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NO CURE-NO PAY 无效果一无报酬

(LOF 1990)


1. Insert 填入 name of person signing on behalf of Owners of property to be salved. 代表被救

财产所有人的签约人的名字The Master should sign wherever possible.如可能,船长应签字

2. The Contractor s name 救助人的名字 should always be ed in line 3 第二行 and

whenever the Agreement is signed by the Master of the Salving vessel or other person on behalf of the Contractor 救助人 the name of the Master or other person must also be ed in line 3 before the words 一词前 for and on behalf of 代表.The words for and on behalf of should be d 删祛 where a Contractor 救

助人 signs personally 亲自.

3. Insert place 地名 if agreed in clause 1 (a) (i) and currency 货币名if agreed in clause 1 (e). On board the 在---船

Dated ______

IT IS HEREBY AGREED 兹协议 between Captain 船长 (See Note 1 above)behalf of the Owner of 代表 property thereon (hereinafter collectively called the Owners 以下泛称所有人)and 与 for and on behalf of 代表(hereinafter called the Contractor 以下称救助人,See Note 2 above) that:

1. (a) The Contractor 救助人 shall use his best endeavors 尽最大努力:(i) to salve the 救船名)and/or her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon and take them to 送至U (See Note 3 above) or to such other place as may hereafter 事后be agreed 协议的either place to be deemed 认为 a place of safety or if no such place is named 指定的 or agreed 协议的 to a place of safety and (ii) While performing 履行the salvage services to prevent or minimize damage to the environment.

(b) Subject to 限于clause 2 incorporating 采纳Convention Article 14 the services shall be rendered 提交and accepted 接受 as salvage services upon the principle

原贝y of no cure-no pay.

(c) The Contractor 'remuneration 扌报酬N shall be fixed by Arbitration 仲裁in London in the manner 以。。方式hereinafter prescribed 规定的 and any other difference 争议 arising out 产生 of this Agreement 本协议 or the operations there under 本救助作业下shall be referred to 提供Arbitration 仲裁in the same way 以同样方式 .

(d) In the event of 女口果 the services referred to 提供 in this Agreement or any part of such services having been already rendered 提交 at the date of this Agreement by the Contractor 救助人 to the said vessel and/or her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon the provisions 规定 of this Agreement shall apply to 适用 such services. (e) The security 担保to be provided to 提供the Council 委员会of Lloyd ' (hereinafter called the Council) the Salved Value(s)获救价值the Award 裁决and/or any Interim Award(s)临时裁决and/or any Award on Appeal 上诉裁决shall be in 应以(See Note 3 above)
