



apes: (猿)gibber叽哩咕噜

asses: (驴)bray, heehaw

babies: cry

bear: growl

bees: buzz, hum, murmur, drone

beetles(甲虫): drone

birds: chatter, chirp, chirrup, flap, peck, sing, squawk, twitter,

bulls: bellow, bow

camels: grunt

cats: miaow, mew, purr

cattle: low

chicken: cheep, peep, pip

chicks: cheep

child: chatter

cock: crow, cock-a-doodle-do

cows: boo, low, moo, moo,

crickets(蟋蟀): chirp

crows: caw, croak

deer: beat

dogs: bark, bay, bow-wow, grow, how, whine, yap, yelp

donkeys: bray, hee-haw

doves: coo, crood, croud, croodle

ducks: quack, screech

eagle: scream

elephants: trumpet

flies: buzz, hum, drone

foxes: yelp, bark

frogs: croak

geese: cackle, gabble, gaggle, hiss

goats: bleat, baa

hawks: scream,

hens: cackle, chuckle

horse: whiney, nicker, neigh, snort,

hounds: bay

insects: chirp

kittens(小猫): mew

larks(百灵): sing, warble

lions: roar

magpies(喜鹊): chatter

man: giggle, hem(哼),ouch, hush, mumble, chatter, bravo, murmur, whisper

mice: peep, squeak

monkeys: chatter, japer, screech, chatter mosquitoes: buzz, hum, drom

night eagles: ner

owls: hoot, scream, screech, whop

owls: hoot, screech, scream

ox: bo, how, moo

parrots: talk, quack

pigeons: coo, crood, croodle

pigs crowd

puppies: yelp

rabbits: suqeak

seagulls(海鸥): scream

sheep: bleat, baa

snakes: hiss

sparrows: chatter, chirp, twitter

swallows: twitter

swans: cry

tigers: roar, groul, gaoll

turkeys: gobble

vultures(秃鹫): scream

whales: blow

wide goose(大雁): honk

wolves: howl growl


abacus(算盘) balls: pit-a-pat, pita pat

arrows: whistle, whiz

artillery(大炮): booms

balls: bounce

bank notes: rustle

bayonets: clink and clash

beats: pit-a-pat, pita pat, thump, thud, patter

bellows(风箱): flip-flap

bells: clink, clang, jingle, jingle-jangles-jingle, ding dong. bikes: jangle

boots(皮靴): crunch

bottles: crack, crick-crack, rattle

bow string: snap

bowels: rumble

brakes: screech

branches: snap

breeze: puffs

bullets: whistle, whiz, zip

buses: rattle, hoot, and thump cameras: snick

candles: splutter

cars: crash, toot(horn)

carts: rumble, creak

cattle: low

chains: clank

clocks: ding dang, tick, ticktack, tic tak clothes: rustle

coins: jingle

cooking pots: sizzle

cords: pop

curtains: flap

dishes: ding dang, jingle, clatter doors: creak, rat-tat-tat, rat tattoo, rattle, drums: rub-a-dub, rataplan

dry leaves: rustle

eating: slurp

engines: chug, chum, whistle

feet: chatter, tramp

fingers snap

fire crackers: bang, pup

fire snap

flags: flap flutter

floor: creak

glass: crash, clinks,

gongs: ding-dang

guns pup, boom, click

hands: clap, flick

high heal shoes: click

horns: toot

horse's hooves: dip-clop

jade: tickle

keys: clink

knife and fork: clack

leather shoes: click-clack

leaves: whisper, rustle,

locks: snap, click,

locomotive(火车头): puff

machines: buzz,

machines guns: rattle, chatter, tat-rat, tat-tat-tat

metal: ting, clash, clink, tinkle, jing dong, ticktack

mind: buzz

oil: sizzle

paper: rustle

planes: zoom, crash,

radios: squeak

rain: patters, pit-pat-pit-pat

rifle: crack, pop

ropes: crack, snap, pop

scissors: clip-clop

silk: rustle

snow: spatters

steam: hoop, hoos, hoot

stick: swish

stomach: rumble

stones: smack, flop

tears: plop

teeth: chatter

telephone: ring, jangle

thunder: clap, peal, rumble,

tongue: click

trains: rattle, clatter, whistle, murmur

trumps(号): toot

trucks: rumble, grunt

type writers: tap, clatter

watches: tick, ticktack

water: babbles, bubbles, drip-draps, splashes, sizzles, spish-splash, hiss, wheels: rumble, crunch, whir

whips(鞭子): flick, smack, snap, swish

whistles: whack

wind: haot, toot, howl, rattle, sough

windows: rattle



1.jingle 指硬币、小铃、钥匙等发出的叮当声。

Jingle bells,jingle bells,jingle all the way!叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当。

He jingled the keys in his pocket.他把口袋里的钥匙弄得哗啦直响。

2.clatter 指马蹄、刀叉、碟碗、机器等发出的声音,也可以指人们的谈笑声。

The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter.碟子碗碰得叮当响。

the clatter of the horses’hoofs 嗒嗒的马蹄声

3.bang 指突然发出的巨响。

The firecracker went bang.爆竹砰地一声响了。

He shut the door with a bang .或He banged the door shut.他砰地一声把门关上。

4.snap 指鞭子、风帆、手指发出的噼啪声,树枝等突然折断的声音,关上或打开东西的声音。

The string broke with a snap.啪的一声,弦断了。

He snapped down the lid of the box.他啪地一声关上箱盖。

5.crack 指爆竹、枪等发出的爆裂声和噼啪声。

The fireworks cracked overhead.烟花在头顶上噼啪作响。

Crack!Crack!Two shots rang out.啪!啪!两声枪响。

6.tick 指钟表等发出的滴答声。

The telegraph ticked out message after message.发报机滴滴答答不停地发报。

The night was quiet except for the tick of the clock.夜很静,只有钟摆滴答地响。

7.creak 指吱吱嘎嘎的声音。

The chair creaked under his weight.椅子被他压得咯吱直响。

The door opened with a creak.门吱地一声开了。


The soldiers clicked their heels together.士兵们喀嚓一声全体立正。

the click of boots(on a floor)噔噔的皮靴声


The thunder rumbled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆作响。

My stomach keeps rumbling.我的肚子咕咕直响。


The beggar rattled the coins in his tin.乞丐把罐子里的钱币摇得嘎嘎响。

a rattle of m ilk bottles 牛奶瓶碰撞发出的嘎嘎声



【解释】表示感叹,通常用在说话人意识到自己犯了错的情况下,有些化解尴尬的语气。【例句】Oops! I forgot to call you yesterday.


【补充】记得小甜甜布兰妮那首歌么?《Oops! I did it again》。



【例句】Boo-hoo! He’ll be in the show.



Blah blah blah...


【例句】My mom said that it would rain and we shouldn’t go fishing blah blah blah... You know, as always.


Tick Tock...


【例句】Life is short.Tick tock, tick tick.




【例句】Can I, as the only normal person in this room, say, "Ew"?





【例句】I will not be shushed, these might be my last words.



