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★the cradle of Olympic Games
3. Three sources of Western culture
(2) Roman culture (Latin)

古罗马通常指从公元前9世纪初在意大利半岛中部兴起的文明,历罗 马王政时代、罗马共和国,于1世纪前后扩张成为横跨欧洲、亚洲、 非洲的庞大罗马帝国。到395年,罗马帝国分裂为东西两部。西罗马 帝国亡于476年。东罗马帝国(即拜占廷帝国)变为封建国家,1453 年为奥斯曼帝国所灭。传说根据传说,当特洛伊城遭到希腊人进攻 的时候,维纳斯女神的儿子埃涅阿斯及其追随者逃出来,沿北非西 行穿过迦太基,来到罗马。 罗马人对世界文化所作出的最为重要的贡献就是保存了希腊和中东 地区的文化成果。罗马人在广泛吸收四邻各族优秀文化成果,特别 是古代希腊人的卓越文化成就的基础上,根据本国社会、经济、政 治发展的需要,创造了自己独特的文化,为世界文化增添了新的内 容。 罗马法影响:“罗马曾三次征服世界,第一次是以武力,第二次是 以宗教,第三次是以法律,而这第三次征服也许是其中最为平和、 最为持久的征服”。 For more

3 Semantic relationship/meaning compound words: outlook, overcome, stepmother synonym: possibly, probably, might, maybe antonym: clear-vague; large-small; pleasant-unpleasant 4 Context 5 Learning by ? (heart, context, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)
For more
The Middle Age 中世纪(Middle Ages)(约公元476年~公元 1453年),是欧洲历史上的一个时代(主要是西 欧),自西罗马帝国灭亡(公元476年)数百年后 起,在世界范围内,封建制度占统治地位的时期, 直到文艺复兴时期(公元1453年)之后,资本主义 抬头的时期为止。“中世纪”一词是15世纪后期的 人文主义者开始使用的。这个时期的欧洲没有一个 强有力的政权来统治。封建割据带来频繁的战争, 造成科技和生产力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望 的痛苦中,所以中世纪或者中世纪早期在欧美普遍 被称作“黑暗时代”,传统上认为这是欧洲文明史 上发展比较缓慢的时期。
English Learning
English Learning
1. The Importance of English Learning 2. Language and Culture 3. English Learning
★ vocabulary ★ grammar ★ Five
Basic Skills ★ Some Suggestions on Learning English
In Wei,Jin and South-and-North Dynasty, they three co-existed in China and formed a tripartite confrontation (三足鼎立).
Language and Culture 3
Three sources of Western culture:
Five Basic Skills
1. Listening 2. Reading
3. Speaking
4. Writing
5. Translating
(1)Listening is a most challenging task for college students, but it is very important in all kinds of examinations, e.g. CET4, CET6 (2)How to improve our listening skill? a. confidence (enjoy losing your face) b. do more listening intensive listening: text book extensive listening: VOA, BBC, Songs, Films, Crazy English c. do more imitating (read after tapes) d. pronunciation, intonation
Vocabulary b. Grammar c. Reciting d. Practice e. Handwriting F. Accumulation

Growth When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice it is small, but we do not criticize it as “rootless and stemless”. We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed. When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don’t condemn it as immature and underdeveloped, nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place, and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development.
4. Teaching Plan 5. Teaching Mode 6. Your Scores
Language and Culture
1. 2. 3. 4.
Introduction Three sources of Chinese culture
Three sources of Western culture
(1) Greek culture (Greece): (2) Roman culture (Latin) (3) Hebraic culture (Hebrew 希伯来语) Biblical culture
Байду номын сангаас
3. Three sources of Western culture
(1) Greek culture (Greece): ★mythology and legend ★ philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle ★Literature: Homer Epics; Tragedies
② The history of English as a language
③ What is culture?
④ What is the relationship between the two? carrier/root
Language and Culture 2
Three sources of Chinese culture:
Language and Culture 4
Culture difference and English learning a. custom: fortune, marriage, age, income and so on b. culture loaded words: Color words: red, white Animal words: dragon, dog Number:13, 星期五;6,8,9
Intensive reading b. Extensive reading c. Fast reading

(1) in the classroom: debate, discussion, free talk, telling stories (2) out of classroom: find a partner, in group English corner

3. Three sources of Western culture

Hebraic culture (Hebrew 希伯来语) a. Bible/Biblical stories: b. Creation c. Original Sin d. Flood e. Noah’s ark d. Babel Tower

1 Affix: prefix, suffix 2 Associative method umbrella 雨伞;(声音联想“俺们不来了”;意义联想“下雨→雨伞”) envelope 信封;(声音联想"安慰老婆";意义联想"写信→信封") bullet 子弹;(声音联想"不理它";意义联想"子弹来了→我不理它")coffin 棺材;(声音联想"靠坟";意义联想"靠在坟边的是什么?→棺材")ferment
Culture difference and English learning
The Importance of English Learning
(1) Identity (International language) (2) Why do we learn English? (Many reasons) a. Educational reason
b. Culture communication (globalization)
c. Digital age d. Economic reason
e. Political reason
Language and Culture 1
1. Introduction
① What is language?
It is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols for human communication. (The symbols are arbitrary at first, but they are also established by usage and accepted by practice. 具有约定俗成性)

在政治文化方面,罗马出现了以下比较重要的人物: 1. 恺撒他是古代罗马政治家、军事家。他在文学方面也颇有建 树。传世之作有《高卢战记》、《内战记》。对于他,我们要 记住一句名言:也就是 “I came, I saw, I conquered.” 2.西赛罗 他是古罗马政治家、哲学家和最重要的演说家。主要 成就在演说词和书信。 3. 维吉尔 他是罗马文学中最重要的作家。代表作品是《阿尼 德》。 建筑艺术 在建筑、艺术方面,罗马人也做出了突出的贡献。如:圆形大 剧场和建于公元前27年的罗马万神殿以及女狼雕塑等。 罗马精神 质朴浑厚、讲究实效的民族特性,崇尚美德、忠勇卫国、甘于 牺牲的爱国精神,严明纪律、注重秩序的法治观念,罗马政治 文化的影响是持久而深刻的。(广泛性、潜在性、变移性)
孔孟(Mencius) 仁 benevolence (仁者爱人) 礼 中庸之道
a. Confucianism (Confucius 孔子)(Spring and Autumn Dynasty)
b. Taoism (Taoist) ----Han Dynasty 无为(doing nothing)顺其自然naturalness Laozi《道德经》 Zhuangzi 《逍遥游》 c. Buddhism (Buddha) (Sakyamuni) Tang Dynasty 因果报应