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1.study abroad ________留学________

2. be able to do sth ____________________

3. aim the gun at sb ____________________

4. accept one’s advice ____________________

5. accurate information ____________________

6.What’s your address? ____________________

7.get along well with sb ____________________

8. I couldn’t agree more. ____________________

II. 根据语境,用()里的词的适当形式完成短语或句子,仅将该词翻译成合适的中文。

9. Egypt is an African country. ( African) _________非洲的____________

10. Luckily , the wounded are still _________. (live) ____________________________

11. The farmer walked _________the field.(cross) ____________________________

12. There are 450 kids in Grade 9 _________.( together) ____________________________

13. Nick’s honest, and he does his homework _________. ( lone) ____________________________

14. Yao Chen is a famous ___________.(act) ____________________________

15. I’ll improve my communication __________. (able) ____________________________

16. Go straight _________ and you’ll find the shop. (head) ____________________________

17. In ________ to China, Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa are members of BRICS (金砖国家). (add)


III. 按搭配补全短语,或用()里的词的合适形式补全短语,句子,并将整个条目译成中文。

18. John agrees with my plan. ____________________________

19. New words add _______ difficulty. ____________________________ .

20. I take an active part _________ sports. ____________________________

21. Chinese kids start school _________ the age of 16. ____________________________

IV. 按中文或首字母提示,结合语境正确拼写词汇。

22. I’m afraid not . 恐怕不行

23. a______ Chinese dream. 实现中国梦

24. Who e________ knows this? 还有别人知道吗?

25. walk a ______ the bank of a river. 沿着江边漫步

26. People above 18 are a________. 18周岁以上的是成年人。

27. A________, I’m Chinese, not Japanese. 实际上,我是中国人不是日本人。

28. I’m too busy to a ______ the weekend. 我太忙,没空度周末。

29.Running the red light isn’t a ___________. 禁止闯红灯

30. Good English gets you an a _________ over others. 英语好使你比别人有优势。



II.9.African 非洲的。10.alive 活着的。11.across 穿过。12.altogether 总共。13.lonely 独立地。14.actress 女演员。15.ability 能力。16.ahead 向前。17.addition 另外。

III.18.with John赞同我的计划。19.to 新的词汇增加了难度。20.in 我积极参加运动。21.at 中国的孩子16岁开始上学。

IV.22.afraid 23.achieve 24.else 25.along 26.adults 27.Actually 28.afford 29.allowed 30.advantage
