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【2019 • 湖北省孝感市】—I had a good time in the study trip last week.


A. With pleasure.

B. Thank you.

C. OK!

D. I’m glad to hear that.


【试题解析】句意:——上周我在游学中玩得很开心。——听你这么说我很高兴。考查口语交际。A. With pleasure.乐意效劳,用于回应别人的请求;B. Thank you.谢谢你;C. OK!好吧,表示同意;D. I’m glad to hear that. 听到这个我很高兴。根据对方的话I had a good time in the study trip last week.可知前面三项意思都不合语境,故选D。





1. 感谢某人

►Thank you./Thanks a lot./Thank you very much. ►Thank you for your help.

►It’s very kind/nice of you. ►Thank you anyway/all the same.

2. 回答感谢时的答语

►It’s my pleasure. ►That’s OK./That’s all right.

►You’re welcome.


1. 当要麻烦别人时

►Excuse me. ►I beg your pardon.

2. 当做错某事时

►Sorry. ►I’m sorry for…►I’m sorry that…

3. 回答道歉时的答语

►That’s all right. ►That’s OK. ►Never mind.

►It’s nothing. ►It doesn’t matter.


1. 表示邀请的用语

►Will you come to…? ►Wou ld you like to…?

►May I invite you to…? ►How/What about…?

2. 接受邀请时的答语

►Yes, I’d like /love to. ►Yes. It’s very kind of you.

►That would be nice.

3. 拒绝邀请时的答语

►No, thank you. ►I’d love /like to, but…


1. 表请求用语

►May I…? ►Can/Could I…? ►Would you mind if…?

2. 表肯定的答语

►Sure. /Certainly. ►Yes, do please.

►That’s all right. ►Of course, you can.

3. 表否定的答语

►I’m afraid not. ►I’m sorry, but you mustn’t/can’t.

►You’d better not.


1. 祝贺用语

►Have a good day/time! ►Have a good journey/trip!

►Good luck! ►Enjoy yourself!

►Best wishes to you! ►Happy New Year!

►Merry Christmas! ►Happy birthday!

►Congratulations! ►Well done!

2. 应答用语

►Thank you. ►You, too. ►The same to you.


1. 提供帮助

►Can I help you? ►Would you like me to help you?

►What can I do for you? ►Let me help you.

2. 肯定答语

►Yes, please./Yes, thanks. ►Thank you for your help.

►Thank you. ►That would be nice.

3. 否定答语

►No, thanks/thank you. ►That’s very kind/nice of you, but I can manage it myself.


►You’d better…►Why not…?

►How/What about…? ►Shall we…? ►You shouldn’t…


1. 拨电话方的交际用语

►Could/May/Can I speak to...please? ►Who’s that(speaking)?

►This is…(speaking). ►Could you ask him/her to call me back?

►I’m calli ng to tell/ask you to…

2. 接电话方的交际用语

►Hold on(for a moment), please.

►I’m sorry/afraid he’s/she’s out at the moment/right now.

►Can I take a message (for you)?


1. 营业员常用的交际用语

►CanI help you?/What can I do for you? ►How many/much… do you want?

►What about this one? ►What colour/size/kind do you like/want?

►I’m afraid we haven’t got any…in that size at the moment.

►Here you are.

2. 顾客常用的交际用语

►I want /would like to buy some. . . (for. . . ) ►I’m looking for..

►I would like/want two kilos of... ►I like the colour,but it’s/they’re too.

►It’s great, but it’s not. . . enough. ►Have you got any other kind/colour/

