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美丽中国(Wild China)第五集熊猫之地Land of the Panda双语对照文本字幕

北有长城的庇护Protected by the Great Wall in the north

南得长江黄河的滋润灌溉and fed by the Yellow and Yangtse rivers

中国东部的心脏地带China's eastern heartland

成为了五千年中华文明is the center of a flourishing civilization

繁荣发展的核心which spends more than 5 000 years

对外来者而言To outsiders

这是一块神秘的土地this is a mysterious land

夺目的人造建筑屹立在这里It contains dazzling man-made structures

这儿也是中国最稀有最具魅力的and it's home to some of China's rarest

动物之家and most charismatic creatures

居住在这块土地上的The people who live here

汉族人the Han Chinese

是世界上人口最多的民族comprise the largest ethnic group in the world

他们的语言and their language


是世界上最古老以及使用最广泛的语言is the world's oldest and most widely spoken language 在过去的五十年In the last 50 years

中国已经取得了长足的发展China has seen massive development

同时也带来了诸多环境问题bringing many environmental problems

中国人but the relationship of the Chinese

与自然环境间的关系to their environment and its creatures

是如此的深刻is in fact deep

复杂与非凡complex, and extraordinary

在这期节目中In this program

我们将探寻这种古老的关系以及we'll look for clues to this ancient relationship

以及他对中国未来的意义and what it means for the future of China

我们的旅程将从中国的心脏启航Our journey starts at the very heart of China


中国的首都是一座巨大的城市China's capital is a vast metropolis

供养着1500万人口home to 15 million people

这座熙熙攘攘的现代都市似乎This bustling modern city seems an unlikely place 与传统信仰和习俗无缘for traditional beliefs and customs

在现代的浮华外表之下but beneath the contemporary veneer

依稀可以窥探到远古中国的身影it's possible to see glimpses of a far older China

每一个早晨Every morning

人们汇聚到紫禁城附近的公园里people head to the parks around the Forbidden City 延续一种保持了数个世纪的传统to continue a custom which is centuries old

许多中国人把鸟儿当作自己的伙伴Many Chinese keep birds as companions

尤其喜欢一种来自中国南方的画眉鸟specifically a type of laughing thrush from southern China 养鸟的人知道把鸟关在笼子里But they know that cooped up indoors

鸟儿也许会变得消沉birds may become depressed

因此他们试图让鸟儿们也高兴起来so they try to brighten their day

通过让鸟儿们聚会的这种方式by meeting other birds

北京的中心上演了出人意料的一幕This surprising scene in the heart of modern Beijing 从中可以发掘到远古中国心灵的渴望is a clue to China's oldest spiritual ambition

那就是——人与自然的和谐共存the harmonious coexistence of man and nature

但是在1950年前But from the 1950s onwards

这种古老的信仰被残酷的践踏this ancient belief was to be severely challenged

外国的侵略势力对中国持续了近一个世纪的粗暴干涉After a century of humiliation and intervention

并使中国蒙辱by foreign powers

毛泽东追求重塑中国的尊严chairman Mao sought to rebuild China's dignity

毛主席坚信自力更生Mao believed strongly in self-reliance

依靠丰富的自然资源来达成这一目标achieve through using all of nature's resources

毛主席首先关心的是中国人的吃饭问题Mao's first concern was to feed the Chinese people 将尽可能多的土地by turning as much land as possible

转化为耕地over to grain production

清除了非谷类作物destroying non-cereal crops

并将成行的果树连根拔起and uprooting fruit trees in the process

一场歼灭麻雀的战役导致了恰恰相反的结果 A campaign to eliminate crop-raiding sparrows backfired

捕食昆虫的鸟竟然也成为了攻击对象when insect-eating birds were also targeted

病虫害在所难免causing an increase in insect pests

自力更生大炼钢铁的结果Efforts to make China self-reliant in steel

导致了百分之十的森林被砍伐resulted in 10% of the country's forests being felled

在熔炉中焚烧殆尽to feed the furnaces


This had a profound impact on China's environment 其中有些影响一直持续至今with effects in some cases lasting until the present day 毛主席关于农村的政策Mao's policy towards the countryside

一言以蔽之:has been described in the phrase

"人定胜天" "man must conquer nature"

完全有别于古老观念中所述的quite different from the ancient concept

人与自然和谐相处of harmonious co-existence with nature

由于现代中国与外部世界的交流更加频繁As modern China engages with the outside world

这种观点似乎占据了主导地位which of this attitude seems likely to prevail

为了找到答案To find the answers

我们的旅途将深入到中国的心脏地带we'll travel to far reaches of the heartland


to see how its traditional cultures and unique creatures 在今天的处境are faring today

北京一直以来都依赖着中国的北部平原Beijing has always depended on the North China Plain 这块肥沃土地接近英国国土面积的两倍 a rich farm land twice the size of the UK

北部平原的肥沃起源于更远的The fertility of this plain derives from further west
