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C 《体验英语》综合教程第二册(7—8单元)第三册(1单元)


Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 大学英语口语测试是必要的吗?The Use of Computers in Schools 使用学校的计算机

Is Pressure a Bad Thing? 压力是好事吗?

Development and Environment 发展与环境

Computer and Education. 计算机与教育

6.Job Hunting or a Master Degree 找工作或者硕士学位

1. Some students will hunt a job immediately after graduation. The reasons are …


Some students will seek a master degree after graduation. The reasons are …


As far as I’m concerned, …只要我的关心……

7.Effects of Ads广告的效果

1. What are the effects of real ads?真正的广告的作用是什么?

2. What are the effects of false ads?虚假的广告的作用是什么?

3. Do you think ads may affect your shopping behavior? Explain.


8.Calamity Is Man’s True Touchstone8灾难是人的试金石。

1. What’s the sense of the proverb “Calamity is man’s true touchstone (患难是人的试金石)谚语”灾难是人的真正试金石感觉是什么(患难是人的试金石)”?

2. Give an example to explain the proverb.举一个例子来解释这句谚语。

3. What should we do when others suffer calamities?当别人受苦灾害我们该如何?

9.School Education and Success学校教育和取得成功。

1. Some people think a person can succeed without school education. 有些人认为一个人可以没有学校教育成功。

Others think a person can not achieve great success without school education.


3. What’s your opinion?你的看法是什么

10. Dream and Reality10.梦想与现实

11. My College life 11。我的大学生活

12. China In My Eyes12。我眼中的中国

13. Private Car13。私家车

14.Air Pollution 14空气污染。

15.College Friendship15。大学的朋友

16.My Information Sources16我的信息来源。

17.My working experience17我的工作经验。

18.How to Learn English18。如何学习英语

19.My free time activities 19我的业余活动。


1. Culture文化

Use about 100 words to talk about culture. Many western festivals are getting more and more popular in China. What do you think of this phenomenon?


2. Ethnic Heroes民族英雄

Use about 100 words to talk about ethnic heroes. Who do you think is our national hero? Explain.


3. Honesty诚实

Use about 100 words to talk about honesty. Do you think honesty is a virtue in daily life? Explain.


4. Marriage婚姻

Use about 100 words to talk about marriage. Nowadays college students are allowed to get married. What’s your opinion on this issue?


5. News

Use about 100 words to talk about news. Tell us about your ways of getting the latest news.


6. Optimism乐观

Use about 100 words to talk about optimism(乐观主义). Do you think optimism is important in your study and life? Give examples.你认为乐观在你的学习和生活中很重

7. Pets宠物

Use about 100 words to talk about pets. What are the negative and positive sides of keeping animals as pets?

