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第 33 卷 第 4 期 2016 年 07 月 文章编号:1673-3363-(2016)04-0649-061
采矿与安全工程学报 Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering
Vol.33 No.4 July 2016
张国锋 1,2,解毅 1,2,许丽莹 1
Mechanics performance testing and research of truss support in the soft rock roadway
ZHANG Guofeng1,2,XIE Yi1,2,XU Liying1
(1.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing),Beijing 2.State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China) 100083,China;
The roadway with soft rock has such problems as high ground pressure, strong rheology, and
large deformation in deep coal mining in China, so the large supporting force is needed to stabilize the surrounding rock. The author has put forward a new technology with truss support, and the truss is made of eight 12# double I-Beams. Each beam connects another beam with 390 mm×800 mm×30 mm welded steel plate and bolted connection. In laboratory the truss mechanical property about ultimate load and deformation has been achieved by the monitoring system with different combination with horizontal load and vertical load that is stepwise added. The results have shown that under the uniform pressure ultimate bearing capacity of the truss is 1 500 t, and the ultimate deformation is 12.18 mm; when the ratio of the vertical load to the horizontal load is 0.2, ultimate load of the truss is 900 t, and the elastic de收稿日期:2014-11-27 责任编辑:王江涛 基金项目:教育部高校博士点基金项目(20130023120011);中央高校基本科研基金项目(2012800015DQ) 作者简介:张国锋(1982—),男,河南省灵宝市人,讲师,硕士生导师,从事软岩巷道与无煤柱开采方面的研究。 E-mail:zhanggf1982@163.com Tel:13811363553
第 33 卷
formation limit is 26.3 mm; and the failure is the connection slide and the diameter shrinkage damage. Compared with the traditional U-shaped steel, the double truss support counterforce has been increased to 10 times. In the soft rock roadway, the author has put forward the first support with constant-resistance large-deformation anchor coupling support and reserved deformation; the support can release the deformation energy. After forming the anchor-surrounding rock coupling support circle, the strong truss force support has been used in the second support; this way can make full use of mechanical property. The truss structure may have an extensive application in fields of the deep roadway with the soft rock, high ground pressure and strong rheology in future. Key words soft rock roadway;double steel truss;full circle closed support;mechanics performance testing;roadway support 随着我国煤矿开采深度的增加,深部巷道表现 出的大地压、软围岩、大变形等软岩巷道难支护问 题尤为突出
(1.中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083; 100083) 2.中国矿业大学(北京)深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,北京
护力,因此提出全圆钢桁架支架支护技术。桁架采用 8 段双层 12#工字钢构件组成,每段构件之 间连接采用端头焊接 390 mm×800 mm×30 mm 钢板和螺栓连接,在实验室借助分步多次逐级加 载、测试系统测试了全圆钢桁架支架在垂向和水平向荷载按不同比例组合作用下的极限荷载和极 限变形量。试验结果表明:在均压荷载作用下,钢桁架的极限承载力为 1 500 t,弹性极限压缩变 形为 12.18 mm; 非均压荷载组合比值为 0.2 时, 支架极限承载力为 900 t, 弹性极限变形为 26.3 mm; 极限荷载破坏方式为连接块处的错动和支架直径收缩变形破坏。与传统 U 型钢支架相比,钢桁架 支护反力提高 10 倍以上。针对极软岩巷道变形规律,提出恒阻大变形锚杆索+预留变形量的一次 支护, 在高预紧力支护下通过恒阻装置释放变形能并形成锚网索-围岩耦合支护圈, 然后采用全圆 钢桁架强力二次支护,在均压下发挥钢桁架的最佳支护力学性能,其支护方式在深部大地压、强 流变软岩巷道中有着广泛的应用前景。 关键词 软岩巷道;双层钢桁架;圆形封闭支架;力学性能测试;巷道支护 TD 322 文献标志码 A DOI 10.13545/j.cnki.jmse.2016.04.013 中图分类号