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Single-mode operation could be achieved by reducing the length of he laser tube by 5.5 times. 把激光管的长度缩短9 /11, 就可以进行单模工作。 The plastic container is 4.5 times lighter than that glass one. 这个塑料容器比那个玻璃容器轻九分之七。
• 关于倍数硬汉翻译,一直有较大的争议。 1. A is N times as adj/ adv as 2. A is N times the size/height of B B
A is N times more/-er than B
• 许国璋《英语》 Ten( a thousand) times larger 大十倍 (一千倍)
备注:史料记载,1950年的世界人口为25亿。 而非18亿。
• The speed sound in water is about five times faster than the speed of sound in air. ……..
• 声音在水中的速度约为空气中传播速度的5倍 • 比空气中传播的速度快4倍。
“Quality without quantity is little thought of.” 没有数量的质量是不足道的。
• Thousand • Million • Billion • Trillion
• The USD was stable in the Asian session, despite the upside surprise in US PPI. The EUR/USD remained range bound between 1.4806 and 1.4742, and the USD/JPY traded between 109.90 and 109.62. Wall Street was lower yesterday led by the financial sector and worries over Fannie and Freddie. Commodities bounced back with crude oil trading to $115.00 bbl., while gold rebounded back above $ 815oz. Asian regional stock indexes are surging with Shanghai higher by 7.55% and European indexes are poised to open higher with the exception of the FTSE down 2.28%.
• 到2050年,世界人口增长将趋于平稳,但到那 时,世界人口将达到100亿,是当今人口的两倍。
1.倍数--- 增加
• The melting point of this material is half as high again as he melting point of that material. • 这种物质的熔点是那种物质的一倍半。 • The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled. • 这些机器的效率已经提高了两倍或三倍多。
1.倍数--- 增加
• The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. • 漏电压增加了3倍。
• By 2050 population growth should have leveled off, but by then we’ll have 10 billion people- as many again as we have today.
• 空气中的声速是340m/s,水中声速是1450m/s,在空气中波长为1m的 声.
1. 倍数增加 2. 倍数减少 3. 倍数---分数、百分比的增减
1.倍数--- 增加
• The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。
Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。 The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5. 该设备的误差概率降低了五分之四。
• 碳化钢是金属中首屈一指的硬材料。 • The tungsten carbide is a hard material second to none among metals.
• 某公司的销售额十年来增加了五倍。 • 1. The turnover of the company has grown fivefold over the past ten years. • 2. The turnover of the company increased by a factor of five in the past ten years.
This sort of membrane is twice thinner than ordinary paper. 这种薄膜比普通纸张要薄一半。。 Owing to floods, the production of cotton this year is half as much as that of last year.
• 据报道,此项目有70%的利润。 • 70% profit was reported in this project. • -> Seventy percent profit was reported in this project. 实验时,在杆的重点加1,234千克力。 1,234 kilograms of force was applied at the center point of the bar. When tested, a force of 1,234 kilograms was applied at the center point of the bar.
• The production of this kind of solid bearings has been increased four times as against 2007. • 这种整体轴承的产量比2007年增加了 3 倍。 • The principal advantage of the products is a twofold reduction in weight. 这些产品的主要有点事重量减轻了二分之一。 • The cost of about two thirds products decreased to nighty percent. • 大约三分之二的产品的生产升本降到了原来的 90%
• The latest projected figure of the world’s population for the year 2000 is 6.2 billion. This is two and a half times larger than in 1950. • (1) 对2000年世界人口的最新估计为62亿,这比 1950年的世界人口多两倍半。 • (2)对2000年世界人口的最新估计为62亿,这 比1950年的世界人口多一倍半。
• 尽管美国的生产者物价指数出人意料地走高,但 美元在亚洲市场走势平稳。欧元对美元仍然在 1.4806和1.4742范围内徘徊。 美元对日元成交与 109.90和109.62之间。由于金融部门的干涉以及 人们对房利美和房地美的怀疑和担忧,华尔街股 市昨天走低。国际原油成交价为每桶115.00美元。 黄金价格反弹至每盎司815美元,日用品价格最 值反弹回升。上海股市攀升了7.55%,亚洲区域 市场全面上扬。除了富时指数下跌了2.28%之外, 欧洲股市也呈现高开的态势。
1. 2. 3. 4. 句首一般不用阿拉伯数字 小于10的数字用单词,大于10的用阿拉伯数字 日期(特别是a.m. ,p.m.)、百分比用阿拉伯数字 不定数用单词
改正下列 中的错误
• 据报道,此项目有70%的利润。 • 70% profit was reported in this project. 实验时,在杆的中点加1,234千克力。 1,234 kilograms of force was applied at the center point of the bar.
由于遭受水灾的缘故,今年的棉花产量只是去年的二 分之一。
The output of that factory last year fell to 65 % of the output in 2003. 去年该工厂的产量下降到2003年的65%。
The production of the lubricants of low viscosity in this factory falls from 50% in 2000 to 30% in 2004 ,and then the trend reverses, finishing at 58% in 2004.. 该厂低粘度润滑剂的产量从2000年的50%降到2004年 的30%,然后形势逆转,2005年达到了58% 。
• 箱子长9英尺,宽4英尺。 • The box is nine feet by four. • 这个由30人组成的小组每周进行三到四次实验, 每次试验时间为80到90分钟。 • Thirty members of this group conduct the experiment together for 80 to 90 minutes each time, three or four times a week.
• 章振邦《新编英语语法》 The output of cotton in 1979 was five times larger than that in 1973. 棉花的输出量比1973年(净)增加四倍。
More examples
• The increase of investment was one and a half times or from one million USD to one and a half million USD. • 有人 认为: • 投资增加了一倍半。 对不对???
• 一些电站正在研究这样一个问题,即怎样能把燃 料折半转换成电能。 • Some power plants are now studying the problem of how the fuel energy can be converted into electric energy on a fifty-fifty basis.