an next summer holiday.She is very excited,because she loves China. ()1.Jenny is an girl. A.English B.American C.Australian ()2.Jenny’s father is a . A.teacher B.doctor C.coach ()3.Jenny goes to school . A.on foot B.by bike C.by subway ()4.Jenny goes to school days a week. A.three B.four C.five ()5.Jenny is going to next summer holiday. A.Shanghai B.Xi’an C.Beijing 二、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Ben is my pen pal.He is tall and strong.He likes playing basketball and swimming.Ben is going to have a picnic next weekend.So he plans to(打算) go shopping tomorrow.He wants to buy a pair of sunglasses and a big water bottle.The supermarket is next to the museum.It’s very far.So he is going to take the No.19 bus to get there.After that,Ben is going to visit his uncle.His uncle’s home is near the supermarket.They will have dinner together.They Ben is going to play games with his cousin. ()1.Ben is tall and strong. ()2.Ben is going to have a picnic next weekend. ()3.The supermarket is next to the school. ()4.Ben is going to the supermarket by bike. ()5.Ben will play games with his cousin. 三、阅读理解。 Dear Frank, I’m very happy to be your new pen pal.I live in Guangzhou,China.It’s very hot in summer.So i like swimming very much.It’s cool to swim in the pool or in the sea in summer.I also like playing the piano. It’s interesting.My parents are scientists.They work in the same university.They go to work on foot.They think that’s good exercise.We often go hiking on the weekend. Tell me something about you,please. Yours, Fang Yan ()1.Fang Yan lives in . A.Shanghai B.Shenzhen C.Guangzhou ()2.Fang Yan likes . A.dancing and reading B.swimming and playing the piano


Unit 1 一.Unit1重点词组过关 1.一个健康的身体 2.比玛丽更高 3.这些相片 4.去年 5.做很多锻炼 6.经常锻炼 7.体检8.更高和更重 9.长得快10.做得好 11.比赛最后一名12.举重 13.做两个引起向上14.你真棒 15.举行一场跑步比赛16.什么事情 18.炎热的一天19.又热又累 20.休息一下21.到达终点线 22..睡着23.醒来 二.Unit1重点句型过关 1.你想告诉别人,去年你身高138cm,体重29kg,应该怎么说 _____________________________________________________________________ 2.你想告诉别人你经常锻炼所以今年你很强壮,应该怎么说? _____________________________________________________________________ 3.你想告诉别人Candy今年更强壮了,她可以举起一些重的哑铃,怎么说?Candy is _________ this year. She can _______ _________ _________ ____________. 4.你想告诉别人Bob今年变得更强壮了,他能做45个引体向上,应该怎么说?Bob is __________ this year. He can ________ 45 __________. 5.Mary太瘦弱了,你想建议她多做锻炼,应该怎么说? _____________________________________________________________________ 难点突破练习: 一. 二.用所给词的正确形式填空 1.My brother was very _______(tall) but my sister was very _______(short). 2.Turtles are ___________(slow) than rabbits. 3.Book 11 is __________(easy) than Book 12.


2016人教版小学六年级上册英语时态专项习题 look , read and write 1. There ( is / are ) some bananas ( on / near ) the table . 2. There ( is / are ) a football (in / under ) the bed . 3. There (is / are ) some tall buildings in the ( village /city ). 4. My teacher is ( strong / thin ) . And she’s(old / young ) . 5. I have ( onions / mutton ) and cabbage for lunch . 6. Mike ( has / have ) English and ( science / math ) on _________________ ( Friday / Sunday ) . When , Where , What , Who , How , Why 1. ---- Can I get to the zoo ?---- You can ride a bike there . 2. ---- do you go to school on foot ?---- Because my home is near . 3. ---- are you going after lunch ?---- I am going to the bookstore . 4. ---- are you going ? ---- I am going at 4 o’clock . 5. ---- are you going to do ? ---- I am going to play football . 6. ---- are you going to play with ? ---- My brother . 一般现在时专项练习 一.写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______ watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________ tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice___________ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________ 二、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ 三、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One.
