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you employment. 我遗憾地通知你,我们不能雇用你。
(3)______ Much ______ to ______ my ______ regret , I must leave now. 令我很遗憾的是,我现在必须离开了。 (4)We heard ______ with ______ regret that you were not successful in your plan. 听到你的计划不能顺利进行,我们觉得很可 惜。

[即学即练5](1)He regretted _________ ______ having been careless. =He regretted ______ ______ ______ that ______ he had been careless.
(2)I regret ______ ______ to inform you that we are unable to offer
[即学即练6](1)The ______ focus ______ on my camera isn‘t
v.可惜,后悔,遗憾;惋惜; n.遗憾,抱 feel regretful for....对……感到后悔
having done 后悔做了某事 regret doing sth. regret to say/tell/inform...that (1)遗憾地说告知„„ regret that从句 遗憾„„ It is to be regretted that... 可惜的是„„,令人遗憾的是„„ with great/deep regret很遗憾 (2) to one’s regret让某人感到遗憾的是
Black,what about my application?
—Oh , I
regret________you that it hasn’t been successful. B.to tell
句意为: —— 布莱克先生,我的 申请如何? —— 噢,我很遗憾地告诉你, 它未通过。由句意可知为 “ 遗憾地要去干 某事”,故选择regret to do的形式。 B
be equipped with sth. 装备有某物
equip sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事
[即学即练4](1)Our classroom ______ is
________ equipped ______ with a TV set and a tape
我们的教室里配有一台电视和一台录音机。 (2)A good education should ______ equip ______ you
—Robert is indeed a wise man.
—Oh,yes. How often regretted________his advice! A.to take B.taking I have
C.not to take
D.not taking
(not) doing/having done sth.表 示“后悔 (没)做 (了)某事”。 D
struggle on/along (虽艰难仍)继续做某事
语境活用 1.Unluckily,the farmers have suffered a heavy drought this year.They have to struggle for ( 为 „„ 而 努 力 ) a living.They are struggling with( 与„„ 抗争 ) the bad weather for a better harvest.Anyway,they are struggling to ( 努力 ) increase their income.However , the financial crisis adds to their difficulties.As a result,they have to face the struggle for (为„„而抗争) existence. 2 She struggled to her feet and continued walking. 她挣扎着站起来,继续走。
店以扩展业务。 (3)I repeated the question and waited for her to _________. expand
therefore adv.(=as a result of that)因此;所以
[即学即练3]He was very tired and therefore he fell sound asleep. __________ =He was very tired. __________ Therefore he fell sound asleep. so he fell sound =He was very tired, ______ asleep.他累得很,因此睡得很熟。
[即学即练2](1)Metals ________ expand when they are heated.
(2)We've __________ expanded ______ the __________ business by
opening two more stores. 我们增开了两个商
伤害等);使„„不含(有害物) 9.make a difference 造成差异,很重要
10.keep in mind 牢记在心
11.cause damage to 对„„造成危害
12.in addition 再者,还有
13.turn to 转向
struggle vt. 搏斗;斗争;努力;挣扎
struggle for 为争取……而斗争
struggle with与……斗争
struggle against与……斗争;为反对……而斗争
struggle to do sth. 努力/争取„„
=make great efforts to do sth.
struggle through 奋力通过
struggle to one‘s feet 挣扎着站起来
Unit 2
Working the land
1.struggle vt. & vi.斗争;拼搏;努力
2.output n.产量;输出 3.hunger n.饥饿;欲望→hungry
4.expand vt. & vi.使变大;伸展;阐 述→expansion n.扩大;增加
focus n.(兴趣、活动等的)中心;焦点
be in focus 焦距对准;清晰
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
be out of focus 焦距没对准;模糊
focus sth. on (upon) sth.=fix...on...
be focused on/upon sth.=be fixed on 集中
5.circulate vt. & vi.循环;流传
→circulation n.循环流通 & vi.搏斗;奋斗 7.therefore adv.因此;所以;因而
6.battle n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt.
equip vt. & vi.配备;装备 →equipment n.设备(不可数) 9.export vt. & vi.输出;出口 →import vt. & vi.输入;入口; 进口 10.nationality n.国籍 →nation n.国家;民族 →national adj.国家的;国有的
______ for ______. life 良好的教育能使你受用终生。 (3)Our school has been given ______ some ______ new
__________. equipment
confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难;使混 乱;混淆
(2)confusion n.混乱;迷惑 (3)confused adj. 困惑的,烦恼的 ( 以人作 主语) (4)confusing adj. 令人费解的;使人困惑 的(以物作主语)
Judging from his________expression,he didn’t understand the________problem referring to teenagers’ mental health. 答案: confused;confusing
1.thanks to幸亏;由于
2.rid...of 摆脱;除去
3.be satisfied with 对„„感到满意
4.would rather 宁愿;宁可
5.build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发
6.lead to 导致;造成 7.focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于
8.keep...free from/of 使„„免受(影响、
提示:therefore 是副词,不能引导从句,两个句 子之间要用连词或者句号;而 so是连词,可接从 句。
4.equip vt.&vi. 配备;装备 equipment n. [U]装备;设备 a piece of equipment 一件设备 equip sb./sth. with sth. 用某物装备某人/物
expand vt.&vi. 使变大;伸展;阐述 expansive adj. 扩张性的;开展性的;广
阔的 expand into/to 使扩大,变大 expand on/upon 阐述,详谈
We should constantly broaden our views and expand our knowledge. 我们要不断地开拓自己的眼界、增长见识。
14.chemical adj.化学的;关于化学的→chemistry
n.化学→chemist n.化学家;药剂师
15.bacteria n.(bacterium的复数形式)细菌
16.reduce vt.减少;缩减;简化→reduction
n.缩小;减少 17.summary n.总结;摘要;概要→summarize vt.总结 18.comment n.评论;议论 vi. & vt.表达意见; 作出评论
①It’s no use regretting what you have done. 后悔你做过的事情没有用。 ②I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. 很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。 ③I have always regretted not having studied harder at school. 我一直后悔在校期间没能努力学习。 ④We think,much to our regret,that we will not be able to visit you next year. 让我们深感遗憾的是,我们认为明年不能去拜访你了。 ⑤We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. 我们很遗憾的通知您,您的申请未通过。
→occupy vt.占领 12.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难
→confusing adj.令人迷惑的→confused
adj.感到迷惑的→confusion n.迷惑 13.regret vt.遗憾;后悔 n.遗憾;后
悔→regretful adj.