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Lesson 51-52

Name ______ Mark______ 一:单词(0.5*37)


1. Daming comes from_________ (Greek).

2. The climate is very_________ (pleasant) in this country.

3. It’s often_________ (wind) in March.

4. Which month is very_________ (rain)?

5. It is very________ (sun) in June, July and August.


1. Where _______you ________ (come) from?

2. It ________ (rain) sometimes in spring.

3. It often_______ (snow) in winter.

4. ________ (tell) you the truth, I don’t like chicken, either.

5. Sam can’t_______ (make) the tea.


1. We come from Germany, but Sally comes __________Spain.

2. You’re Italian. You come from___________.

3. _________she come from Norway?

No, she comes from France.

4. He is_________. He comes from Greece.

5. Where you from? I’m from China.

6. Is it cold_______warm in autumn?

7. What’s the weather______in spring?

8. ----The cat is in the garden. ----________about the dog?

9. What's the like in your country? It's very pleasant.

10. Is it very_______in winter?


1.What ______the climate ______in your home?

A does…..like

B is…..liking

C does…..liking

D is…like

2.The weather is cold_________the East.

A at

B on

C in

D by

3.Where do you come_________?

A in

B on

C near

D from

4.What________the weather_________in spring?

A does…liking

B is….like

C is…..liking

D does…..like

5.It’s often windy__________March.

A in

B on

C by Dnear

6.I t’s always warm_______spring.

A in

B on

C by

D near

7.It’s often hot___________summer.

A in

B on

C by

D near

8.It’s windy_________autumn.

A on

B by

C in

D near

9.It’s very cold________winter.

A on

B by

C near

D in

10.It rains_________November.

A on

B in

C by

D near

11.The sun_________every day.

A shine

B to shine

C shining

D shines

12.Is it cold_________warm in autumn?

A and

B but

C or

D /

13._________is the climate like in your country?

A What

B Which

C Where

D Who

14.It is often__________in April.

A wind

B windy

C windly

D windth

15.It is warm in spring. The sun shines in_________.

A September

B July

C December

D April

16.It is cold in winter. It snows in__________.

A September

B July

C December

D April

17.It is windy in autumn. It rains in___________

A September

B July

C December

D April

18.It is hot in summer. It is hot in________

A September

B July

C December

D April

19.The weather is very_________.

A rain

B pleasant

C snow

D wind

20.I come from England , but Sally________from Spain

A come

B coming

C to come

D comes

21.Look, Sally_____the door.

A shut

B shuts

C shutting

D is shutting

22.We_________from France.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

23.He__________from Greece.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

24.They ________from Norway.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

25.She________from Dutch.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

26. You ________from Germany.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

27.Hans and Karl_________from Spain.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

28. You and Daming_______from Brazil.

A come

B comes

C to come

D coming

29.You must________with the ball like this.

A jump

B jumps

C to jump

D jumping

30.What_________the children_____________?

A does, do

B must, does

C is, doing

D are, doing 六:句型转换(2*5)

1. Annie comes from Germany. (划线部分提问)

Where ________ Annie _________from?

2. The climate is very pleasant in Greece. (就划线部分提问)

_______is the climate_______in Greece

3. It snows sometimes in winter. (改为同义句)

It is _______sometimes in winter.
