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. Clearly not her fault, but gave her a "tough" label, and finally assign her work is not a fugitive hunted or drug lord, sit in the office but civilian Not only that, she was assigned to the identification division, became a Professional master Huang jian

This is how humiliating post, she even was a chaste virgin, but to look at the various H tablets every day dozens of G In the beginning of the month, she even can not eat, every day rely on sleeping pills to sleep, see what is like playing a mosaic like

How many times she wanted to uit, but each home in the face of the mother ask look eagerly work how to force a smile, she can only say "OK, very adapt"

She couldn't tell mom the truth, retired from the public security front mother's love with people boast, is his baby daughter also became a police

Xiao Yi has been waiting for a chance to forbear nirvana Until the time and in Imperial soldier cousin chat that, have a once condemned will return to Linhai City, that guy's backing is not small, Lin Branch needed special assigned him a close observer, watching his every act and every move in two years Because of special circumstances, to accept the task of the people will be automatically suspended, but once after the pletion of the task, must be around the police department to ask talent

Xiao Yi throw caution to the wind, and found the director for the task, this is the only chance she from the "Yellow Sea" The Secretary hesitated for a moment, seen Xiao Yi's personal data or promised the task given to her

However, Xiao Yi does not know in the next task before, that the observed object

is actually ten years ago young butcher -- Shen ming

Sit together is what feeling and death? Xiao Yi is every hour and moment think this guy really die Not because of fear, but this scumbag so funny than, saw beauty bluster whistles, such as a red light with regards to side car beauty driver night much money?

See many-storied buildings "wow", see the big breast beauty "wow", saw granny pengci "wow"
