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Urba ni zati on and En vir onmen tai Protectio n

Nowadays, the problem of en vir onment is beco ming in creas in gly serious in the society because of urba ni zati on developme nt. Therefore there are many people believe that we have to stop develop ing urba ni zati on to preve nt from en vir onment keep beco ming worse, while others thi nk we can not do that because our society n eed to develop so that we can live in a better way .In my opinion, I am convin ced that we can not only develop urba ni zatio n, but protect our en vir onment.

It is a com mon sense that developme nt of urba ni zatio n can bring us ben efits, such as wealth and tech no logy. only in this way can our livi ng quality promoted. For in sta nee, many equipme nts and machi nes are the outcome of tech no logy by develop ing urba ni zati on. In additi on, the situati on that there are a large amount of people who own cars in rece nt year, which makes local reside nts' life more convenient. The economy improves quickly and we become wealthier just because of city developme nt. People can accomplish bus in ess with each other without face to face, which promotes the efficie ncy for traders by developme nt of tech no logy. Whe n the holiday coming, many people will travel to other famous place to relax by planes or trains, which is the result of urba ni zati on .It provides convenience and relaxati on to people and make people's life fill with various entertainment. It might be better to reach a certain level of urbanization before the high GDP growth associated with the in crease of the share of tertiary in dustry( Makoto Chikaraishi, 2013). If we hin der the developme nt of urba ni zati on on purpose, our daily life will become inconvenient and bori ng without these adva need products.

On the other hand, en vir onmen tai polluti on, such as wastewater and exhaust gas, is the matter of n ecessity of urba ni zati on. It is obvious that in dustry can result in much polluti on, which can harm city dwellers' health

significantly and cause various illness to them. For example, the factory of produci ng computers will produce more wastage with produc ing mach in es. The wastage can be wastewater discharge or exhaust gas emission, which definitely can lead to pollute en vir onment. The wastewater can pollute the river, which means that it can kill all kinds of animals that live in the river. Exhaust gas not only in dicates the gas from factory, but the gas from cars. With the in crease nu mbers of cars in the city, the exhaust gas has became a serious problem. They are the main reason for air polluti on, which can result in acid rain and global warm ing. In power pla nts and comb ined heat and power pla nts, fossil fuel combusti on results in emitting to the atmosphere first of all SO 2, NO x, CO, particulate matter, greenhouse gases for instance N 2 O and CO 2 (Eugeniusz Mokrzycki, 2007). It is true that urbanization will harm en vir onment.

While, I do believe that we can keep a bala nce betwee n develop urba ni zati on and protect en vir onment. First, manu facturers should have a stro ng aware ness of protect ing en vir onmen t. It is an effective way to solve problem from the source. If they pay more atte nti on to en vir onment rather tha n maki ng more profit, they can take some measures to reduce or eliminate the pollution after producing products. What's more, I thi nk gover nments can do some con tributi on to en vir onment, which means that they can commit more funds to industries so that they can solve the pollution problems further. Governments can also enact a law that factories have to deal with their wastage in a reas on able and they can check some in dustries' implementation of the results randomly. I think this system with supervisi on can be an efficie nt way to preve nt en vir onmen tal polluti on. In creased regulatory atte nti on in con troll ing polluta nts has en couraged the developme nt of water quality trad ing programs over the past several decades. These trad ing programs could provide the mechanisms to cost - effectively achieve water quality objectives (Juliana Corrales, 2013). Besides, We can see that starting to implement a policy that drivers can not drive every day but in some special day or time due to their cars' numbers in China, which in
