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It’s easy to lose your way when you’re surrounded by money. An occasional setback or poverty can in fact keep your conscience in check and motivate you to fight your way out of adversity. 「人在富裕的時候,很容易迷失自己,偶而有些小挫折或貧窮,反而可以激起良知與 鬥志,讓你得力,突破危機,渡過困境。」
The willingness to work hard is a virtue that’s seemingly unheard of in the new generation of Baidu Nhomakorabeahildren. 「吃苦耐勞的美德,在下一代的孩子中好像不存在了。」
These days society often hears about boomerang kids and young people who flock after celebrities and name brands. Often children of privilege are spoiled by their families, oblivious to the meaning of poverty, hard work, or even a simple meal. 「啃老族、尼特族、追星族、名牌族充滿在各個家庭之中,許多有錢人家的孩子被長 輩寵壞了,他們不知道什麼叫做貧窮,什麼叫做粗茶淡飯,什麼叫做吃苦耐勞。」
The new generation of youngsters, who only knows how to spend money and have no concept of saving money, is causing some serious worries. 「只會花錢,不知節約儲蓄的下一代,真的會讓各界擔心。」
A business’s sustainability should come from its credibility, reputation, quality, service, competitiveness, innovation, and capital. 「一個企業的持續力(生命力),應來自於其自身的信譽、商譽、品質、服務、競爭力、 創新力 與 財力。」
If I had not come from a poor family, I would not have the determination to become rich. I must thank my parents for my success, for they gave me the will to fight for a better life. 「如果不是我家很窮,我不會那麼的有決心去做個有錢人,我之所以成功,我要感謝 我的父母給了我有努力向上的機會。」
Do you believe that wealth can stem from poverty? For a man who has made up his mind to become rich, his wealth can stem from his poverty. Wouldn’t you agree? 「貧窮可以創造財富,你相信嗎? 對於一個有下定決心要做富人的人來說,貧窮就可 以創造財富,你說對嗎?」
Frugality, diligence, filial piety, and tenacity are traditional Chinese virtues. The sad part is these virtues are slowly disappearing among the new generation of children. 「節約、勤奮、孝順、吃苦耐勞是中國的傳統的美德,可惜的是,這些美德,在新一 代的孩子之中逐漸消失了。」
Your contributions to mankind give meaning to life. You owe it to society to fulfill your social obligations. 「人生因有貢獻而踏實,逃避自己對社會的責任,就是對不起社會。」
A business should not depend on government assistance to sustain itself. 「一個企業要維持生存,它的活動力量不應該是來自於政府的援助基金。」
Your hard work can change the world. Your determination can create a beautiful future. 「憑自己的努力,你可以改變一切。憑自己的決心,你可以創造出美好的未來。」
Being poor is not a tragedy, nor does it mean you’re doomed for life. Being poor can inspire determination and motivate you to fight. Those who have never experienced poverty don’t understand the meaning of delayed gratification. 「貧窮不是災難,貧窮不是減亡,貧窮可以激發人的鬥志與決心。不經過貧窮洗滌 的人,不知何謂遲來的幸福。」
Chinese people have many things to be proud of as well as areas to improve upon. We must always be humble and keep learning in order to continuously improve ourselves. 「中國人有許多值得驕傲的地方,中國人也有許多值得檢討的地方。做人要永遠謙卑, 且要努力學習,這樣才能繼續進步下去。」