语法填空题解题技巧 中考复习 全国通用 共45张PPT

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weather is fine now. I enjoy (3) _m__y_se_l_f (my) here. It is my (4)___f_ir_s_t (one) time here, so everything (5) __l_o_o_k_s (look) fresh (新鲜的). I visited some tourist attractions. Most (6) __o_f___ the places were crowded. Yesterday I went shopping and bought something (7)_in_t_e_r_e_s_t_in__g__ (interest). I got lost on my way back to the hotel, (8) __b_u_t__ it didn’t matter. I usually go out and have dinner in a restaurant and it takes me about (9) __a_n___ hour because the food there is fantastic. I took many (10) __p_h_o_t_o_s (photo), so you can see when I come back home. See you!
3. __D__o_e_s_ he _c_le_a_n_ (clean) the windows once a week? 4.Each child__w_a_s_o_f_fe_r_e_d_(offer) an apple at the party yesterday.
有非谓语的变化 (-ing, -ed, to do)。 根据时态做出相应变化。后面会讲。
1. Li Ping often _r_ea_d_s_ (read) English in the morning. 2.The meeting must __b_e_p_u_t_ (put) off till next Monday.
给出单词提示的情况: 1. 名词 2. 动词 3. 代词 4. 形容词、副词 5. 数词 6. 词的派生&词性转换
Leabharlann Baidu
1. 固定搭配/固定用法 2. 从句引导词 3. 联系上下文推导出的相关词
Dear Grace, I arrived in Shenzhen for (1) __a____ trip last week. (2)__T_h_e__
away from this.
5. This room is Jane and _H_e_l_e_n_'s_(Helen). 6. ___D_i_ck_e_n_s_'__(Dickens狄更斯,人名) novels are very interesting。 7. Air pollution is caused by the following three __r_e_a_so_n_s__(reason):
about half of the problem is caused by vehicles.
动词形式有: 有谓语的变化
(时态、语态---主动还是被动、语气----虚拟语气), 进行时 be doing 完成时 have/has/had done 将来时 will + v. 注意助动词:do/does/did be动词过去式:was/were 被动语态形式 be done
that this was exactly what was happening in our _l_iv_e_s____ (life). 2. My mother would sit by the window, watching the falling
____l_e_av_e_s__ (leaf) from the trees floating in the air. 3. College students are __g_r_o_w_n_-_u_p_s__(grown-up) and it's their right
1. 语法填空题以语篇为载体,注重考查语言形式和逻辑结构。 2. 文章长度在200词左右,一般设10处空白,分为无提示词型(仅填一 词)和给提示词型(用所给单词的适当形式填空)两种形式。
语篇类型:记叙文、说明文。 关联考点:全面考查非谓语动词、词性转换、构词法、时态、语态、主谓一致、 从句等语法知识在语篇中的灵活运用。 本节课通过一些练习题的分析,穿插语法点的讲解,找到做题技巧。
Yours, Linda
1、跳读大意 2、初填易题 3、补填难题 4、通读检查
分两种情况: 一种,给出单词提示, 另一种,不给单词提示。 下面就这两种情况分别讲解做题技巧。
一、给出单词提示 做题技巧
例:There are many students living at school,the ____ (child) houses are all far from school.
解析: 由students-词可以判断出横线处应填复数, 且作为houses的定语,所以应用其名词所有格形式, 故答案为child的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格 children’s。
1. When everyone quieted down, the speaker began to talk, saying
to choose the way to live.
4. In __T_o_d_a_y_'s(today) world, as we are inching towards global warming and waining , trees serve as our best friend to keep us