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Unit1 Festivals around the world







重点单词:starve, gain, gather, award, admire, permission, apologize, drown, obvious, remind, forgive

I.【自主学习】The classification of parts of speech

n. beauty, harvest, celebration, hunter, origin, ancestor, grave, incense, feast, skull, bone, belief, trick, poet, arrival, independence, agriculture, award, produce, rooster, Easter, parade, clothing, Christian, cherry, blossom, custom, rosebud. fool, necessity, permission, prediction, fashion, parking, sadness, herd, magpie, weep, announcer

v.harvest, starve, trick, gain, gather, award, admire, fool, apologize, drown, wipe, weave, weep, remind, forgive

adj. religious, seasonal, independent, agricultural, energetic, lunar, Christian, worldwide, fool, obvious,

II. 【合作探究】

1. harvest /gather/get in n. /vt /vi. 收成,收获,收割

1)Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.(在收获季节)

2) We will have a good harvest(大丰收)this year.

3) Winter wheat is planted in the autumn and harvested in early summer. (而初夏收割)

4) Farmers are harvesting/are gathering/are getting in their crops.(正在收割庄稼).

用法总结:a good harvest

harvest crops

2. starve vi/ vt挨饿,很饿, (使)饿死;饿得要死starvation n.

starve for sth.=be starved of =long for=be dying for=be thirsty for;渴望获得某事物

1)Thousands of people starved(挨饿) after the crops failed this year.

2) The wolf was starved into hanging itself.那只狼被饿得上吊而死。

3) When will the dinner be ready? I'm starving.晚饭什么时候做好?我要饿死了。(感觉饿;仅用进行时)

4) The homeless children starved for /longed for/were dying for/were thirsty for love. 这些无家可归的孩子们渴望得到爱。

5) She starved herself to lose weight. 她节食减肥。

6) She starved to death/died of starvation. 她饿死了。

1). Millions of people starved to death during the war.

2). He starved for meeting her once again.

3). Have you got any food in your house? I’m starving.

4). Millions died of starvation and disease each year.

用法总结:starve sb

starve (sb) to death

starve for

be starving

3. origin [c.u]n.起源;由来;起因;血统

original adj.原来的;最初的;独创的;原作的;新颖的;

1) The rumor had its origin in an impulsive remark.谣言源于一次冲动的谈话。

2) No one knows the origins of these customs.(这些习俗的起源)

3) Many Americans are African by origin (血统).

4. trick n.诡计恶作剧窍门vt. 欺骗,诈骗

play a trick/tricks on sb 开某人的玩笑,愚弄某人

1)I thought he was playing a trick on me.(捉弄我)

2)There is a trick to folding up this umbrella. 收起这把伞是有窍门(技巧)的。3)I suddenly realized that I’d been tricked (我被骗了).

5. gain-get-obtain-win vt. &. vi得到;获得[c./u.]n.盈利,获利,收益

gain/make/earn one’s living 谋生

gain/win a victory 赢得胜利

1) The market gained 30 points. 股市增长了30个点。

2) 4) He gained/took/got/won (the) first prize. 他获得一等奖。

gain vt./vi.获得,得到n. 利益,利润;增加,增进


1). She hopes to gain experience by working abroad for a year. 获得经验.
