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1.If you have no idea how to behave yourself (you) at table in an English family, please follow the host.

2.To satisfy children's curiosity (curious), we'd better answer their questions patiently.

3.Yuan Longping has been focusing on searching for a way to increase rice output.

4.His convincing (convince) words finally made me believe that he was an honest man.

5.As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only occasionally (occasional).

6.It was difficult for us to guess what Lucy's reaction (react) to the news would be.

7.The soldiers fought in defence (defend) of their country's safety.

8.The costal areas have mild winter, but by contrast, the central (centre) plains become extremely cold.

9.The child slipped and fell, hitting (hit) his head against the door.

10.You can't imagine what difficulty I have getting (get) along with him.


1.Not until she got the exciting news did Mary realize nobody was happier than she was.

→It_was_not_until she got the exciting news that Mary realized nobody was happier than she was.

2.Since my childhood, my parents have brought me up to respect others.

→Since my childhood, my parents have brought me up to show_respect_for others.

3.All women didn't have the chance to receive education in the past.

→Not_all_women_had the chance to receive education in the past.

4.This opportunity will not only make you happy, but it can also satisfy your curiosity.

→Not_only_will_this_opportunity_make you happy, but it can also satisfy your curiosity.

5.It is more likely that physically energetic children will become healthy adults.

→Physically energetic children are_more_likely_to_become_healthy_adults.



It_hits_Peter_that he has an important conference to attend the next morning.


Whichever_book_you_choose,_the content of it is of benefit to your written English.


Once_feelings_were_hurt,_it is difficult to recover, no matter how much effort you make.


We regret_to_inform_you_that your application has been rejected.

5.尽管是个孩子,他谈起话来好像大人一样。(as if)

Child as he is, he talks as_if_he_were_an_adult.



An nette Larkins is an incredible woman who looks like a healthy 40­year­old, although she just turned 70. She follows a special raw diet and only drinks rainwater.

She looks so young that people mistake her for the daughter, when she's out with her husband of 54 years, but I suppose he isn't complaining.

Mrs. Larkins says the secret to her beauty lies in her special diet, consisting of organic vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts grown in her own garden; she calls it the “fountain of youth”.The woman doesn't touch anything that has been cooked.

And another strange thing she does is to collect rainwater, to keep her garden blossoming, but also to drink. But the resident of Miami­Dade County, Florida, didn't always have such a healthy lifestyle. In fact, she consumed meat regularly,as her husband used to own a meat factory way back in the 1960s. It was then that she decided to change her eating habits forever. And what a great decision that was.

I mean, just look at her!

When she started off, Mrs. Larkins was just looking for a few health benefits and never anticipated that she would look like a 40­year­old at the age of 70. Over the 27 years, rkins has been eating raw food, and she has written two booklets called Journey to Health and also produced a DVD containing all her healthy secrets.

Her husband, Mr. Larkins, wishes he had followed her example, because now he
