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Nowadays about relation between money and happiness people have these opinions. 1: money is everything. 2:money just is a tool in our life.
First money is everything.
In there eyes only money
And people who have this point is always easy to walk up to the criminal road. People drove by this thought incline to ma ke money by any kind of means. Money is the roof of all evil. Money droves people to steal to rob and to break the law. People because criminals just because they were in search of money.and in the western country there is nothing can not be bought by money.many people lost their lives when hunting money.
Money can bought happiness and freedom?
Money can not bought these sences.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Some sweet memonies in our mind
The scene of childhood in the rain and nature is so close annoyance is gone often want to out and play with rain
IS not money the evil sourse or dose money make the mare to go ?Money and happiness , in a nyplace at any time to anybody , the two always have countless ties .
struggling or effort work ,but you can’t get happi ness only through money.Happiness is a kind of f elling.If you work hard and contribute to the soci ety,you will be respected by people, don’t you fe el unhappy?Sometimes happiness comes from a l ittle case,such,If you often admire others unfeign edly , you will obtain others’ appreciation at the s ame time ,you will enjoy yourself all your time.T he value of happiness can’t be weighed by money So happiness is not a certain kind of material crit erion,it is not rest with money but depend on you rself,If you feel happy, that it is happy, no absolut e relation to money.
Another point about money and happiness Money can satisfy the basical needs or mak e your more immaterial needs come true,bu t isn’t means that money can buy happiness. Maybe you will fell more happy if you hav e much money,but in fact ,the ratio of mon ey and happiness is not an absolute direct r atio.The number of money don’t represent the degree of happiness .Because you coul d earn money by hardworking.
What is money?
Money is that can buy some things which people needs or likes ,such as house food medcine,of course there are some things money can not buy. Like you can buy house but can not buy family, you can buy clock but you can not but time.Money can not only satisfy one’s material necessities but also can meet one’s spiritual ne eds sometimes. However money not a god so it can not do every.
money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can not buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can not buy happiness.
Here is a report talk about the relation between money and subjective well being. Abstract. Four replicable findings have emerged regarding the relation between income and subjective well-being (SWB)
They are the angle that fall into earth and there smile can let people forget annoyance.we can not by these by money.
Happiness is a wild flowers With its own life show beautiful
What is happiness?
We always complain the heavy pressure,work family even love.habit depend on life,we ofen ignore there is a thing called happiness.Actually happiness is very simple,if you slow down your step you will find happiness realy is near to us.
Feel at home is happy, regardless of the home is luxurious or humble
4. People who prize material goals more than other values tend to be substantially less happy, unless they are rich. Thus, more money may enhance SWB when it means avoiding poverty and living in a developed nation, but income appears to increase SWB little over the long-term when more of it is gained by well-off individuals whose material desires rise with their incomes. The result shows that first the happy man will need external prosperity. Second it is difficult for a man loden with riches to climb the step path that leads to bliss. Third people who claim that money can not buy happiness just do not know where to shop.
1. There are large correlations between the wealth of nations and the mean reports of SWB in them. 2. There are mostly small correlations between income and SWB within nations, although these correlations appear to be larger in poor nations, and the risk of unhappiness is much higher for poor people. 3. Economic growth in the last decades in mosteconomically developed societies has been accompanied by little rise in SWB, and increases in individual income lead to variable outcomes.
People who have this point think that money is everything If you have no money you can’t live the life you want , you can’t buy the things you lik e.In someone’s eyes , money can buy everyt hing Its charm and fu nction has exceeded