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理工英语 4 形成性考核单项选择部分参考答案

1.____ by the promise of these tiny tubes, people are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality. C. Fueled

2.____ the new law is used one day, I hope it will not punish people using 3D printers for personal purposes. C. If

3.____ this multimedia product has some shortcomings, it has also some good points.a. While

4.______ thinking is the heart of the artistic design. A. Creative

5._______, he knows a lot about computer. c. Child as he is

6.______no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the . Were there

7.3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories, ____ they are being cheaper and cheaper. A. so

8.3D printing is just at the beginning stage. It is not ____. A. mature

9.3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations. — ____ Maybe its functions are questionable. A. Really

10.Absolutely, that movie and I must admit that its director is brilliant. C. took my breath away

11.According to a report of what holidays in the future might look like, a trip to the Moon or a stay in space will be the most mouthwatering destination for 2024 holidaymakers. ,

especially for thrill-seeking travelers like . Spectacular

12.Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a person, there are a certain percentage of____.C. consequences

13.Animal farmingabout half of all human-caused greenhouse gases. B. accounts for

14.Can you tell me something about your new product C. Can I help you, sir

bining arbon nd super-capacitors a perfect marriage. A. seems like

16.Considering the needsof the new generation, we propose the concept of the _______ network. b. wearable

17.Cosmetic surgery involves ____ reshaping the body features.A. in

18.Could you give me the brochure for that machine a. Yes, here you are.

19.Do you eat porridge every dayB. No, sometimes I'd have a cup of soybean milk, a boiled egg and a steamed bun for my breakfast.

20.Do you like that technology exhibition — Yes, I like it verymuch. B. It shows me the impressive magic power of 3D printing.

21.Do you mind my using my mobile phone here —I wonder if Icould use your tablet tonight —________________ I'm not using it right now. C. Sure, here you are.

22.Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer C. I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.

23.Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women B. Yes, absolutely. Because women pay more attention to beauty.

24.Doctor ,please let me know ___ youcan reconstruct my face.B. whether

25.Everything we do has the potential creating some bad. C. for

26.Flowers grow well in a warm climate. Similarly, technology __ in a harmonious society. C. flourishes

27.Good morning, Jeff. Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks B. No problem! You want the usual

28.He ______ his baggage among hundreds of others. B. identified

29.He is still a ______ in handling such things. A. green hand

30.He remotely controls my mobile phone _____ he can set up it for me. b. so that

31.How about having a drink —____________ a. Good idea.

32.How do you like Anne Hathaway B. She is amazing.

33.How is your business going a. Good, it's growing all the time.

34.I accepted my nose surgery, the ____ and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period. C. gracious

35.I am really by fresh ingredients, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese . fascinated

36.I couldn't stand London! Bloody ______ place. C. awful

37.I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.— Oh great! C. Keep it up

38.I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. Oh great! C. Keep it up.

39.I have a scar on my face, so I've make up my mind to have a plastic surgery.A. Good idea.

40.I think the benefitsof opening up space far the damage that we can seeB.. outweigh

41.I think the other reason can be identified from the industrialization of food production. —. Some illegal traders care about nothing but making money. C. Yes, you bet

42.I was a little scared that it was my first time that I __ had my cosmetic surgery. B. had

43.If Gardener , who will take care of us A. leaves

44.If you have any ______ news of my husband, please let me know. A. definite

45.If you want to download this app, you need to connect your mobile phone _____ Internet first. a. to

46.I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. B. Have a pleasant trip!

47.I'm leaving for Shanghai . Have a pleasant trip!
