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Ⅰ. Vocabulary

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.


1-5 BD A BC ABC D 6-10 B AB CB AC C

Teenagers seem more likely to give in to peer influence than adults, but that may not be because teens are less 1 of making rational decisions themselves, studies on peer pressure suggest.

Research finds people are strikingly susceptible to influences teenagers, but to what degree varies widely. In a growing body of work, scientists suggest that teens are more 2 to peer pressure than adults because they get greater pleasure from behavior they experience as rewarding. They tend to find being liked by other people very pleasing.

Peer influence during adolescence is normal. During that time, people experience an increase in novelty-seeking, 3 by interest in exploring a new environment. This peer influence tends to 4 around age 15 and then decline. Teens get better at setting boundaries with peers by age 18, according to Laurence Steinberg, a psychology professor at Temple University.

In years past, people thought teens didn’t have fully 5 frontal lobes (额叶), the part of the brain critical for decision-making and other more complex cognitive tasks. But an increasing amount of research seems to show that teens are able to make decisions as well as adults when they are not overwhelmed 6 with emotions.

Peer pressure is often seen as negative, and indeed it can 7 teens into unhealthy behavior like smoking or speeding. But it can also lead to 8 in more useful social behavior. If peers value doing well in school or excelling at sports, for instance, it might encourage kids to study or train harder. And both peer pressure and learning to 9 it are important developmental steps to self-reliance, experts say.

Facing the influence of friends represents an important developmental step for teens on their way to becoming independent-thinking adults, scientists say.

In order for kids to develop the ability to stand up to peer pressure, parents have to let their children stand up to them, too, according to Dr. Steinberg. “If you’re the kind of parent that raises your children with the ‘do it because I said so’ 10 , you’re raising a child who’s going to be more susceptible to others saying, ‘Do this,’” he says.


1-5 CD C A D AC 6-10 ABC BC AB B BD

Students Honor 9/11 Through Volunteering

In the days after Sept. 11, 2001, thousands poured into Ground Zero to lend their hands in one of the largest recovery efforts(恢复经济) in American history. Now, 12 years later, colleges are finding ways to channel(疏通)the same 1 into service projects in their own communities on September 11th.

"9/11 is such a(n) __2__ touchstone(试金石)for our country, I think people want to find ways to do something, and students as well," says Kevin Kruger, president of the student affairs group. "The idea of giving something back to the __3__ ties in well to(密切配合)the emotional significance of that."

Though no corner of the country was untouched by the terrorist attacks, they especially rocked (晃动)New York University on 9/11. Less than two miles from Ground Zero, students__4__ the plane-on-tower impact from their dorm rooms. The university coordinated(协调)shelters and counseling(提供建议)in the days afterward.

Because of this, NYU public affairs director Philip Lentz says the volunteer work the students do this week has a "special relevance(关联)." Students today __5__ at a rescue mission, wrote cards for soldiers and veterans(老兵)and made donations for the families of victims and first responders (现场目击者)on 9/11.

"NYU feels it has a special __6__ to offer this service opportunity to students that are here so they can give back to the community that was so devastated(毁灭)by the attacks," Lentz says.

Similar deeds have been taking place in George Washington University in Washington, D.C. "For the past five years at GW, freshmen have boarded buses immediately after their official welcome __7__ in early September to head for the nation's financial capital and volunteer in __8__ that aid the environment, education, veterans and community organizations," says Amy Cohen, the
