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(Application for the issuance of irrevocable documentary credit)

致:中国银行巴黎分行 ( To : Bank of China Paris Branch)

我公司我公司申请开具信用证如下申请开具信用证如下申请开具信用证如下::( We apply for the issuance of the following L/C)

电开(By Swift) 信开(By mail)

要求要求通知行通知行通知行加加保兑 (confirmed L/C) 可转让信用证(transferrable L/C) 通知行通知行选项选项( Advising Bank at your bank’s option) :


申请人申请人((名称名称、、地址地址、、电话电话、、传真传真)) Applicant (name,address, tel, fax and contacting person) 受益人益人((名称名称、、地址地址、、电话电话、、传真传真、、联系人)

Beneficiary (name,address, tel, fax and contacting person)

我公司我公司在中行在中行在中行帐号帐号帐号::(our account in your books )

币别 (currency) : 金额 : 大写(amount in letter) :

数量/金额可金额可增减增减___5__ %(more or less) 最高最高金额金额(maximum)

信用证有信用证有效期及到期地点效期及到期地点效期及到期地点::(L/C expiry date and place)

付款方式付款方式:: ( L/C payment terms)

即期付款 (Payment)

迟期付款 (Differred payment)

承兑 (Acceptation)


分批装运分批装运::(Partial shipment) 允许 (Allowed) 禁止 (not allowed)

转 运:(Transshipment) 允许 (Allowed) 禁止 (not allowed)

装货装货地点地点地点::(port of loading :)

卸货地点 : (port of discharge)

最迟装运日期最迟装运日期::(Latest shipment date)

货物描述货物描述::(Description of goods) :

所有开证行以外的费用由受益人承担所有开证行以外的费用由受益人承担。。All banking charge outside the issuing bank are for the account of beneficiary.

单据应在装船后 DAYS 天内提交但不超过信用证效期 (Documents must be presented within days after date of transport document but within the credit validity)

一次交单 All documents to be forwarded in one cover, through courier service to our address (23-25 Avenue de la Grande Armée, 75116 Paris France), unless otherwise stated above.

费率按你行现行标准执行 (As per your current charges)

请从我方帐户付款: (Please debit our A/C for payment)

以欧元以欧元或信用证货币或信用证货币或信用证货币支付支付 (in Euro or L/C currency) 购买等额购买等额外汇支付外汇支付 ( Buy the counter

value of foreign currency)

Authorized signature(s)

