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hi, everbod. this father s da eekend, i d like tospend a ouple minutes talking about hat s sometimes m hardest, but alas mmost rearding job being a dad.



i gre up ithout m father around. he left hen i as toears old, and even though m sister and i ere luk enough to have aonderful mother and aring grandparents to raise us, i felt his absene. and i onder hat m life ould have been like had he been a greater presene.


that s h i ve tried so hard to be a good dad for m onhildren. i haven t alas sueeded, of ourse in the past, m job haskept me XX from home more often than i liked, and the burden of raising tooung girls ould sometimes fall too heavil on mihelle.


but beteen m on experienes groing up, and m ongoingefforts to be the best father i an be, i ve learned a fe things about hatour hildren need most from their parents.


first, the need our time. and more important thanthe quantit of hours e spend ith them is the qualit of those hours. mabe it s just asking about their da, or talking a alk together, but thesmallest moments an have the biggest impat.


the also need struture, inluding learning the values ofself-disipline and responsibilit. malia and sasha ma live in the hite housethese das, but mihelle and i still make sure the finish their shoolork, dotheir hores, and alk the dog.




and above all, hildren need our unonditional love hether the sueed or make mistakes; hen life is eas and hen life istough.


and life is tough for a lot of amerians toda. moreand more kids gro up ithout a father figure. others miss a father ho sXX serving his ountr in uniform. and even for those dads ho a#from 父亲节教师演讲稿精选3篇来自学优网end#represent in their hildren s lives, the reession has taken a harsh toll. if ou re out of a job or struggling to pa the bills, doing hatever it takesto keep the kids health, happ and safe an understandabl take preedeneover all else.


that s h m administration has offered men ho ant to begood fathers a little extra support. e ve boostedmunit andfaith-based groups foused on fatherhood, partnered ith businesses to offeropportunities for fathers to spend time
