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第一部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节:(共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)



When I started a novel when I was younger, I wanted to finish it the next day. When I started a business, I wanted to sell it a day later. When I started graduate school, I was already planning how I was going to be the fastest PhD in history. Around the time that I had planned on receiving that PhD, I ended up getting thrown out. “Lack of maturity(成熟),” the letter said.

I don’t believe that “Life is short”. Sometimes it feels very long. I wish every day was already over just so I could get to the next. And the next. An imaginary tomorrow always seems to be better than today in my head. This makes me think of my hero, Gene Wolfe.

Gene Wolfe was given the task of taking a baked potato, pressing it down, and slicing(切片) it up so that it could fit into a tennis ball can. Well, he did it. He invented Pringles(品客薯片).

Many normal human beings, not as obsessed(入迷的) with status and creativity as Gene was, might say, “OK, that’s my life’s achievement. I’ve created an easily storable food based on a vegetable that will please children and adults for decades, maybe centuries.”

If I were Gene I would have rested on my laurels(满足既得的成就) and played golf with friends. But Gene knew the magic secret: One page a day. He writes a page a day. A page is about 300 words. A paragraph or two. Can you do that? Gene ended up writing 50 published novels, including many bestsellers and awardwinners. He didn’t get stereotyped(一成不变的) and put in that Pringles can. He did what he loved to do. That’s what keeps you alive every day.

Life is too long to reject the opportunities in front of you every day.

I was talking to James Manos, the creator of Dexter(嗜血法医). He said, “My definition of success is not being able to tell difference between work and pleasure.” It’s OK if right now the two are separate for you. Today is a new day. We say what we want to change. We regret what we never changed.

This is my page today.

By James Altucher

1. When the author started graduate school, _______________.

A. he made up his mind to finish a novel before graduation

B. he decided to follow his hero’s example and start a business

C. he didn’t expect to end up being thrown out

D. he realized that life is too short to be wasted

2. Which of the following about Gene Wolfe is NOT true?
