c# 关键字:ref 和 out

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.NET Ref和Out关键字


如果不使用ref /out则传递的只是这些值的COPY,



如果不使用ref /out,因为传递的是引用类型的地址值,则将传递引用类型的地址值的一个COPY(--针对地址值的角度还是值类型传递),实际上就是新开一个


而使用ref /out,传递的还是引用类型的地址值,但是传递的就不是一个新变量来存拷贝,而是就是传原来的那个应用类型的地址值



public delegate string DelegateWithParameters(string param1, int param2, ArrayList list);

private void CallFooWithParameters()


// create the paramets to pass to the function

string strParam1 = "Param1";

int intValue = 100;

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();


// create the delegate

DelegateWithParameters delFoo =

new DelegateWithParameters(FooWithParameters);

// call FooWithParameters(string param1,int param2, ArrayList list)

// 实际上list的引用地址作为值类型传递,进入方法时,用一个新内存变量存储这个引用的地址


IAsyncResult tag =

delFoo.BeginInvoke(strParam1, intValue, list, null, null);

// normally control is returned right away,

// so you can do other work here...

// calling end invoke to get the return value

string strResult = delFoo.EndInvoke(tag);

// write down the parameters:

Trace.WriteLine("param1: " + strParam1);

Trace.WriteLine("param2: " + intValue);

Trace.WriteLine("ArrayList count: " + list.Count);


private string FooWithParameters(string param1,

int param2, ArrayList list)


// lets modify the data!

param1 = "Modify Value for param1";

param2 = 200;

list = new ArrayList();


新的new ArralyList()对象


return "Thank you for reading this article";


///////console output

param1: Param1

param2: 100

ArrayList count: 1


而使用Ref out方式的/////////////////////////

public delegate string DelegateWithOutAndRefParameters(string param1, out int param2, ref ArrayList list);

private void CallFooWithOutAndRefParameters()


// create the paramets to pass to the function

string strParam1 = "Param1";

int intValue = 100;

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();


// create the delegate

DelegateWithOutAndRefParameters delFoo =



// call the beginInvoke function!

IAsyncResult tag =


out intValue,

ref list,

null, null);



// normally control is returned right away,

// so you can do other work here...

// calling end invoke notice that intValue and list are passed

// as arguments because they might be updated within the function. string strResult =

delFoo.EndInvoke(out intValue, ref list, tag);

// write down the parameters:

Trace.WriteLine("param1: " + strParam1);

Trace.WriteLine("param2: " + intValue);

Trace.WriteLine("ArrayList count: " + list.Count);

Trace.WriteLine("return value: " + strResult);


private string FooWithOutAndRefParameters(string param1,

out int param2, ref ArrayList list)


// lets modify the data!

param1 = "Modify Value for param1";

param2 = 200;

list = new ArrayList();


return "Thank you for reading this article";

