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婚姻不自由是当时勃溪时起的原因之一 那地方是块肥肉,谁都想吃. 尴尬 蹊跷 趔趄 耄耋 腌臜 暮霭 桀骜不驯 壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾
(1)a good mastery of source and target language
The Security Council has been seized of the question since then. Offer and count-offer
级别分数标准描述 10-9优异:忠实于原文,只有一二处用词不当,能准确反 映出原文的风格和语气,译文用词恰当,句式变化得体. 8-7良好:译文大多忠实于原文,个别词汇,短语,句 子或内容的理解稍有出入,译文总体清晰,通顺,连 贯,可读. 6-5合格:译文基本上忠实于原文,个别词汇,短语, 句子或内容的理解时有错误,大部分译文可读. 4-3不合格:译文只有大约一半能反映原文之意,个别 词汇,短语,句子或内容常常有误.译文大部分不可 读. 2-1很差:译文能反映原文之意还不过半.几乎所有句 子理解都有误.译文基本不可读.
sloppy weather/ young man/ English/trousers/sentiment
Five detailed components of assessing criteria
(1)译文的忠实程度 (2)措辞的准确性 (3)句式变化的灵活度 (4) 文体的体现度 (5) 整体的连贯性和可读性
After-class assignment
1 How can we improve our translation skills? 2(group work) search information on the following translation experts: 季羡林,林语堂, 杨宪益,萧乾,钱钟书,王佐良,张培基, 鲁迅, 梁实秋,茅盾,严复,林纾, Nida… What can we learn from them? 3 What steps do you take in your daily translation activities?
(4) be familiar with techniques.
翻译方法:直译,意译,归化,异化 翻译技巧:增译法,减译法,词类转移法, 词序调整法,正说反译法,分译法,语态转 变法.
"Those who can, translate; those who cannot, teach translation, those who cannot teach translation, teach translation theory"
科技文本 Scientific writing
论述文本 Argumentative Writing
新闻文本 News text
艺术文本 Art text
Degree of deletion
Translation is a bilingual art, so translators can be honored as? Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language. Translation ∞Writing Degree of creation
Different understanding of "翻译"
(1)这首唐诗的三种翻译各有春秋. (2)他正在翻译那部长篇著作. (3)翻译是一门综合性学科 (4)刚才那位翻译误译了一句关键的话. a) The translation product or edition b) The process of representing the source language text in the target language c) A subject d) A profession
Class participation, 5%; Class discussion, 10%; Homework & research, 15% Final examination, 70%
Teaching contents of this semester
Part one: important concepts in translation and translation theory Part two: translatableness and its limitation, contrast between English and Chinese Part three: translation techniques Part four: text translation
Translation is a transmission from source to target language, a representation of the original content and ideas in the target language. 翻译是一种双语艺术,源语言和目标语言之间的 转换,即用目标语再现源语的思想和内容.
Lecture one Introduction
1 What is translation? 2 Is everyone that can speak and write English can do translation? 3 The meaning of mastering translation 4 The requirements of a qualified translator 5 Two criteria of translation adopted nowadays
3 The meaning of mastering translation for college students
★ Be able to read foreign works ★ a better understanding of our mother tongue (comparison) ★a well-paid job ★the latest information from the internet ★ a window of bringing in foreign culture and selling our own
2 can everyone that can speak and write English do translation? Not all that can speak and write English could do translation. Many can speak and write English well, but they cannot translate. And this difficulty is greatly multiplied by the wide difference in vocabulary and sentence construction between the Oriental and Occidental languages.
4 The requirements of a qualified translator
She is charming/ she is in the family way/ not oneself This version is not placed first because it is simple. He sleeps late. I shall not expect you until I see you.
美国语言学家罗曼雅各布森(Roman Jakobson) 根据Semiotics(符号学)的分类
语内翻译(intralingual translation),或"重述": 语内翻译 将一种语言中的符号以该语言中的其他符号加以阐 释; 语际翻译(interlingual translation),或"翻译本 语际翻译 身":将一种语言中的符号以另一种语言中的符号 加以阐释; 符际翻译(intersemiotic translation),或"嬗 符际翻译 , 变"':将一种语言符号以一种非语言符号系统中 的符号加以阐释.
轻轻地推门进去,什么声息也没 有,妻已睡熟好久了.
I gently pushed the door in, with quietness all around me. My wife had long fallen fast asleep.
Smoothness: clear and distinct, flowing and easy to read without signs of the mechanical word-for word translation. 译文清晰,流畅,没有机械翻译和逐字翻译 的痕迹.
(5) serious attitude and high sense of responsibility
5 Two criteria of translation adopted nowadays
Faithfulness: comprehensive and accurate, without any distortion or casual addition or deletion of the original thought/keep the original style /flavor 全面,准确表达原文内容, 全面,准确表达原文内容,没有对原文内容 进行任意的增加或减少,保持原文的风格. 进行任意的增加或减少,保持原文的风格.
(2) a wide scope of knowledge
The peasant uprisings in the history of China The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed thousands of them. (3) a high political consciousness
A cinder - path winds along by the side of the pond. Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath.
Shrug on /put on the overcoat Close the door softly behind me Leave the door on the latch.

Preview and overview Finish every task on time. Be active in discussion. Bring three exercise books: one for notebook, one for assignment, and the last for manuscript.
口译interpretation interpretation
笔译translation translation
Consecutive -
Simultaneous -wk.baidu.com
Translation materials
应用文本 Practical writing