DP250 800 11 79 260 315
4x10 -1 40 5
DP400 875 18.5 82 385 540
4x10 -1 40 5
600 180 20 12.5
15 15.75 16.8
注: 冷却水为20゜C
4 热交换器(内部冷
5 真空腔体(三级抓
6 反转的第二级抓
7 压力释放阀
8 出口法兰
9 齿轮箱
10 联接器箱
Slide 13
• 定子和转子均用球墨铸铁(ductile)取 消了脆性铸铁
• 轴材料是EN24T钢 • 旋转密封用聚四氟乙烯 • 氟橡胶或FEP封装O圈
– 标准泵可在1150mbar下抽真空 – 用较大的电机在1300 mbar下抽真空 – 可以有高压力差(~2bar)
Slide 18
• 泵可以拆开 • 密封和轴承都装在可拆卸的套壳内 • 无须调置苛刻的径向间隙 • 在泵原位换电极 • 简单的直接驱动机构使维修最小化
Slide 19
稍高的初期投资,但是 • 较佳的占有成本
– 延长维修间隔及轴承寿命 – 在工作范围内低功耗。因此,以立方
米/小时/千瓦计能耗更有效 – 无对污染油的弃置 – 要求标准受保证。若泵足够好,则对
Slide 12
5 6 7
8 10
最大吸气流量 <m3/H>
极限压力 <Pa>
配用功率 <kW>
- 机组入口气动隔离阀; - 真空绝压变送器,控制罗茨泵启动;
耗水量 <L/min> 进气口
- 冷却水系统配置流量开关;
- 螺杆泵排出管路配有不锈钢消音器可以降低噪音并冷却气体温度;
- 氮气吹扫装置
30 DN100 DN50 DN15
是一种 单级的、干式运行的、等节距的、单头内凹面齿型线的 螺杆真空泵
◆ 可以独立获得从大气压到0.04mbar.a压力的真空。 ◆ 干式,工艺流程内无油无水,没有废水或是废油的产生,可大大减少污染。 ◆ 真空压力性能不受环境、季节、工况条件变化影响。 ◆ 无接触式压缩,转子没有磨损,运行可靠。 ◆ 转子外表面及壳体内表面采用特富龙涂层,满足各种防腐要求。 ◆ 直通式的泵体结构,可以夹带液体、有利于处理泵内凝液和微小颗粒排放。 ◆ 允许使用氮气,蒸汽,溶剂等冲洗泵体。 ◆ 驱动端采用机械密封及唇形密封,可根据工况要求来选择使用气障。 ◆ 排气口可直接回收溶剂及一些高价值的工艺溶媒介质。
液环泵和干式螺杆泵通常都可用于溶剂处理的应用,但干式螺杆真空泵的优势是降低能耗、减 少冷液使用量、较小的安装空间、能使溶剂保持蒸汽状态通过泵,随后发生冷凝。干式螺杆真空泵也 有利于能够处理易挥发性的有机溶剂如二氯甲烷、丙酮或甲醇等,然而有机溶剂较高的蒸汽压会导致 液环泵的出现问题。
■ 蒸馏
■ 真空度 : 10~100 Torr
涂层处理: 泵体、端盖及转子的过流表面都覆有PFA特富龙涂层
Edwards XDS35i和XDS35i Enhanced滚动泵系列产品介绍说明书
XDS35i and XDS35i Enhanced FamilyThe XDS35i family of scroll pumps offer proven dry, clean vacuum solutions for a wide range of applications, with smart drive technology to look after the pump and provide world wide performance.Now, a combination of the patented double start scroll form technology and by-pass valves have enabledEdwards to offer the XDS35i Enhanced range of pumps to complement our original family. Take another step.With reduced peak power requirements at roughing pressures and continuous higher roughing speeds these enhanced pumps enable the user to take another step in terms of the performance envelope to address those special applications where roughing performance or the ability to evacuate a large volume is important.XDS35i and XDS35i Enhanced pumps are available as standard pumps with gas ballast, versions of the pump with no Gas Ballast (well suited for rare gas recirculation and gas recovery applications) and the C versions of the pumps featuring Chemraz® internal valves and stainless steel fittings for extra protection from the pumped media. XDS35i DRY SCROLL PUMPSBearing shieldensures separation between process gases and bearing lubrication to ensure clean vacuum and no possibility of contamination to lubrication from process gases, which prolongs bearing life.Smart motor drivemeans consistent performance globally, pump overload protection and remote start/stop capability.High flow gas ballast featureallows pumping of vapours including water vapour at up to 240 gh -1.Simple single sided scroll designallows maintenance to be done in minutes for low cost of ownership and maximum up-time.Take another stepthe Enhanced versions offer up to 20% lower peak powerrequirements during initial pump down which means it has the ability to pump down large volume chambers with no loss of performance and has up to 25% more pumping speed at these roughing pressures which helps on higher frequency cycling applications as well.Features and benefitsPRODUCT DATA SHEETSilencerVibration isolators (packof 4)EMEA UK +44 1444 253 000(local rate) 08459 212223Belgium +32 2 300 0730France +33 1 4121 1256Germany 0800 000 1456Italy + 39 02 48 4471Israel+ 972 8 681 0633ASIA PACIFIC China +86 400 111 9618India +91 20 4075 2222Japan +81 47 458 8836Korea +82 31 716 7070Singapore +65 6546 8408Taiwan +886 3758 1000AMERICAS USA +1 800 848 9800 Brazil+55 11 3952 5000 Publication Number: 3601 0458 01© Edwards Limited 2018. All rights reserved Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Whilst we make every effort to ensure that weaccurately describe our products and services, we give no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided in this datasheet.Edwards Ltd, registered in England and Wales No. 6124750, registered office: Innovation Drive,Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TW, UK.GLOBAL CONTACTSA. NW40B. NW25BA333 (13.11)180 (7.09)130 (5.12)50 (1.97)476 (18.74)353 (13.90)212 (8.35)Ø187 (0.28)396 (15.59)223 (8.78)240 (9.45)304 (11.97)DimensionsPerformanceXDS35i0200400600800100012001400160018002000051015202530354045500.0010.010.11101001000P o w e r (W )P u m p i n g s p e e d (m 3/h r )Pressure (mbar)PUMPING SPEED AND POWERXDS35i speedXDS35i E speedXDS35i E powerXDS35i powerThe graph shows typical pump performanceNote that peak power for XDS35i is supplied for a short period of time before the intelligent drive reduces the power and speed XDS35i Enhanced, with its bypass valves, is not limited and will pump down continuously at full speed。
爱德华干式真空泵操作规程-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述爱德华干式真空泵是一种常用于真空工艺的设备,其主要作用是将工作室内的气体抽出,创造真空环境。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
1.3 目的:本操作规程的目的在于指导操作者正确、安全地操作爱德华干式真空泵,保证设备的高效运行和长久稳定性。
2.正文2.1 爱德华干式真空泵的基本原理和结构:爱德华干式真空泵是一种常用于工业和实验室等领域的真空设备,其主要原理是通过机械方式将气体抽出,从而形成真空环境。
螺杆真空泵用途-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述螺杆真空泵是一种常见的真空泵类型,它通过螺杆的旋转来实现气体的压缩和抽取。
干式螺杆真空泵与往复泵特性对比泵型干式螺杆真空泵往复式真空泵工作原理两个螺杆转子以相反的方向向内旋转压缩,气体以低漩流的方式运送出去从而实现吸气和排气活塞在气缸内做往复运动不断改变气缸两端的容积,一端容积扩大吸入气体,另一端容积缩小排出气体;活塞与气阀的联合作用,周期地完成吸气和排气作用真空泵结构螺杆、壳体和端盖组成结构简单,整个螺杆泵头仅有一百个左右的零部件真空泵由气缸、活塞环、曲轴、活塞杆、十字头、吸气阀、排气阀机座、曲轴箱、动密封和静密封等辅助部件组成,结构复杂使用条件进气压力:大气压~0.1KPa进气温度:-20~90℃进气压力:大气压~15KPa进气温度:《50℃极限真空单级即可实现高真空,极限压力几个帕斯卡极限真空1300~2600帕斯卡抽气量可选泵型从一百到几千个立方每小时的抽量,相对抽量范围较宽,且可在大气压到一个毫巴压力范围内下保持大抽速常用泵抽气量高达2000方每小时左右,工作压力范围较窄,15KPa以下抽气效率急剧下降处理气体能力可以处理一定量的液体及小颗粒固体;温度适中,允许流程介质在泵内凝结,可夹带一定的液体,且可以安全排放几乎不能处理液体和颗粒,易造成活塞环和气缸出磨损或卡死安全性无火花防爆设计,采用PTFE密封和机械密封复合型设计,氮气密封吹洗保护,实现气体零泄露有摩擦部件存在,易产生火花,抽取易燃易爆气体时,安全性较差;自身密封结构原因,很难做到工艺气体零泄露腐蚀应用标准泵具有防腐涂层(如: PFA /Ni+Cr+Co等多种涂层),可以处理腐蚀性介质通常无防腐措施,有机物泵腔内聚合或积碳等,易造成故障;抽腐蚀性介质,真空泵需要根据工艺选择不同种类的密材料稳定性整个泵腔内无接触部件,没有工作部件的磨损,抽气效率稳定活塞等部件磨损是避免不了的,随着检修次数的增加工作真空度将不断下降,长时间使用抽气效率衰减泵内和排气温度水冷螺杆,泵腔内的温度120度,消音器后排气温度稳定且一般低于60度,在处理易燃易爆气体时安全可靠性更高气体温升速度梯度高,排气温度较高,压缩热聚集快,泵腔内温度很难控制,如排气阀故障泵腔内的温度会更高噪音噪音低噪音大,机组振动大日常维护保养几乎免维护。
Edwards mXDS3和mXDS3s干燥滚动吸力机产品介绍说明书
mXDS3 and mXDS3s dry scroll vacuum pumpsFILLING THE PERFORMANCE GAPEdwards mXDS3 and mXDS3s Small Dry Scroll Vacuum PumpsExtending the Edwards small dry pump portfolio.mXDS3 continues our scroll pump experience filling the performance gap and giving more choice to System builders and OEMs. A small dry alternative to oil sealed rotary vane pumps and diaphragm pumps of a similar capacity. mXDS3 are offered as standard or configured with an inlet valve accessory and exhaust silencer/filter to become the mXDS3s.The compact and lightweight mXDS3 weighs in at just 7.8kg and comes with a purpose made carry handle making it highly portable. For system builders the pump can typically be mounted horizontally or vertically and for convenient connection the inlet can be orientated vertically or horizontally with a push fit alternative available as an accessory.Edwards mXDS3 and mXDS3s dry scroll pumps deliver 3m3h-1peak speed and 0.1mbar ultimate. The pumping speed and good ultimate vacuum make these pumps well suited for backing turbomolecular pumps. These small scroll pumps have a gas ballast facility incorporated in the design as standard for water vapour handling and an exhaust valve just like the larger nXDS. Edwards mXDS3 and mXDS3s are clean oil free pumps with no oil to top up, replace or dispose of. They typically have a lower power requirement compared to similar capacity pumps making them great for energy savings, an ideal choice for helping to reduce your carbon footprint. The optimised fan cooling is beneficial in reducing noise for quieter operation and a pleasant working environment.Flexibility Performance EnvironmentScientific Instruments andOEMsResearch and DevelopmentSmall System BuildersOccupies minimal footprint saving valuable space in your environment. Highly portable vacuum pump with carry handle making it easy to move and position. Standard pump weighs in at just 7.8kg.FlexibilityCompact and LightweightPump can typically be mounted horizontally but can also be mounted vertically, giving flexibility to the system builder. Brackets and baseplate can also enable vibration isolators to be fitted.FlexibilityMounting optionsfor convenient connection a push fitalternative is available along with a wide range of other accessories.FlexibilityInlet can be orientated vertically or horizontallywith a pumping speed of 3m 3h -1and a good ultimate vacuum 0.1mbar makes these pumps well suited for backing turbomolecular pumps.PerformanceExcellent performanceas standard for water vapour handling.PerformanceGas ballast incorporatedas standard just like the larger nXDS in the family, this acts to reduce the rate of pressure rise at the inlet for system protection.PerformanceExhaust valve includedfully configured variant supplied withfactory fitted delay opening inlet valve and exhaust silencer/filter accessory.PerformancemXDS3sclean and dry with a typically lower power requirement compared to similar capacity pumps making for good energy savings and the opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint. With optimised fan cooling for quiet operation making a more pleasant working environment.EnvironmentEnvironmentally friendlyCompact air cooled motorSelect appropriate motor variant for local electric supplyPlug in IEC power cableOn/off switch for local control Easy to set up and runDN 16-KF flange can face up or to the back of the pump for compact installation.An alternative inlet with 1/4 inch BSP connection available as an accessory which can be used withsuitable push fit fittings1. Mains driven motor2. InletAssists with water vapour pumping and clean up 1/8 inch BSP adaptors and restrictors offered as accessories1/8 inch BSP push in fitting supplied as standard suitable for 8mm od hose.Silencer supplied with configured pumpPick up and place pumpSupplied as standard mXDS3s only. Fast closing in the event of power failure, this inlet valve provides extra system protection especially if using gas ballast.Delay opening on startup ensures the pump is evacuated when the inlet valve opensBase plate and bracket accessories available.Flexibility in orientation, optimising spaceutilisation and the option to fit vibration isolators3. Gas ballast4. Exhaust5. Carry handle6. Solenoid inlet valve with delayopening relay7. Base mounting or face mounting11Ultimate vacuum with closed gas ballast mbar 0.1Ultimate vacuum with gas ballast (1 turn)mbar 0.15Peak pumping speed (50Hz)m 3h-13Peak pumping speed (60Hz)m 3h-13.5Maximum permitted inlet pressure*mbar 1000Typical initial pressure rise on power loss (no inlet valve, with no inlet or gas ballast flow)mbar l5*These pumps are designed to pump down from atmospheric pressure, but prolonged operation at high inlet pressures may reduce bearing life.* These pumps are intended to exhaust to atmospheric pressure. High exhaust pressure may reduce tip-seal life.* Large volumes may be pumped, but prolonged operation at high inlet pressures may reduce bearing life.Supply voltageV100 +/- 6% 1 phase 115 +/- 10% 1 phase200 +/- 10% 1 phase 230 +/- 10% 1 phaseSupply frequencyHz 50/60Power consumption at ultimate W180210Mains connectorIEC EN60320 C13Weightkg 7.88Inlet connection DN 16 ISO-KFOutlet connectioninch 1/8 BSP for 6x8mm hose 1/8 BSP for 6x8mm hose exhaust filter suppliedVACUUM DATAMOTOR DATAPHYSICAL DATAmXDS3 and mXDS3s (3601 0743 01)PHYSICAL DATANoise level at ultimate vacuum dB (A)54.0 ±2.5Vibration measured at plane of bearing mms-1Class 1C…<4.5 (rms radial)Leak tightness mbar/ls-11x10-4Overall dimensions (L x W x H)mm224 x 158 x 231Nominal rotational speed Hz3000 rpm @ 50 / 3600 rpm @ 60Ambient temperature range (operation)°C+5 to +4013mXDS3 and mXDS3s (3601 0743 01)PRODUCTSmXDS3 230V 1ph 50/60Hz A74401903High Volts 230VmXDS3s 230V 1ph 50/60Hz A74402903mXDS3 200V 1 ph 50/60Hz A74401904High Volts 200VmXDS3s 200V 1ph 50/60Hz A74402904mXDS3 115V 1ph 50/60Hz A74401906Low Volts 115VmXDS3s 115V 1ph 50/60Hz A74402906mXDS3 100V 1ph 50/60Hz A74401907Low Volts 100VmXDS3s 100V 1ph 50/60Hz A74402907 ACCESSORIESInlet valve 100 - 120V A74402920Inlet valve 200 - 240V A74402921Delay relay A74402922Gas ballast or exhaust push-in fitting 1/8 inch BSP A74402925Gas ballast fine restrictor A74402926Inlet push-in fitting 1/4 inch BSP A74402927Inlet 1/4 inch BSP adaptor A74402928mXDS base mounting plate A74402929Bracket A74402930Exhaust silencer / gas ballast filter 1/8 inch BSP A74402931Vibration isolator kit A74402932Adhesive rubber pads (pack of 4)A74402933Inlet filter DN25 ISO KF A50597805Lead assembly, 10 amax, C13, UK A50505000Lead assembly, 10 amax, C13, europe A50506000Lead assembly, 10 amax, C13, USA A5050700015ACCESSORIESLead assembly, 10 amax, C13, no plug A50508000 SPARESTip seal kit GK7440001 Bearing replacement kit GK7440002 Gas ballast and exhaust kit GK7440003 Inlet KF16 adaptor kit GK7440004mXDS3 and mXDS3s (3601 0743 01)3601 0743 01 - 2023. All rights reserved. Edwardsand the Edwards logo are trademarks ofEdwards Limited. Whilst we make every effort toensure that we accurately describe our productsand services, we give no guarantee as to theaccuracy or completeness of any information.Edwards Ltd, registered in England and WalesNo. 6124750, registered office: Innovation Drive,Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TW, UK.Part of the Atlas Copco Group。
VACUU·PURE 10 纯度真空泵说明书
VACUU·PURE® 10Pure vacuum. Nothing else.100% oil-free vacuum pump for the vacuum rangedown to 10-3 mbar. Ideal for clean processes which requirea dry and hydrocarbon-free vacuum.Pure vacuum. Nothing else.For non-corrosive applications■ 10-3 mbar vacuum range ■ 100% oil-free ■No abrasion ■No wear partsVACUU·PURE covers many applications. The vacuum pump is especially developed for processes down to 10-3 mbar, however, unlike other fine vacuum pump technologies it can be used across the entire pressure range from atmospheric pressure to its ultimate vacuum. With a pumping speed of up to 10 m 3/h, the vacuum pump is very capable. Easy installation, user friendliness, and the rugged air cooled design enable trouble-free operation. VACUU·PURE is not only a versatile pump for the laboratory, it is an ideal solu-tion for demanding processes.VACUU·PURE reliably delivers the benefits of oil-free vacuum technology in the pressure range down to 10-3 mbar. The new vacuum pump combines three important benefits for the user:100% oil-free, no abrasion, and no wear parts.We listened to you: you asked for contamination-free vacuum that lets your clean processes run efficiently. Our team of experts developed VACUU·PURE for precisely these applications. Our dry screw pumps meet challenges where other technologies fall short.2…We were particularly impressed by the fact that VACUU·PURE has good flow rate even at higher pressures. For this reason, we can use VACUU·PURE as early as the initial evacuation of our UHV systems (ultrahigh vacuum systems). We avoid switching between different pump technologies for pumping out our systems and use as a backing pump.“100 % oil-freeFor dry and hydrocarbon-free operation, VACUU·PURE takes the screw pump principle to the next level. The vacuum pump is 100% oil-free.This enables clean processes and pure products and protects the laboratory and environment. Save both time and operating costs, since there is no need to dispose of waste oil or to interrupt your work for oil changes.No abrasionThe working principle of VACUU·PURE is based on gap sealing. The unique operating principle enables contact-free rotation of the spindles.The vacuum pump operates abrasion-free. This ensures an ultrapure, permanently stable vacuum as well as contamina-tion-free exhaust air. The risk of migration of particles in the direction of the recipient is eliminated and since there is no wear due to abrasion, it also allows for continuous operation.No wear partsA major benefit of VACUU·PURE is that it does not have any wear parts. The spindles rotate contact-free. Components are manufactured with the highest precision, down to the smallest detail.The special design reduces operating costs, saves time and enables trouble-free operation: VACUU·PURE has no wear parts and therefore has no scheduled maintenance requi-rement. In UHV (ultra-high vacuum systems) systems, for example, this enables uninterrupted operation in parallel to the turbopump without intermediate aeration. Since there is no abrasion there is also no risk of contamination to the process vacuum.10-3mbar vacuum range3NEWVACUU·PURE reliably delivers the benefits of oil-free vacuum technology in the pressure range of 10-3 mbar. The special design with two cantilevered spindles and a magnetic gear allows hydrocarbon-free operation.The spindles run contact-free and are thus free of abrasion.“The VACUU·PURE 10 is performing flawlessly, so I continue to love it. In fact, I’m going to be ordering another one soon. That tells you all you need to know!”Modbus RTU interfaceEasy system integration and remote control via process control systemsAir cooledVersatile useLow vibrationv rms < 1.5 mm/s at the inlet flangeRotatable inletVertical or horizontal orientation possibleContact-freeoperating principleNo abrasion – no migration of particlesin direction of the recipientCantilevered spindlesDry running – flow path is free from hydrocarbons4TechnologyVACUU·PURE is ideal for clean processes and pure products in the vacuum range down to 10-3 mbar.A dry and hydrocarbon-free vacuum is indispensable for many applications such as in ultrahigh vacuum systems. As a dry fore vacuum pump for turbomolecular pumps, VACUU·PURE offers a deep ultimate vacuum that was previously unreachable with oil-free technologies. VACUU·PURE can operate continuously at higher pressures so that even larger systems can be evacuated from atmo-spheric pressure down to 10-3 mbar without the need for another pump technology. The good ultimate vacuum also improves the ultimate pressure of turbopumps.Without wear parts to change or troublesome oil changes to perform, VACUU·PURE enables continuous operation without the need for regular maintenance.VACUU·PURE is also available in a chemically resistant design for working with aggressive gases and vapors. This version (with integrated sealing gas supply) is also particularly suitable for applications requiring a high pumping speed for light gases below 1 mbar. Sealing gas conveys light gases from the outlet.…With VACUU·PURE, we finally get a hydrocarbon- and abrasion-free vacuum down to 10-3 mbar.“…VACUU·PURE has proven to be an excellent fore vacuum pump for the various turbomolecular pumps used. Due to the very good and reliable ultimate fore-vacuum we are able to achieve compared to other pump technologies, this results in a much improved ultimate vacuum of the turbo-molecular pumps.“5ApplicationsApplications VACUU·PURE 10■Fore vacuum generation for turbomolecular pumps ■Particle accelerators ■Analytical applications ■Scanning tunneling microscopy ■Mass spectrometry ■Regeneration of cryo pumps ■Coating ■PVD / CVD ■Degassing■DryingItems suppliedPump completely mounted, ready for use, connection with small flange KF DN 25, with manual.6Technical DataNominal mains voltage / mains frequency 100-230 V, 50/60 HzPumping speed graphPump down graph (100 l volume)VACUU·PURE shuttle(20751800)7Silencer(20750801)Accessories20997001 © 2022 V A C U U B R A N D G M B H + C O K G · P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y · 06/2022VACUUBRAND is part of the Brand group, a manufacturerof high-quality and innovative laboratory equipment and vacuum technology with a global team of approx. 1,000 employees.With 280 highly motivated and qualified employees, we manufacture the world's most comprehen s ive product family for vacuum generation, measurement and control for the rough and fine vacuum range in the laboratory.All with one goal:Enabling our customers to run reliable, safe and efficient processes. This is why we commit ourselves to continuous innovation, first-class performance, and outstanding quality.Engineering excellence is central to our ability to deliver products and solutions renowned for their quality, durability, and reliability. Innovative technology, high quality materials and extensive testing deliver unmatched performance - engineered and manufactured in Germany. Together with you, our experts will find the best solution for your application and provide you with first-class service along the way: +49 9342 808 5550VACUUBRAND GMBH + CO KG Alfred-Zippe-Str. 4 97877 Wertheim T +49 9342 808 5550F +49 9342 808 5555*******************BRAND (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.Shanghai, China **************.cn BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai, India************************.in www.brand.co.inBrandTech Scientific, Inc.Essex, CT. United States of America ******************。
Edwards nXDS干式滚动吸力机产品介绍说明书
EDWARDSTHE PARTNER OF CHOICEEdwards is a world leader in the design, technology and manufacture of vacuum pumps with over 95 years’ history and more than 75 years’ manufacturing experience.Edwards believes in delivering results that bring value to our customers by using our breadth of industry experience to identify and apply solutions to your problems. Using the most innovative and up-to-date modelling techniques, we can optimise the pumping configuration for customers to provide a system design giving the maximum performance in the most reliable and cost-effective way.THE INTELLIGENT CHOICEEdwards nXDS is the great new shape of dry vacuum pumpingThe nXDS has taken scroll vacuum technology to the next level. Improved performance, exceptional pumping capability, quiet operation and extended service intervals make nXDS the ultimate dry choice.Quiet operationBetter working environmentHermetically sealed for a lubricant-free vacuum environmentContamination free process and no oil to dispose ofLow power consumptionLow cost of ownershipIntelligent and easy to use controlsFlexibility of operationSuperior vapour handlingWider range of applicationsLong service intervalsMaximised up-timeApplicationsYou can be assured Edwards has the application expertise and the RV pump or integrated systemsolution to meet your needs.Mass spectrometry• GCMS, LCMS, ICPMS, MALDI, RGA, surface science, leak detectorsElectron microscopy• TEM, SEM, sample coatersSample preparation• Gel dryers, glove boxes, rotary evaporators, centrifugesResearch and development• Chamber evacuation, coating systems, turbopump backing High energy physics• Beam lines, accelerators, mobile pump carts, turbopump backing, laser evacuationIndustrial• Gas recovery and recirculation, glove boxes, brake line and air conditioning evacuation, coating systems, freeze drying, gas bottle filling/emptying, refrigeration system manufacture, degassing/curing(oil, epoxy resin)Chemical• Gel dryers, glove boxes, rotary evaporators, centrifuges, solvent recovery, distillation/extraction/ filtrationOptimum bearing placement for long lifetime and easy replacement low power consumptionWide range voltage input with automatic selection for simple operation Standby speed control buttons for efficient processtuningUSB port for service use onlyRemote control interface for convenience of operationEasy to use manual control buttonsnXDS scroll pump sectional viewOptimised scroll profiles for each model to maximise performanceHermetic bellows sealing for contamination free vacuumAdvanced tip-seal technology for long service lifetimeThermally controlled fan for reduced noiseQuiet runningThe modern laboratory is often a busy place with many other appliances running, all contributing to the background noise. With its low noise power level of 52 dB(A), the nXDS pump makes only a very small contribution to the total noise. This level is up to twenty times less than those of competitor products. nXDS is available in four sizes:• nXDS6i• nXDS10i• nXDS15i• nXDS20i Other variantsFor more aggressive applications, ‘C’ Variants are available which feature Chemraz® internal valves and stainless steel fittings for extra protection from the pumped media.R variants are available for specialist applications such as gas recirculation, rare gas pumping and recovery or other applications where the dilution of the pumped gas is undesirable, or where sealing is integral to minimising potential gas loss.PerformancenXDS has been designed to combine the latest advances in scroll technology with an intelligent drive coupled with the long established, truly dry, hermetically sealed mechanism of the XDS series.Class leading pumping speeds are an improvement over existing XDS models and, with the drive, are of course consistent worldwide. Likewise, ultimate vacuum pressures which are below 10-2 mbar are now comparable with those of oil-sealed rotary vane pumps – without the inconvenience of oil.Hermetic sealing ensures that the vacuum environment is not contaminated by bearing lubricant and, conversely, the bearings are not contaminated by any process gas being pumped.Summary of pump speedsSummary of input powersPump controllerThe advanced controller allows for several modes of control:ManualPush button START, STOP and STANDBY. Accurate speed control of 1% of maximum running speed.Parallel remoteFrom your own control system via the 15 way d-sub connector giving the same START, STOP and STANDBY with the option of analogue speed control.Serial communication remoteOption of either RS232 or RS485 with a choice of Edwards’ proprietary ‘DX’ protocol or industry standard Modbus protocol. A USB port has been included for service use only.The pump controller is able to accept voltages from 100-127 and 200-240V (+/- 10%) without the need for intervention.Technical data* Typical. See graphs on page 6.** For low fan speed, typical at ultimate end when load/ambient conditions allow.Pumping speed and power curvesDimensionsAll variants are the same Dimensions in mm (in)Spares and accessoriesControllersThe TIC (Turbo and Instrument Controller) automatically recognises the nXDS pump when connected to the backing pump connector as the controller adopts serial communications mode when connected to the nXDS. There is no need to use a relay box to interface to nXDS.Speed control and pump run hours etc can be readily accessed from the display. The TIC can also control an nEXT turbopump plus, up to three gauges at the same time as a nXDS pump.Customers already owning a TIC can upgradetheir software to enable interfacing to nXDS.Ordering informationServiceYour business success depends on maximum equipment uptime and minimum total cost of ownership, andwe constantly strive to support those objectives. As a global leader in vacuum technology and processes, we understand how vacuum pumps and systems perform in real life. Our wide portfolio of services is designed with you in mind: to help keep your processes and equipment running in the most economical and environmentally efficient manner.Services include:• Overhaul and repair using genuine Edwards OEM parts• OEM spares and kits available for immediate despatch• Remanufactured products available for cost-effective expansion and backups• Global network of expert field service engineers available to respond quickly to unexpectedequipment failures• Extended warranty, to help manage the cost of the unexpectedOur Expert Advantage Service Plans provide you with the on-going support necessary to continuously improve your operational efficiency and meet your business objectives. As service offerings may vary slightly from product toproduct, please contact your Edwards representative to discuss your specific requirements.EDWARDS nXDS Dry Scroll PumpEMEAUK+44 1444 253 000(localrate************ Belgium+32 2 300 0730 France+33 1 4121 1256 Germany 0800 000 1456 Italy+ 39 02 48 4471 Israel+ 972 8 681 0633ASIA PACIFICChina+86 400 111 9618 India+91 20 4075 2222 Japan+81 47 458 8836 Korea+82 31 716 7070 Singapore+65 6546 8408 Taiwan +886 3758 1000 AMERICASUSA+1 800 848 9800 Brazil+55 11 3952 5000Publication Number: 3601 0086 01© Edwards Limited 2016. All rights reservedEdwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks ofEdwards LimitedWhilst we make every effort to ensure that weaccurately describe our products and services,we give no guarantee as to the accuracy orcompleteness of any information provided inthis brochure.Edwards Ltd, registered in England and WalesNo. 6124750, registered office: Innovation Drive,Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TW, UK.GLOBAL CONTACTSEDWARDS nXDS Dry Scroll Pump Part of the Atlas Copco Group。
The mechanism, which is lubricated by oil, consists of a housing with a cylindrical bore into which is fitted a rotor.
The rotor turns, the tips of the blades are in contact with the stator wall at all times.
10--3 10--1
Inlet Pressure (Torr)
Molecular pump
Sorption pump
Rotary vane pump
Oil sealed rotary vane pumps are suitable for the direct production of rough and medium vacuum. They are also used extensively to back roots vacuum, turbomolecular and diffusion pumps.
leakage vapour pressure
• pressure range (useful pumping action) adjacent 相近的
• pumping speed( function of pressure) The pumping speed is
the volumetric flow through the pump’s intake port.
GXS750 740 (436) 3x10-3 (2.3x10-3) 10.0 (13.4) 37.0 (49.6)
1 (15) 10 (2.6)
1 (15) 12 (3.2) 5-40 (41-104) 所有型号 1/2” BSP 外螺纹管 (G 1/2”) 2.5-6.9 (36-100) 12 18-146 Swagelok® Ø ¼” 管,带卡套接头 2.5-6.9 (36-100) Swagelok® Ø 3/8" 管,带卡套接头 ½" NPT 内螺纹管 3/8" BSP 外螺纹管 (G 3/8") 860 (1996) <64 5-40 (41-104)
GXS泵型 应用 LD 轻负荷 只配有轴封 吹扫 退火处理 CVI化学气相浸渍 电子束焊接 气体淬火 LPC低压渗碳 LPN 低压渗氮 烧结 (金属注射成 型) & 脱蜡 油淬火 PIC 精密熔模铸造 & 快速循环 离子渗碳(PN) 回火 真空钎焊 VAR真空电弧精炼 VIM真空感应熔炼 ** * MD 中等负荷 轴封吹扫+可变气镇 启动和关闭时进气 吹扫 MD 中等负荷450 / 750 同标准中等负荷吹扫方 式+可选附加气镇 MD+ 中等负荷+ 同中等负荷吹扫 方式+ 只在关闭时 进行高流流吹扫 MD+ 中等负荷+ 关闭时高流 速吹扫及溶剂 冲洗
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世界领先的电机和驱动技术 • 高效电机配置变频器驱动, 最大化扭矩输 出用以满足苛刻工艺制程的需求 • 整体密封电机消除漏油的可能, 泵的整 体漏率低, 提高泵的运行可靠性 • 水冷式电机和水冷式变频器, 提高运行 可靠性, 延长使用寿命并降低维护成本
(8)灯和电子管制造 (13)包装技术
1.4型号及意义 LG150
警告:操作或修理本泵前,没有阅读使用说明书和采取 适当安全防范,可能会引起严重的伤害。
1 概述
1.1 概要
本型泵采用了等螺距的螺杆型线,在螺杆的末端有内部压缩设计,即绝大部 分的压缩工作时在气体与排气口相通的时候完成的,也就是泵排出的最后阶段。 图3显示的是螺杆泵的P-V图表:(a)无内压缩;(b)最后阶段有压缩。PV图表 中显示的几个面积与泵吸取的能量成正比的。很明显地,采取适当的内压缩,有 利于降低功率的消耗,同时也减少了发热量。
Vacuum Pump产品说明书
58DP 25L/4DMDP 63/4DMDP 100/8DMDP 63/4DPDP 100/8DPBacking pump displacement DN 40 KF DN 40 CF DN 63 ISO-K DN 63 CF DN 63 ISO-K m3/hr(l/min.) @50Hz 4.6(77) 4.6(77)7.2(120) 4.6(77)7.2(120)cfm(l/min.) @60Hz3.2(92) 3.2(92) 5.1(143) 3.2(92) 5.1(143)Pumping speed for air, l/s 15110210110210Ultimate pressure, mbar1x10-61x10-61x10-61x10-61x10-6Inlet connection flange DN 25 KFDN 63 ISO-KDN 100 ISO-KDN 63 ISO-KDN 100 ISO-KCooling methodAir Water Water Water Water Cooling water consumption, l/min N/A 0.7 1.00.7 1.0Oil filling (oil diffusion pump), ml 305510055100Valve type Manual Manual Manual Electro-pneumaticElectro-pneumaticPower, W65080010008001000Dimensions, in.(cm)19.7x18.9x31.3 (50x48x80)19.7x18.9x27.3 (50x48x69)19.7x18.9x27.3 (50x48x69)19.7x18.9x27.3 (50x48x69)19.7x18.9x27.3 (50x48x69)Weight, lbs.(kg)55(25)63.8(29)81.4(37)68(30)89.1(40.5)Shipping dimensions, mm Shipping weight, lbs.(kg)230V , 50Hz 100221100326100327100328100329115V, 50/60Hz100221-01100326-01100327-01----Note: Replacement silicone XT704 oil used in diffusion pump, CAT. No. 800106 (0.5 liter).DP oil diffusion pump systems are used to economically generate high vacuum to 1x10-6 mbar (7.5 x10-7 torr). The system consists of an oil diffusion pump backed by oil sealed rotary vane pump, MRV100 high vacuum gauge, high vacuum valve, backing valve, connecting tubing, charge of silicone oil for diffusion pump, charge of oil for the backing pump, and cables/plugs. All com-ponents are mounted on a trolley with wheels. Both air cooling and water cooled diffusion pump systems are available.The backing valve is part of the by-pass line to allow initial evacuation of vacuum chamber without air from chamberpassing through the diffusion pump. The high vacuum valve is located at the inlet of the diffusion pump and must be opened slowly to prevent the pressure in the exhaust of the oil diffusion pump from rising too quickly.Two options of high vacuum valve are available – manual and electro-pneumatic – in DP systems. The high vacuum gauge tube from the MRV100 high vacuum gauge monitors the pres-sure at the inlet of the diffusion pump. With a electro-pneu-matic backing valve system, the MRV100 vacuum gauge sends a signal to the electro-pneumatic valve to slowly open when set pressure is reached. Manual high vacuum valve type systems require operator to open up slowly the high vacuum valve.The oil diffusion pump has no moving parts. Within the dif-fusion pump is a stationary multi-stage jet assembly. Hot oil va-por passing thru the jet assembly creates the pumping action. When the oil is boiled below the multi-jet assembly, a stream of silicone oil molecules is ejected thru these jets at supersonic speeds. Gas molecules are hit by this supersonic jet stream. The oil jet with gas molecules hits the outer cooled shell of the oil diffusion pump. The oil is condensed and falls down to the boiler carrying with it the gas molecules. The rotary vane pump removes these compressed gas molecules at the exhaust port of the diffusion pump. This cyclic process creates the pumping action of an oil diffusion pump.• High pumping speed• Quick attainment of ultimate vacuum pressure • Air-cooled and water cooled diffusion pump options • Manual and electro-pneumatic options for opening high vacuum valve。
目录第一章绪论.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 课题背景及研究意义.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 螺杆真空泵在国内外的研究现状与进展方向 (5)第二章螺杆干式真空泵转子型线的研究 (7)2.1 常见转子型线比较 (7)2.2 多头双边对称圆弧型线 (8)转子型线要素 (9)2.2.3 多头双边对称圆弧型线方程 (11)第三章螺杆干式真空泵工作原理 (15)第四章螺杆干式真空泵设计计算 (18)螺杆大体尺寸 (18)排气量 (20)理论排气量 (20)实际排气量 (20)进排气孔口 (21)轴向进气口 (21)轴向排气口 (22)极限真空度、功率及冷却水量 (22)轴的强度计算 (23)同步齿轮的设计计算 (23)齿轮尺寸计算 (23)齿轮强度校核 (24)参考文献: ................................ 错误!未定义书签。
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GXS泵型 应用 LD 轻负荷 只配有轴封 吹扫 退火处理 CVI化学气相浸渍 电子束焊接 气体淬火 LPC低压渗碳 LPN 低压渗氮 烧结 (金属注射成 型) & 脱蜡 油淬火 PIC 精密熔模铸造 & 快速循环 离子渗碳(PN) 回火 真空钎焊 VAR真空电弧精炼 VIM真空感应熔炼 ** * MD 中等负荷 轴封吹扫+可变气镇 启动和关闭时进气 吹扫 MD 中等负荷450 / 750 同标准中等负荷吹扫方 式+可选附加气镇 MD+ 中等负荷+ 同中等负荷吹扫 方式+ 只在关闭时 进行高流流吹扫 MD+ 中等负荷+ 关闭时高流 速吹扫及溶剂 冲洗
GXS 创新螺杆转子技术
4 3 2 2 5 1
双端轴支撑 • 非悬臂式支撑设计实现了可靠的转子支 撑, 振动极低, 并且拥有超强的启动可靠 性, 尤其适合苛刻的工艺制程。 • 超强的液体和粉尘处理能力。 测试显示 拥有5升水和1公斤粉尘的侵入处理能力
轴承和润滑 • 齿轮箱采用油润滑, 无需定期维护 • 使用优质陶瓷轴承和全氟润滑油, 饱和 蒸汽压力低, 适和各种应用, 并拥有超长 的使用寿命。
机载式智能控制系统 • 采用面板按钮控制, 并有的运行状态和故障状态指示灯 • 真正的 “即插即用” 能力 • 使用智能编程可实现自动开机/停机和AUC降频运行节能模 式, 可选配泵腔自动溶剂冲洗功能 • 通过以太网和串行接口(有Profibus协议、 简单文本控制协 议SIM和RS232)和I/O并行通讯实现远程控制和监控功能 • 可选配泵显示终端(PDT), 提高诊断和参数配置能力
GXS 干式螺杆真空泵
Giving you a clear edge
EDWARDS – 您的首选合 作伙伴
Edwards 在真空泵的设计、技术和制造领域处于世 界领先地位,并具有超过 95 年的历史和超过 75 年 的制造经验。
Edwards的经营理念:通过利用丰富的工业生产经验,为客 户带来价值,并为客户提供最佳解决方案。利用最具创新 的建模技术,优化泵系统结构,以便为客户提供全套系统 设计,从而以最可靠和经济有效的方式让泵的性能达到最 佳状态。
无论您是需要单个真空泵、真空泵罗茨泵泵组、还是完整的真空系统,我们生产的各种泵型可以 为您的众多应用提供最佳性能的解决方案。 下表是GXS系列真空泵适用的某些典型应用。当然,除此之外还有其他GXS适用的应用。如果您想 要获得具体的建议,详细了解GXS的适用性,请联系我们的应用工程师。
4 3 6 2 2
冶金 • 真空钎焊 • 电子束焊接 • 氮碳共渗 • 低压渗氮 • 低压渗碳 • 化学气相浸渍 • 烧结 • 金属注射成型 • 精密熔模铸造 • 电渣重熔 • 真空感应熔炼 • 真空电弧精炼 • 钢液脱气 镀膜 • 卷绕镀膜 • 硬质镀膜 (CVD/DLC) • 表面活化 • 等离子喷涂 • 玻璃镀膜 干燥 • 冷冻干燥 • 套管填充 • 变压器干燥 • 管道干燥 • 电容器干燥 • 锂电池干燥 等离子工艺 • 等离子焊接 • 离子渗碳 太阳能 • 硅晶提拉 • PV层压 LED制造 真空室清空 • 航天模拟舱 • 气体回收 /循环 • 真空锁室抽空
6Hale Waihona Puke 罗茨泵 • 高效真空罗茨结构设计 • 结合闭环水冷温控系统实现最佳抽气性能
GXS 罗茨泵
提高运行可靠性的附件 • 高流量进气吹扫附件可清除泵腔中的粉尘 • 溶剂冲洗附件可实现在线清洗清除泵腔中的粘性物质 • 溶剂清洗功能可在真空处理过程中使用 • 所有附件可以通过泵自带控制系统或选配的泵显示终端 (PDT)进行控制
GXS 干式螺杆真空泵和泵组
我们全新的GXS干式真空泵实现了干式真空泵性能的一次飞越。GXS真空泵采用了 独特的螺杆技术以及世界领先的高效驱动技术,实现了先进的温度控制和超长的 维修间隔以及同类产品中最佳的抽气性能,确保您长期享有低廉的运行成本。
快速 – 缩短抽真空时间, 极限真空可达到5 X 10 -4 mbar • 高生产率: 缩短工艺流程所需的时间 • 完善的产品质量: 优异的极限真空水平 可靠 – 即便在严苛的工业应用条件下 , 也能保持稳定运行 • 低廉的维护成本: 无预期外的突发故障 • 高生产率: 超长的维修间隔 智能 – 自带控制系统拥有强大的通讯能力和自动控制能力 • 较低的安装成本: 系统集成成本低 • 运行安全, 产量稳定: 支持工艺流程的自动控制 经济 – 可以承受的资本投入, 低廉的运行成本 • 节省大量成本: 低廉的水/气和电力使用成本 • 节省空间: 占地少 环保 – 低噪音运行, 能耗低 • 碳排放量低: 较低的水/气和电力消耗 • 环保: 无污染和废油排放
4 3
世界领先的电机和驱动技术 • 高效电机配置变频器驱动, 最大化扭矩输 出用以满足苛刻工艺制程的需求 • 整体密封电机消除漏油的可能, 泵的整 体漏率低, 提高泵的运行可靠性 • 水冷式电机和水冷式变频器, 提高运行 可靠性, 延长使用寿命并降低维护成本
先进的轴封技术 • 唇式密封结合迷宫式阻油密封, 实现极佳 密封性能和超长的使用寿命 • 结合每分钟 12升的密封吹扫, 防止齿轮 箱受到工艺介质的污染, 同时实现完全无 油的真空环境
先进的抽气结构设计 • 先进的变径变距锥形螺杆转子设计, 使 气体沿转子长度方向上实现平稳逐级压 缩, 从而最优化转子的热控制, 优化所有 进气压力下的抽气性能。 • 闭环水冷温制系统和, 独特的转子和定子 设计, 实现全浓度(0-100%)下氩气抽气能 力 • 先进的加工技术和设计, 转子无需涂层 仍保证最佳的极限真空性能 • 完善的制造技术和设计, 实现低振动低 噪音运行
推荐辅件 进气过 滤器 金属网式 消音器 可清洗可排 水型
注: *对于丙烷低压渗氮, 请使用MD+(中等负荷+)泵型 **对于蜡质粘合剂, 请使用MD+(中等负荷+)泵型