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School time

The school time lasts from 9 a. m to 3:30 p.m , the students have their lunch at school, which is either brought from home or got from the school canteen. one class lasts from 25 to35 minutes ,with break time of 20 to 25 each Chinese students begin to have class at about 8 a. m ,finish the learning of the day at about 4:30 p. m ,they may have time to .go home for lunch and have a rest. they can also eat at the school canteen .each class lasts for 40 minutes, with breaktime for ten minutes each
School activities

swimming , racing ,gymnastics. all kinds of ball sports, like volleyball ,football ,basketball ,golf, base ball, and so on .what’s more ,joining the music band or playing theater ,dancing , handcraft ,they are all popular. Even boating is performed and taught Chinese students also have sports ,play music ,dance ,and so on. But many things they couldn't do as the English children because equipments are not afforded and they are busy with study
The same beginning or not
Courses to be taught

English school offer subjects like English. math. Science. History PE geology art drawing ,the above lessons are taught by one teacher, helped by a assistant teacher, while subjects like the information and telecom technology ,music ,foreign language ,they are taught by the special qualified teachers Chinese school now offer the same courses ,but one teacher may just teaches one subject, so Chinese pupils often have a lot of students
The class atmosphere

The English students are relatively free in the class ,and they sit face to face and can move around ,they are active and like to ask questions ,share their thoughts ,do things with their own hands Usually Chinese students are not allowed to move around, most time the teacher teaches while the students sit seriously listening and writing In English ,the class teaching focuses on the student, while Chinese class usually stresses the role of the teacher. now Chinese class begins to pay more attention to the students .
English boy
Time to be admitted to school 中国:6岁 Britain:five years old

Time to leave the primary school
Байду номын сангаасIn
Britain, Generally the primary school last for six years ,the English pupils leave the school at eleven years old ,some talented students could leave half a year earlier, while they have to leave before twelve 中国学生一般上完六年后升入初中,但也有跳级的 现象存在,当然也有留级,离校年龄不限。
Thank you
Outside school activities

Compared with Chinese students ,the English children’s activities are much colorful and interesting. they go hiking and camping outside ,they also visit museums , do researches ,feed the animals ,take care of the plants , volunteer to help others ,or even earn pocket money by offering to cut neighbor’s grass. Chinese students also do sports , and many learn some music instruments or have extra classes. some activities are required by their parents ,trying to bring up their competence the English stress the interest first and then benefits to the students, while some Chinese just do things for the useful benefits
Classroom settings

English class is often equipped with computers and other modern assistant machines which are used to help promote the teaching. books ,toys and tools are well prepared in the classroom ,even in some low grade class ,their classroom looks more like a gaming room. In china ,classroom usually are big ,tables are placed in lines, there maybe two blackboards and on the wall some slogans and paintings used to encourage hard study and morals education .computers maybe equipped in some classrooms ,but things like toys are hardly seen.
before the school

both Chinese children and English children are sent to nursing schools before they go to the primary school The English government makes regulations and set funds aside trying to guarantee that every child has a similar beginning ,in other words, they have nearly the same learning abilities no matter they come from the poor or rich family .Chinese Students from the rich families get better education, the gap is huge
Scouting (童子军)

The primary school education is the beginning of formal school education. its influence is big to a student .it reflects the ideal of the society on what kind of genuine they want to produce