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put down把—放下,look记下看---- look at

put out扑灭,伸出look like看起来像

put into把—放进--寻找look for ,把—译成-- look through浏览

put one's 查阅,向上看heart into look up 全神贯注于look into向—里看---

小心向外看,look out 环顾四周look around get

get up 仔细检查起床look overget offlook

forward to期盼,下车

get on上车期待,相处,进展照顾,照料look afterget over克服,恢复,look ahead 向前看原谅

get back回来,返回put

get through搭接通电话挂起,put up举起,get along 建进展,相处

get into陷入-- 上戴上,put on穿上,

get out出去,离开演

get together 把—放好put away相聚为—做forready get 推迟,推延put off


take after与(父母等)get married结婚

相像碍事,get in the waytake place挡道发生

take careget to到达小心,当心

take off 脱下,起飞

take out拿出,取出

take away拿走,带走give

take down 取下

take it easy放弃give up 从容,不紧张give out分发

take 赠送,分发give away care of照顾,照料give back归还

take a rest 休息一下

take a shower洗澡think

take part in想起,认为think of 参加

take pride in think up想出,提出对—感到自豪考虑think about

take a photo拍照仔细考虑think over take turns 轮流,依次

take an interest in对take—感兴趣占据(时间,take up

take a vacation去度keep from隐瞒

keep doing sth假一直做

某事take medicine服药

keep sb doing take an action采取行sth使某人一直做某事动

keep sb from doing take a taxi打的sthtake one's 阻止某人做某事advice接keep up坚持,保持受某人的建议

keep in touch with sb




turn on 打开继续keep onturn offkeep out 不让—进入,关闭

turn up调大,放大挡住

turn down keep off使—不踏入调小,关小turn over远离away keep from翻转过来turn left/right------ 向左转/向右转—keep抑控制,down 制保持keep healthy/fit make

编造,杜撰,make up 健康.


make sb feel at home make a noise吵闹

使某人感到宾至如归a decision做决make make a contribution 定

to为为--做贡献make room for ----腾地方come come over 顺便来访做鬼脸make a facecome truemake mistakes犯错误实现,达到

come out 出来,开放,make the bed铺床出版make friends交朋友come on加油,

来吧谋生,make a living度

come back回来日

come make money赚钱up with想出,提出取得进make progresscome in进来步come along出现,发约定,成功,make it 生,来到及时赶到

come frommake sure务必,确保来自,产自come across遇见,( 制定计划make a plan 偶然)make a telephone call 发现


mindmake ‘up ones on

on duty 值日,值班

准时,按时on time

on foot步行on vacation度假

on sale销售,出售on TV在电视里

展出,陈列on display 在船上on board 在网on the Internet 上

on the radio在收音机里

one'在—的s wayon

依靠,依depend on 路上赖,取决于,以—而定在周末on weekends相处,进上车,

另other on the handonget

一方面展从事,忙于,在左the on

left/rightwork on 右边演算/边on 用电话phonethe put on穿上,戴上交谈打开turn on 在通话, 试穿,试戴try on 在墙上on the wall

pass on传递in hospital住院

in the wayhold on稍等片刻碍事的,挡
