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Cofco property capital structure present situation is

analysed and the countermeasures

Abstract: since the reform and opening up, China's various industries are in rapid development, economic level enhances unceasingly, and nearly ten years in China's real estate industry high-speed development, is closely related to people's livelihood, driving the development of associated with all walks of life, has gradually become the driving force of our country's economy, it is particularly important to the steady development. At present, the development of the real estate enterprises need a lot of money supply, the proportion of bank loans in the capital structure is larger, also caused the enterprise has high asset-liability ratio and single financing channel, the real estate enterprise capital structure is not reasonable, there is a big business risk, optimize enterprise's capital structure is a have to go to the challenge, the capital structure as an important financial index, is vital for the development of the enterprise, so the study of real estate enterprise's capital structure analysis is very meaningful.

This paper choose the large-scale state-owned cofco property company real estate listed companies as the research object, on the basis of the capital structure of the relevant theoretical knowledge and the basic condition of the real estate industry, analyze the present situation of its capital structure found in its capital structure and discussed the existing problems, and combined with concrete situation optimization of cofco property of the company's capital structure measures are put forward, these measures can also provide reference for other real estate company, find out the problems of its own correct them, the whole real estate market better growth, promote the development of national economy.

Keywords: real estate listed companies; Capital structure; Cofco property


1绪论 (1)

1.1选题背景 (1)

1.2选题意义 (1)

2资本结构相关理论概述 (2)

2.1资本结构的概念 (2)

2.2资本结构优化的定义 (2)

2.3资本结构优化的意义 (3)

3中粮地产有限公司资本结构现状分析 (3)

3.1中粮地产公司简介 (3)

3.2中粮地产资本结构的现状分析 (4)

3.2.1资产负债率高 (4)

3.2.2受到政策的影响 (4)

3.2.3股权结构及融资结构不合理 (5)

3.3中粮地产资本结构存在的问题 (6)

3.3.1过大的财务风险 (6)

3.3.2企业的融资渠道过于单一 (6)

3.3.3股权结构不合理 (7)

4优化中粮地产资本结构的措施 (7)

4.1发展多元化融资渠道 (7)

4.2提高企业的财务能力 (8)

4.3扩大企业规模 (8)

4.4完善公司的现代企业制度 (9)

4.5适时调整企业的资本结构 (9)

4.6企业增强风险控制能力 (14)

5结论 (14)

致谢 (16)

参考文献 (17)
