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8A英语阅读练习2015 一。完形填空 A

We cannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things to make sure they do not destory whole cities . First , it is not a __1__idea to build house along the lines where _2___ of the earth ‘s plates join together . Second ,if you think there ___3___be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock , not on _4_. Third , you must make the houses as _5_as possible . Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake , but strong ones may _6_.

Scientists are _7_ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the parts around San Franciscon . They call it ‘‘The Big One’’ .But pepole today are still building more _8_.The population in and around San Francisco now is ten __9__ more than it was in 1906 . this means that _10_ there is another earthquake ,a great many house and buildings will be destoryed.

( ) 1. A. bad B. good C. poor D. new

( ) 2. A. one B. most C. two D. none

( ) 3. A. may B. should C. can’t D. won’t

( ) 4. A. sea B. land C.space D. sand

( ) 5. A. high B.big C.strong D.low

( )6. A. keep up B. set up C.stay up D. grow up

()7. A. sorry B.pleased C.afraid D.wondering.

()8. A.walls B.stories C. cities D.houses

( )9. A. times B. time C. sizes D.size

( )10 A. before B. if C. or D.unitl


It is well-know that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat .Why?___1___the weather in Britain often change quickly .It is not very usual for the same kind weather to __2__long.

Spring can be rainy or windy .The weather is getting warmer _3_you can hope for more sunny days. In fact, there _4_ as much sunshine in sping as in summer. Summer is _5_ time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest..The weather can be sunny and nice. People often go out to have a walk or to swim .Autumn is a beautiful season, _6_ trees in the woods and parks changing colour, During autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter ,it gets colder .It might snow, especially on high land and in the north. There are_7_very high winds in this season .

January and February are the coldest _8_ of the year . while the warmesst _9_often July and August. The different in temperature__10_ winter and summer is not so great in Britain . The average temperature in winter is about 4.5C ,and in summer about 15.5C.

( )1. A For B. As C. Because D. Since

( )2. A. make B,. stay C.change D.take

( )3. A but B. and C. or D.for

( )4.A. can B. can be C. have D can have

( )5 A. the earliest B. the latest C. the worst D. the best ( )6. A with B. like C. without D from

( )7.A also B. too C. either D. as well

( )8. A. seasons B. weather C. months D.weeks

( )9 A. is B. are C.was D. were ( )10. A in B. among C. from D. between


In English winter is not very cold and summer is very hot . There __1___great difference between summer and winter . Why is this?

England has a warm winter and a _2___summer because it is an island country . In winter the sea is _3___ than the land . The winds from the sea___4___warm air to England . In summer the sea is cooler than the land . The winds from the sea bring cool air to England .

The ___5___winds blow over England all year round . They blow from the southwest . They are _6__winds .They bring __7___to England .England has a lot of rain all year round . The west of England is __8__than the east . More rain falls there .

The four seasons are all __9___months long . If you want to visit England , you can go there in ___10___.

( )1. A. isn’t B. doesn’t have C.is D. has

( )2.A. cold B. cool C.hot D. warm

( )3.A. warmer B. warm C. hot D.hotter

( ) 4.A. carry B. go C.bring D.take

()5 A. west B. east C.southeast D.southwest

()6.A. cool B. winter C.wet D..cold

( ) 7. A. could B. rain C.cold D.snow

()8.A. wet B. drier C. wetter D.colaer

()9. A. two B. four C.three D.same

()10.A spring B. autumn C. winter D.each season


The red—crowned crane has one of the most beauful dance in the ___1___world . Crane dance have a very important purpose .Adult cranes live in male-femal pairs , and these dances help strengthen the bond _2_the two birds.

The birds themselves are as beautiful as their dances . They have bright white _3_-with black necks and white feathers. As their name shows, they also have a ‘’cap’’ of red exposed red skin .

The Red-Crowned crane is one of the most _5_of the 15 crane species (种类)。They are only about 1,500 of these beautiful birds in the world .As compared with the other cranes,they are _6___because they don’t have enough living space .People want to get the rich land that cranes need to live . ___7___cut the long grass that protect the cranes and other animals in the habiats ,and fish in the same waters as the cranes .

Along the Amur River and Lake Khanka , China and Russia are beginning to __8___these rare birds . The Amur and Lake Khanka areas lie along the border(边界)between the two _9___and are the habitates for some of the red-crowed cranes .The work to protect these
