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1. It is because advertisements have powerful influence that the profiteers受益人often trick the public by them.

2. He is highly praised as a good manager and marketer商人and is credited with saving Chrysler Corporation from bankruptcy.

3. I could never be a mountaineer登山者I have no head for heights.

5. But for engineer工程师, the machine would have been damaged.

6. I first met Mrs. Smith in the nursing home where I worked as a volunteer.自愿者.

1. How will Mr. Frank get on without a housekeeper管家? He’s never had to look after himself before.

2. Then, doctors gradually came to the realization that it was not just a painkiller止痛药.

3. Bloodsucker吸血鬼is a common topic in Hollywood horror movies.

4. The strong power and gentleness show us her mixed character and glamour as a poet and a songwriter词曲作者.

5. The boy was labeled a troublemaker捣蛋鬼. He causes problems wherever he goes.

6. I want to find a hairdresser美发师to have my hair washed. Would you like to go with me?” she said.

7. Every stockholder持股人should have the idea of sharing investment, management, risks and responsibility for profits and losses.

8. It would be a criminal waste of taxpayer纳税人’s money if we mess up this project.

1. Although he holds a very high position in the firm, he is less likely to be responsible可回答的for the terrible mess.

2. Delay is not permissible允许的, even for a single day.

4. The management gave me a reasonable合理的explanation about safety measures.

5. He studied the German market to find the potential there for profitable有意的investment.

8. I wanted to buy a table whose top has a hinged or removable可移动的section.

2. By the time he is ten, he has outgrown长的过大的his older brother.

4. Several clubs have already staked a/their claim to this outstanding突出的young footballer.

5. Our policies are getting outdated过期的。过时的and need revising, but to try to swap horses in mid-stream might be dangerous.

8. Public interest focuses on the outcome结果of next week’s by-election.

1.巧得出奇,那天我们正好人地同一列火车旅行。By a strange coincidence we happened to be traveling on the same train that day.

2.任何一个国家,不管它多么富裕,都浪费不起人力资源。No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources.

3.你得到所需的进口许可证后,请立即通知我们。Please notify us immediately after you have obtained the necessary import license.

4.教育显然有两种:一种是教人怎样谋生,另一种是教人怎样生活。There are obviously two educations. One teaches us how to make a living and the

other how to live.

5.Edward将不参加明天的讨论,因为他正忙于一本法语小说的翻译。Edward won’t join in/participate in tomorrow’s discussion for he is occupied

with/occupies himself with a translation of a French novel.

6.这件可怕的事将使我们的余生充满阴影。This terrible event will darken the rest of our lives.

7.政客关心的是竞选成功与否,而政治家关心的是人民的未来。The politician is concerned with successful elections whereas the statesman is

interested in the future of his people.

8.我谨代表我们代表团的所有成员,为邀请我们参加这个丰盛的圣诞晚会表示衷心的感谢!On behalf of all the members of our mission, I would

like to express our sincere thanks to you for inviting us to such a marvelous Christmas party.

1.电视取代了电影的地位,成了美国最为普遍的娱乐方式。Television have displaced motion picture as America’s most popular form of entertainment.

2.用形而上学的观点看待问题是错误的。It’s wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.

3.他从来不允许自己失败,也不会让周围的人失望。He has never allowed himself to fail, nor has he ever disappointed the people around him.

4.中国要在金融方面取得国际地位,首先要靠上海。If China is to acquire international status in finance, we should depend primarily on Shanghai.

5.代沟使得儿女们很跟父母和睦相处。The generation gap makes it hard for children to reate to their parents.

6.这个协议将为两国之间的持久和平铺平道路。This agreement will pave the path for a lasting peace between the two countries.

7.人们开始意识到计算机在我们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。People have come to understand that computer is playing an increasingly important

role in our life.

8.我们正在努力从总体上增强环境意识,特别是空气污染方面。We are trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in


1.通讯卫星使得远距离传送电视图像成为可能。Communication satellites make it possible to send television pictures over long distance.

2.他花了很长时间才习惯了这一事实,即他失业了。It has taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact that he was without work.

3.他们没有上床睡觉,反而激烈的争论起来。Instead of going to bed, they had a hot argument.

4.将研究成果应用到生产中去是很重要的。It is very important to apply the achievements in scientific research to production.

5.那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.

6.我们应该对美国文化的多样性有一个全面性的了解。We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the United States.

7.太阳能电池把阳光的能量转化为电能。The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.
