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timber 木材

annual rainfall年降雨量

eucalyptus 桉树

drought 干旱

cultivate 种植

moist 湿润

slope 山坡

deciduous 落叶

hardwood 硬木

conifer 针叶树

resistant to decay 坑腐蚀性

forest science / forestry 林学

tree physiology 树木生理学

forest soil science 森林土壤学

forest ecology 森林生态学 forest

tree breeding 森林育种学 forest pathology 森林病理学 forest mensuration 侧树学 virgin forest


natural forest 天然林 fast-growing and high-yield plantation coniferous forest 针叶林 mangrove forest 红树

timber forest 用材林 non-timber product forest 经济林 forest for special use 特殊用材林 mixed

forest 混交林 evenaged forest 同

龄林 uniform stand 单层林分

dominant tree species 优势树种association tree species 半生树种pioneer tree species 先锋树种

forest tree improvement 林木改良superior tree 优树

introduction of exotic species 林木引种seed orchard 种子园

clonal seed crchard 无性系种子园rogued seed orchard 去劣种子园clonal test 无性系测定

average temperature 平均气温

deciduous broadleaf trees 落叶阔叶树

shelter belts 防护林带

cold waves 寒潮

foliage 叶子


tropical 热带

evergreen 常绿

softwood 软木

broadleaf 阔叶树

main trunk主干


forest meteorology森林气象学

forest biology森林生物学

forest economic 林业经济学

forest genetics 森林遗传学

forest entomology森林昆虫学

forest management 森林经理学

secondary forest 次生林

forest plantation / man-made forest人工林速生丰产林

broad leaved forest 阔叶林

forest category 林种

protection forest防护林

firewood forest薪炭林

energy forest 能源林

pure forest 纯林

uneven aged forest 异龄林

mulit-storied stand复层林分

subdominant tree species 亚优势树种

native tree species 乡土树种

selection of tree 林木选择

superior stand 优良林分

seed production stand 母树林

tree breeding 树木育种

seedling seed orchard 实生苗种子园

progeny test 子代测定 forestation 造
