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A. He’s climbing the tree.
B. He’s studying in the school.
C. He’s eating.
) 4. Ah Qiu is here with _____________.
A. his father
B. his mother
C. A and B
) 5. We have_____________ pandas in the world.
)12.A. Certainly. I’m Cui. B.Certainly. Here you are.
C.Yes, I have one.
)13.A. I like rulers.
B. I have a short one. C. I want a long ruler.
)14.A. No, we don’t.
)10.A. My room number is 3418.
B. My car number is GAN L 6C519.
C. My call number is 3325608.
Ⅱ、选出你所听句子的正确答语,听三遍。(10 分)
)11.A. He is in Grade 5. B. Um…, she is in Class 5. C. In Grade 5, I think.
A. Do
B. Can
C. Are

)7. Tom doesn’t like going shopping, I don’t like it, ______ .
A. too
B. either
C. please

)8. —______ is Ted? —There, playing with Lulu.
A. looks
B. looks at
C. looks like

)5. —Can I use your bike? —______ . But please give it back here today.
A. Certainly
B. No
C. Sorry

)6 ______ you hungry?
B. to
C. for

)13.What’s that ______ English?
A. in
B. on
C. under

)14. —______?
—It’s seven. Let’s go to school.
A. How old is it B. How many can you see
C. What’s the time
4.hand 5.sleeping
6.play football
7.What can you see in the picture?
8.Is Jack washing his clothes?
9.Jim can say it in English.
10.My room number is 3418.
E . OK!
V.阅读理解。(10 分)
Hello! I’m Ah Qiu. I’m from Sichuan. I’m only two years old. Look! I’m white and black. I’m not a
bear. I’m not a cat. I’m a panda. I like climbing trees. Now I’m hungry. I’m eating bamboos(竹子). I go to
Kate is a good girl. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and brown hair. She is from America. But now she is in Yingtan with her father and mother. They are teachers. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has some Chinese friends. Look! She is dancing with them there. She says she loves China.
3. box(复数形式)____________ 4. can not(缩写形式)_____________
5. do(一般现在时第三人称单数形式)_____________
III.选择填空。(15 分)

)1.This is ______ eraser.

)2.Look! The boy ______ the classroom.
And do you like us? 请根据上文内容完成下列各题。
) 1. Ah Qiu is a _____________ .
A. a panda
B. a bear
C. a cat
) 2. How old is Ah Qiu?
A. One.
C. We don’t know.
) 3. What is Ah Qiu doing now?
are you, Tom?
clothes? are you doing there?
our supper. Is Dad helping you? , he’s cleaning his bike.
2009 年秋季学期五年级英语期中测试
Lessons 1—6
A. Where
C. Who

)9. —______ are you late?
—I missed the bus this morning.
A. How
B. Why
C. Whose

)10. —What can you see?
— Sorry. I ______ anything(任何东西).

)15.My ruler is ______ short. I want a long one.
A. very
B. too
C. not
IV.从 B 栏中找出 A 栏句子的正确答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10 分)

)1.Let’s go shopping!
A.Oh, I’m riding a horse.
11.What grade is she in?
12.Can I have your name?
13.Who has a ruler?
14.Are they sweeping the floor?
15.What’s your sister doing?
A. is singing
B.is cleaning
C. in

)3.Our teacher ______ a nice car. Do you know?
A. like
B. have
C. has

)4.Ah Fang ______ Ah Xiang. They are twin(双胞胎)sisters.
C. What can you see in the picture?
)8.A. Are you cleaning the windows?
B. Is Jack washing his clothes?
C. Does a computer have a keyboard?
)9.A. It looks just like me. B. Jim can say it in English. C. We have two ears.
Ⅲ、1—5 B B C C A 6—10 C B A B C 11—15 C B A C B
Ⅳ、1—5 E C A B D
Ⅴ、1—5 A B C C B
Ⅵ、Where, washing, what, cooking, No
e. 看电视
( )6. a little girl
f. just
( )7. every day
g. 用,使用
( )8. 做家庭作业
h. do the homeworkLeabharlann Baidu
( )9. in my class
i. 慢的
( )10. watch TV
j. 一个小女孩
II.按要求变换词形。(10 分)
1.give(现在分词)___________ 2.run(现在分词)__________
school, too. I’m in Grade One. I live here with my father and mother. We are new. We are happy. But
There aren’t many of us in the world(在世界上). We are your friends. Please love us. Are we beautiful?

)2.Hello! This is 6678696.
B. Yes, I do.

)3.What are you doing?
C. Hello! Is that Mr Cui?

)4.Do you have a TV?
D .Thank you.

)5.Look! You have a nice bike!
B. hand
)5. A.washing
B. reading
)6. A. have supper
B. play football
C. write a letter
)7.A. What are you doing?
B. What do you have for lunch?
Ⅲ.根据所听短文内容,判断句子正(T)、(F)。短文听三遍。(10 分)
)16. Kate is 12.
)17. Kate lives(居住)in Yingtan now.
)18. Kate has a brown hair and blue eyes.
)19. Kate’s father and mother are teachers.
)20.Kate is singing with her friends.
笔 试 部 分(70 分)
I.词义匹配。(15 分)
( )1. use
a. food
( )2. 正好,仅仅,刚才
b. some cakes
( )3. slow
c. 每天,每一天
( )4. 食物
d. 在我班上
( )5. 一些蛋糕
Ⅰ、1—5 A C A B C
6—10 B C B B A
Ⅱ、11—15 C A B B A
Ⅲ、16—20 T T T T F
Ⅰ、1—5 g f i a b
6—10 j c h d e
Ⅱ、1. giving 2. running 3. boxes 4. can’t 5. does
2009 年秋季学期五年级英语期中测试
Lessons 1—6
听 力 部 分(30 分)
Ⅰ.选出你所听到的选项,听两遍。(10 分)
)1. A. take
B. give
C. swim
)2. A.from
B. farm
C. free
)3. A.every
B. either
)4. A. head
A. can see
B. can not look
C. can not see

)11. — Are these Mr Smith’s books? —No. They are ______ books.
A. we
B. us

)12.Let’s say hello ______ her.
B. Yes, they are.
C. No, there is not.
)15.A. She is dancing with her friends.
B. She can sing many English songs.
C. We’re helping her cook the breakfast.
A. many
B. not many
C. no
余的。(10 分)
cook , where, wash, have , no, yes , what
— —Here, Mom. —Are you —Yes, Mom. But —I’m —