



Adhesion - Scar tissue from previous injuries, infections, or endometriosis that forms in and around reproductive organs, possibly interfering with reproductive capability. 粘连

Agglutination of Sperm - Sticking together of sperm, often due to infection, inflammation ,or antibodies, which impairs the ability to fertilize an egg.


AID (Artificial insemination donor) - procedure introducing sperm from an anonymous donor into the woman’s uterus in order to achieve a pregnancy.


AIH(Artificial insemination hudband) - procedure introducing sperm from the husband into the wife’s uterus in order to achieve a pregnancy. Also called as IUI


Amenorrhea - Absence of menstruation.


Anovulation - Total absence of ovulation. Note: This is not necessarily the same as "amenorrhea." Menstruation may still occur with anovulation.


Andrology – Science of diseases of males, including infertility, spermatogenesis and sexual dysfunction.


Antisperm Antibodies - Protective protein that exists naturally, or may develop, that causes clumping of sperm, thus preventing or inhibiting fertilization.


Aspermia - Absence of semen and sperm.


Assisted reproductive technology(ART)


Assisted Hatching(AH)– Mechanical or chemical manipulation of the zona pellucida to facilitate implantation of the embryo

Asthenospermia - Condition in which the sperm do not swim (move) at all or swim more slowly than normal.


Autologous cycle - an ART treatment cycle in which a woman intends to use, or uses her own oocytes or embryos. GIFT cycles are classified separately from autologous cycles.


Azoospermia - Condition in which there are no sperm in the seminal fluid. This may be due to a blockage of transport of sperm or to an impairment of sperm production.


Basal Body Temperature (BBT) - Temperature of the woman, taken orally upon waking in the morning before any activity. Used to help determine if ovulation is occurring.


Biochemical pregnancy (preclinical spontaneous abortion/miscarriage): a pregnancy diagnosed only by the detection of hCG in serum or urine and that does not develop into a clinical pregnancy.


Blastocyst – The final stage of the embryo at the time of implantation. Now, many laboratories will offer culturing the embryo upto the blastocy st stage and transfer it in the uterus at this stage to improve pregnancy rates.


Canceled cycle: an ART cycle in which ovarian stimulation or monitoring has been carried out with the intention to treat, but which did not proceed to follicular aspiration or, in the case of a thawed embryo, to embryo transfer.


Cervical Mucus - Mucus produced by the cervix which permits passage of sperm to the uterus and fallopian tubes. This mucus changes in volume and quality at the time of ovulation.


Cervix - Lower section of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina, through which the sperm pass to reach the uterus.


Cleavage stage embryo - an embryo comprising about 8 cells usually developed by 2 or 3 days after fertilization

Clinical pregnancy: a pregnancy diagnosed by ultrasonographic visualization of one or more gestational sacs or de?nitive clinical signs of pregnancy. It includes ectopic pregnancy.

临床妊娠(率)Clinical pregnancy rate

Conception - Fertilization of a woman's egg by a man's sperm.


Congenital - Characteristic of defect present at birth, acquired during pregnancy but not necessarily hereditary.


Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - Condition that one is born with due to the lack of an enzyme needed by the adrenal gland. Normal products of the adrenal gland, therefore, are not produced; the body tries to stimulate the gland, and it enlarges (hyperplasia).


Congenital anomalies: all structural, functional, and genetic anomalies diagnosed in aborted fetuses, at birth, or in the neonatal period.


Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH) - medical treatment to induce the development of multiple ovarian follicles in order to obtain multiple oocytes at oocyte pick-up (OPU 取卵)

控制性超排卵 Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) 控制性促排卵

Cryopreservation – The preservaton of sperm or embryos by freezing, usually by immersion in liquid nitrogen


Cryptorchidism - Occurs when a testes is not in its normal position in the scrotum. It may be in the groin or abdomen.


Delivery - a birth event in which one or more babies of 20 weeks or more gestation or of 400 grams or more birthweight are born.

分娩 Delivery rate 分娩率

DI (donor insemination) cycle: an artificial insemination cycle in which sperm not from the woman’s partner (donor sperm) is used.


Discontinued cycle: an ART cycle that does not proceed to oocyte pick-up (OPU) or embryo transfer.


Donation cycle: an ART treatment cycle where a woman intends to donate, or donates her oocytes to others. A donation cycle may result in the donation of either oocytes or embryos to a recipient woman. The use of donor sperm does not alter the donor status of the cycle.


Dysmenorrhea - Cramping and pain during the time of menstruation.


Early neonatal death: death of a live born baby within 7 days of birth.


Ectopic Pregnancy – pregnancy in which the embryo implants outside the uterine cavity, most commonly in the fallopian tubes.


Egg (Oocyte) Donation - Surgical removal of an egg from one woman for fertilization with partner's or donor's sperm. The resulting embryo is then transferred into the fallopian tube or uterus of another woman.


Embryo - Term used to describe the early stages of fetal growth, from conception to the eighth week of pregnancy.


Embryo/fetus reduction: a procedure to reduce the number of viable embryos or fetuses in a multiple pregnancy.


Embryo transfer(ET): a procedure whereby embryo(s) are placed in the uterus or fallopian tube. The embryo(s) can be fresh or thawed following cryopreservation, and may include the transfer of cleavage stage embryos or blastocysts.


Embryo transfer cycle: an ART cycle in which one or more embryos are transferred into the uterus or fallopian tube.


Endocrine System - System of glands including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and testicles or ovaries.


Endometriosis - Presence of endometrial tissue (the normal uterine lining) in abnormal locations such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneal cavity, often causing painful menstruation and infertility.


Ejaculate - Sperm combines with fluid from the seminal vesicle and a thick secretion from the prostate gland. This fluid is discharged through the penis.


Endometrium - Lining of the uterus.


Epididymis - Elongated organ in the male lying above and behind the testicles. It contains a highly convoluted canal, where after production, sperm are stored, nourished and developed for several months.


Estrogen - Class of female hormones, produced mainly by the ovaries from the onset of puberty until menopause, which are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts.


Extremely low birth weight: birth weight less than 1,000 g.


Extremely preterm birth: a live birth or stillbirth that takes place after 20 but before 28 completed weeks of gestational age.


Fallopian Tubes - Pair of narrow tubes that carry the ovum (egg) from the ovary to the uterus.


Fetus: the product of fertilization from completion of embryonic development, at 8 completed weeks after fertilization, until abortion or birth.


Fetal death (stillbirth): the birth of an infant after 20 or more weeks gestation or 400 grams or more birthweight that shows no signs of life.


Fertilization - Penetration of the egg by the sperm and joining of genetic materials to result in the development of an embryo.


Fresh cycle: an ART treatment cycle that intends to use, or uses embryo(s) that have not been cryopreserved (frozen).


Frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycle (FET): an ART procedure in which cycle monitoring is carried out with the intention of transfering frozen-thawed embryo(s). Note: An FET cycle is initi ated when speci?c medication is provided or cycle monitoring is started with the intention to treat.


Frozen-thawed oocyte cycle: an ART procedure in which cycle monitoring is carried out with the intention of fertilizing thawed oocytes and performing embryo transfer.


Follicle - Structure in the ovary that nurtures the developing egg and from which the egg is released.


Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) - Hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the ovary to develop a follicle for ovulation in women, and stimulates the production of sperm in the testicles in men.


Follicular Phase - First half of the menstrual cycle when ovarian follicle development takes place and the egg matures.


Full-term birth: a live birth or stillbirth that takes place between 37 and 42 completed weeks of gestational age.


Gamete - Male or female reproductive cells-the sperm or the egg.


Gestational age: the completed weeks of gestation of the fetus.


Gestational sac: a ?uid-?lled structure associated with early pregnancy, which may be located inside or outside the uterus (in case of an ectopic pregnancy).


GIFT –Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer ( transferring of the egg and sperm in the normal fallopian tube to facilitate fertilization)


Gonads - Glands that make the gametes (the testicles in the male and the ovaries in the female).


Gonadotropin –a hormone which stimulates the gonads


GnRH – gonadotropin releasing hormone, a hormone produced by the hypothalamus which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH. They are two types of analogues of the hormone, agonist (one which acts like the hormone) and antagonist (one which blocks the effect of the hormone)


Hatching: the process by which an embryo at the blastocyst stage separates from the zona pellucida.


Heterotopic pregnancy: a double gestation pregnancy in which implantation takes place both inside and outside the uterine cavity.


High-ordermultiple: a pregnancy or delivery with three or more fetuses or neonates.


HMG – Human menopausal gonadotropin, used to stimulate the ovaries. It contains FSH and LH in equal parts


HCG – Human chorionc gonadotropin, a hormone normally produced by the placenta and its presence in blood or urine is used to detect pregnancy. It is also used to trigger final maturation of the egg


Hormone - Chemical produced by the endocrine gland that circulates in the blood and has widespread action throughout the body.


Hypogonadism - Inadequate ovarian or testicular function as shown by low sperm production or lack of follicle production, as well as in low or absent levels of FSH, LH.


Hypothalamus - Gland at the base of the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary.


Hysteroscopy – an endoscopic procedure used to visualize the interior of the uterus. The endoscope is a fibre optic telescope and can be used for diagnosis as well as for certain surgical procedures can also be carried out through the hysterocope.


Idiopathic (Unexplained) Infertility - Term used to describe infertility when no reason can be found to explain the cause of a couple's infertility.


Implantation - Embedding of the fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus (endometrium).

种植 Implantation rate 种植率

Impotence - Inability of the male to achieve or maintain an erection for intercourse due to physical or emotional problems or to a combination of factors.


IUI – Intra Uterine Insemination ( transfer of washed and enriched sperm directly in the cavity of the uterus)


ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection): a procedure whereby a single sperm is injected directly into the oocyte to aid fertilisation. If an embryo transfer cycle involves the transfer of at least one embryo created using ICSI, it is counted as an ICSI cycle.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) –a process where fertilization of the sperm and the egg occurs outside the body, (in a laboratory). The resulting embryo is implanted in the woman’s uterus.


Induced abortion


Infertility (clinical de?nition): a disease of the reproductive sys tem de?ned by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.


Initiated cycle: an ART cycle in which the woman receives spe ci?c medication for ovarian stimulation, or monitoring in the case of natural cycles, with the intention to treat, irrespective of whether or not follicular aspiration is attempted.


Laparoscopy – an abdominal surgical procedure using an endoscopic (fibre optic telescope) equipment to visualize the interior of the abdomen, mainly the uterus, fallopian tubes ovaries and other organs. The laparoscope may also be used

to perform surgical procedures, with the use of other specialized equipment.


Live birth

活产 Live birth rate 活产率

Live delivery: a live delivery is the delivery of one or more liveborn infants, with the birth of twins, triplets or more counted as one live delivery.


Low birth weight: a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams.


LH –Luteinizing hormone, produced and released by the pituitary gland, and is responsible for the maturation and release of the egg in female and testosterone production in the male.


Luteal Phase - Days of the menstrual cycle after ovulation and ending with menses during which progesterone is produced.


Luteinized Unruptured Follicle (LUF) Syndrome - Clinical indications that ovulation has occurred (blood hormonal changes, temperature rise on the BBT chart, appropriate secreting endometrium found on endometrial biopsy) but the egg is not released from the ovary; the follicular sac is unruptured and the egg is trapped.


Menstruation - Shedding of the uterine lining by bleeding that, in the absence of pregnancy, normally occurs about once a month in the mature female.


MESA –Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration


MESE: microsurgical epididymal sperm extraction.


Micromanipulation: a technology that allows micro-operative procedures to be performed on the spermatozoon, oocyte, zygote, or embryo.


MicroTESE: Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction.


Missed abortion: a clinical abortion where the embryo(s) or fetus(es) is/are nonviable and is/are not expelled spontaneously from the uterus.


Multiple gestation/birth: a pregnancy/delivery with more than one fetus/neonate.


Myomectomy - Surgical removal of a tumor (myoma) in the uterine muscular wall.


Natural cycle IVF: an IVF procedure in which one or more oocytes are collected from the ovaries during a spontaneous menstrual cycle without any drug use.


Necrospermia - Condition in which sperm are produced and found in the semen but are not alive and are unable to fertilize eggs.


Neonatal period: the time interval that commences at birth and ends 28 completed days after birth.


Oligo-ovulation - Infrequent ovulation, usually less than six ovulatory cycles per year.


Oligospermia - Abnormally low number of sperm in the ejaculate of the male.


Oocyte (egg): a female reproductive cell.


OPU (oocyte pick-up): the procedure to collect oocytes from ovaries, usually by ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration and rarely by laparoscopic surgery.


Ovarian Failure (OF)- Inability of the ovary to respond to any gonodotropic hormone stimulation, usually due to menopause.


OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome): the complication of ovulation stimulation therapy, which involves the administration of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). OHSS symptoms include abdominal pain and fluid retention.


Ovaries - Sexual glands of the female that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone and in which the ova are developed. There are two ovaries, one on each side of the pelvis.


Ovarian torsion: partial or complete rotation of the ovarian vascular pedicle that causes obstruct ion to ovarian blood ?ow, poten tially leading to necrosis of ovarian tissue.


Ovulation - Discharge of a mature egg, usually at about the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.


Ovulation induction (OI): pharmacologic treatment of women with anovulation or oligo-ovulation with the intention of inducing normal ovulatory cycles.


Ovulatory Dysfunction - Problem existing in the ovary-either the egg is not released from the ovarian follicle or the process of egg development is abnormal.


Parity: a classification of a woman in terms of the number of previous pregnancies experienced that reached 20 weeks or more gestation.


Parous: refers to a woman who has had at least one previous pregnancy of 20 weeks

or more gestation.

Perinatal death: a fetal death (stillbirth) or neonatal death of at least 20 weeks gestation or at least 400 grams birthweight.


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Inflammatory disease of the pelvis, often caused by infection or endometriosis.


PESA – Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration


Pituitary - Gland located at the base of the human brain that secretes a number of important hormones related to normal growth development and fertility.


Polycystic Ovarian (PCO) Syndrome - Development of multiple cysts in the ovaries due to arrested follicle growth. This is caused by an imbalance in the amount of LH and FSH released during the ovulatory cycle.


Postcoital Testing (PCT) - Diagnostic test for infertility in which vaginal and cervical secretions are obtained at the time of suspected ovulation and following intercourse. These secretions are analyzed under a microscope. Normal test results should show large numbers of live, motile sperm and a characteristic "ferning" pattern of cervical mucus.


PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis): a procedure where embryonic cells are removed and screened for chromosomal disorders or genetic diseases before embryo transfer.


PGS (preimplantation genetic screening): analysis of polar bodies, blastomeres, or trophectodermfromoocytes, zygotes, or embryos for the detection of aneuploidy, mutation, and/or DNA rearrangement.


Preterm: a gestation of less than 37 weeks.


Primary Infertility - Inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse (after 6 months if the woman is over age 35) for a couple who has never had a baby.

Progesterone - Hormone secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary after ovulation has occurred. It is responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy. Also maintains the placenta during early pregnancy to prevent the embryo from miscarriage.


Prostate - Gland in the male that surrounds the first portion of the urethra near the bladder. It secretes a liquid that balances acid in the urethra and stimulates movement of the sperm.


Recipient cycle: an ART treatment cycle in which a woman receives oocytes or embryos from another woman.


Recurrent spontaneous abortion/miscarriage: the spontaneous loss of two or more clinical pregnancies.


Retrograde Ejaculation - Discharge of sperm backward into the bladder rather than forward through the penis.


Retroverted Uterus - Uterus that is flexed severely forward or backward.


Salpingolysis - Surgery to remove adhesions on the fallopian tubes.


Salpingoplasty - Surgery to correct blocked fallopian tubes.


Scrotum - Bag of skin and thin muscle that holds the testicles.


Secondary Infertility - Inability to conceive after 6 months of regular unprotected intercourse, or carry a pregnancy when at least one partner has successfully conceived or carried one or more pregnancies.


Secondary sex ratio: the number of male liveborn babies per 100 female liveborn babies.

Semen Analysis - Study of fresh ejaculate under the microscope to count the number of million sperm per milliliter or cubic centimeter, to check the shape and size of the sperm (morphology), and to note their ability to move (motility).


Semen - Composed of elements formed by the testes (sperm) and the male accessory glands (prostate and seminal vesicle). Only a small part of the visible ejaculate (semen) comes from the testicle.


Seminal Vesicle - Pair of pouch like glands around the prostate in the male that produce a thick alkaline secretion that is added to sperm during ejaculation.


Seminiferous Tubules - Long tubes in the testicles in which sperm are formed.


Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) - Any infection pertaining to or transmitted by sexual intercourse. The most common STDs are gonorrhea, herpes and AIDS. Some STDs are readily treatable if medical help is sought early. Certain STDs can cause infertility in both men and women if untreated.


Sperm (Spermatozoa) - Male reproductive cells that have measurable characteristics such as:

?Motility - Refers to the percentage of sperm demonstrating any type of forward movement.

?Count (or Density) - Refers to the number of sperm present.

?Morphology - Refers to the form or shape of the sperm.

?Viability - Refers to whether the sperm are alive.


Sperm Antibodies - Presence of sperm antibodies in the woman or man that tend to destroy sperm action by immobilizing the sperm or making them clump together.


Sperm Washing - Technique that separates the sperm from the seminal fluid.


Spermatogenesis - Production of sperm within the seminiferous tubules.


Spinnbarkeit - Stretch ability of cervical mucus. This is a rough measure of how easily sperm cells can enter and penetrate the cervical secretions.


Split Ejaculate - Method of collecting a semen specimen so that the first half of the ejaculate is caught in one container and the rest in a second container. The first half usually contains the majority of the sperm and is then used to inseminate the woman.


Spontaneous abortion/miscarriage: the spontaneous loss of a clinical pregnancy before 20 completed weeks of gestational age (18 weeks after fertilization) or, if gestational age is unknown, the loss of an embryo/fetus of less than 400 g.


Surrogate Mother - Woman who becomes pregnant through insemination with the sperm of the male partner of an infertile woman and then, following pregnancy and birth, turns the child over for adoption by the couple.


Thaw cycle: an ART treatment cycle in which cryopreserved embryos are thawed with theintention of performing embryo transfer.


Thawed embryo: an embryo thawed after cryopreservation. It is used in thaw cycles.


Testes - Male sexual glands of which there are two. Contained in the scrotum, they produce the male hormone testosterone and produce the male reproductive cells, the sperm.


Testicular Biopsy - Small surgical excision of testicular tissue to determine the ability of the cells to produce normal sperm or to diagnose possible neoplasm.


Testicular Failure - Occurs when the testes do not produce a normal number of mature sperm and when the hormones needed for normal sperm production (LH, FSH) are abnormally elevated.


Testosterone - Most potent male sex hormone, which is produced in the testicles.


TESA –Testicular Sperm Aspiration


TESE –Testicular Sperm Extraction


Thyroid Gland - Gland located at the front base of the neck that secretes the thyroid hormone, found to be necessary for normal fertility.


Tubal Patency - Unobstructed and open fallopian tubes.


Uterus - Hollow muscular organ in the woman that holds and nourishes the fetus until the time of birth.


Vagina - Muscular opening in the woman extending from the vulva to the cervix of the uterus.


Vaginismus - Spasm of the muscles around the opening of the vagina, making penetration during sexual intercourse either impossible or very painful. Can be caused by physical or psychological conditions.


Varicocele - Collection of varicose veins in the scrotum. Blood flows in an abnormal direction in these veins toward the testicle rather than the normal direction which is always toward the heart. Elevated scrotal heat results.


Vas Deferens - Pair of thick-walled tubes about 45 cm long in the male that lead from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct in the prostate.


Vasectomy - Surgery to excise part of the vas deferens to sterilize a man.


Viscosity - Thickness of semen.


Vitrification: an ultra-rapid cryopreservation method that prevents ice formation within the suspension which is converted to a glass-like solid.


Vulva - External genitalia of the female.


ZIFT –Zygote Intra fallopian Transfer ( transfer of the fertilized ovum or zygote in a normal fallopian tube)


Zona Pellucida - Outer covering of the egg/embryo.


Zygote - Egg that has been fertilized but has not yet divided.



密度density 或concentration


活率motility rate







早期胚胎 early embryo 卵裂期胚胎 cleavage embryo 桑椹胚morula

囊胚(blastula、Blastocyst)早期囊胚 early blastocyst EB

扩张囊胚expanded blastocyst ExpB 孵化囊胚Hatched blastocyst (HB) Full HB(FHB)


语料库辅助的大学英语词汇教学初探 发表时间:2012-08-30T09:32:30.327Z 来源:《时代报告》2012年第6期作者:毛晓迎[导读] 因此,教师在语言教学中应该推广并充分利用网络中的可用语料库资源。 毛晓迎(武汉科技大学外国语学院,湖北武汉 430065) 中图分类号:H319.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1033-2738(2012)06-0063-01 摘要:分析了语料库的辅助大学英语词汇教学的的必要性和可行性,认为本族语语料库和学习者语料库相结合,可以促进学习者词汇搭配、词义以及词汇语义韵等方面的学习,满足教师课堂词汇教学的需要,提高学习者的词汇能力,提高大学英语词汇教学和学习的效率。关键词:语料库;英语词汇教学;词汇能力 一、引入 词汇是标志外语学习者语言能力的核心成分之一,语言的习得和运用离不开词汇的积累和灵活掌握。学习者只有掌握了足够的词汇量才能理解他人的话语或文章,才能通过口头或书面等方式表达自己的所思和所想。反之,则会影响正常的语言交际。由此可见,词汇教学是外语教学中的一个必不可少的重要环节,起着举足轻重的作用。 二、关于语料库 根据欧洲语料库语言学的开拓者辛克莱尔( J. Sinclair)的定义,语料库( Corpus) 是指为研究语言,用计算机处理和储存的书面和口头的语言材料(吴耀武, 2009)[2] 。语料库作为一种辅助性工具应用于语言教学中,还属一个新兴领域。随着计算机辅助语言教学( Computer AssistedLanguage Learning) 的不断发展,语料库的使用正渐渐普及,以计算机为基础的语料库的产品越来越丰富,为语言教学提供大量鲜活、客观的教学资源,尤其为词汇教学提供了直观、科学的教学依据,能够快捷、准确地提供与某一关键词有关的大量真实语料,以全新的方式促进了外语教学与研究的发展,使人们更加认识到语料库在现代外语教学中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此,教师在语言教学中应该推广并充分利用网络中的可用语料库资源。 三、语料库在英语词汇教学中的应用 一般来说,传统的高职英语词汇教学是泛讲,往往脱离一定的上下文语境而孤立的谈某些词汇现象,不是选择对有代表性的词汇进行详细讲解。以往对某一单词进行讲解,所涉及到的主要内容大多是词典里面对该单词解释的繁杂罗列,包括单词的发音、拼写、词性、固定搭配、例句等基本信息。毫无疑问,这些信息是学习一门语言必须要掌握的基础知识,具有重要意义。 四、BNC和CLEC辅助词汇学习的必要性和可行性 BNC中的1亿词汇基本涵盖了人物、文学、体育、科学、军事、经济、政治、艺术、航天以及其他学科领域的高频词汇。学习者可以检索并在同一个语义场丰富的语料输入中学习与目标词(target word)相关的搭配、文体和语用等知识。可以充分缓解教学内容繁多与课时不足的矛盾,提供给学生大量的语言事实并营造真实的语言环境,弥补教师凭借自己直觉经验来讲解词汇的不足,从而减少学习者的语言失误;同时更重要的是BNC中大量真实的语言有利于培养学习者的预感。 五、CLEC和BNC辅助英语词汇学习 众所周知,教师经常在课堂上能否为学生举出比较适合英语习惯的、鲜活的英语例句而发愁。另外,一个主要的问题是:仅仅用课堂上有限的例句来让学习者全面掌握词的不同词义、搭配等知识可能性不大。因此,在课堂的英语词汇教学中,教师很有必要采取“预防”措施,即从CLEC中检索出已经标注好的语料分析归纳不同水平英语学习者(如大学英语四、六级以及英语专业)经常犯的词汇拼写和搭配错误,对这些高频语言错误反复强调和训练,然后,通过检索BNC归纳要学的目标词搭配和语义韵等知识,通过大量的例子让学习者逐渐学习不同词汇的各种知识。 (一)词汇搭配的学习。 词汇搭配是大学英语学习的重点和难点之一,在这方面,CLEC和BNC语料库为我们提供了有效探索词汇教学的途径。例如,在词序方面,这样的词序往往困扰一些学生,“such+a/an+形容词+名词”与“so+形容词+a/an+名词”,运用这两种语料库我们可以轻而易举地解决这个问题,只要在BNC或CLEC的查询框中键入“such(a/an)”或so,我们可以得到大量的包含这一结构的样句。表 BNC中检索出的部分语料 (二)语义韵的学习。 语义韵(semantic prosody)是Sinclair借用Firth的“音韵”(prosody)一词而新创的一个专为语料库语言学研究使用的术语。Firth 首先使用prosody这个词来表示跨音段语音色彩。而“语义韵”则表示超越词界的联想色彩。跨越词界的联想色彩主要是指词义的感情色彩。感情意义指词语的褒贬色彩,如statesman(政治家)和politician(政客);修辞意义指的是词语的委婉、夸张、讽刺、戏谑等色彩,如die (死亡)可以说成是pass away(逝世)或go to the west(上西天)等,one's wife(妻子)可以戏谑地说是one's better half(较好的那一半);动词cause(导致,造成)搭配使用的词群,发现该词染有较强的“贬韵”,充当其宾语的往往是accident,concern,trouble,damage,death之类的词。但是好多中国英语学习者经常把cause和表示褒义的词联用,例如,cause my sensation,cause a good result 等。通过分析CLEC中的有关cause的语料就可以知道学习者对该词语义韵的掌握情况,然后教师通过检索BNC中相关的搭配,分析并且归纳常出现在cause之后的名词,让学习者知道cause后面经常接表示“后果”而非“结果”的名词。 语料库辅助的英语教学为教师课堂词汇教学提供了丰富、真实的语料,教师可以通过这些语料归纳总结,和学习者语料库中的语料进行对比,找到学习者经常出现错误的原因,进行对症的单词教学。而且语料库使用比较方便,学生在课后可以直接在线检索并接触语料库,直接接触现代真实的语言信息,学生会感到事业宽阔,有如在外语海洋里畅游。


基于COCA语料库和CCL语料库的翻译教学探索 南京大学 常熟理工学院 朱晓敏 提 要:从上世纪80年代起,作为一种研究语言现象和语言本质的新模式,语料库语言学取得了令人鼓舞的成就。语料库已经渗透到语言研究的各个领域。翻译研究领域里使用的语料库多为双语平行语料库和翻译语料库。单语语料库与翻译研究相结合,尤其是与翻译教学相结合,是一个鲜有人探索的未知领域。在课堂上使用可以免费获取的美国杨百翰大学的英语单语语料库(CO CA语料库)和北京大学汉语语言学研究中心的汉语单语语料库(CCL语料库)能改变传统翻译教学模式,为翻译教学的改革提供借鉴。 关键词:语料库,COCA,CCL,翻译教学 一、引言 作为一个新的研究领域,一种全新的探究语言现象和语言本质的方法,语料库语言学在上世纪80年代得到了蓬勃的发展。韩礼德(1993:24)曾指出: 语料库语言学将数据收集与理论论述有机地结合在一起,使我们对语言的理解发生了质的变化(转引自王克非,2004:4)。 根据收集语料的语言种类,语料库可分为单语语料库(monolingual corpus)和双语/多语语料库(bilingual/multilingual corpora)。前者仅采用一种语言的语料,通过大量收集本族语者的语言实例而建成;而后者是由两种或两种以上的语言文本构成的语料库,它可以有对应/平行的、类比的和翻译的三种形式。 单语语料库的研发历史要追溯到上世纪50年代末,由夸克等人在伦敦大学率先建立起现代意义上的语料库,即 英语用法调查(Survey of English Usage)。到目前为止,比较大型的英语单语语料库有BNC英国国家语料库,CBECobuild 英语库,Brow n布朗语料库,美国杨百翰大学M ark Davis教授主持的美国当代英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English,简称COCA语料库),汉语的有北京大学汉语语言学研究中心的CCL汉语语料库等。国际上双语/多语语料库在近十几年得到了长足的发展,比较早的双语语料库有20世纪90年代早期建立的英语-挪威语双语平行语料库和英语-意大利语双语平行语料库,以及后来建立的英语和德语,英语和法语等双语语料库。国内目前规模最大的汉英双语语料库是北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心近年建成的达3000万字词的通用汉英语料库。国际上多语语料库有T he ECI M ultilingual Corpus多语种语料库(The ECI M ultilingual Corpus,简称IECI/M CI),近1亿字,包含了欧洲主要的语言及土耳其语、日语,俄语、汉语和马来语。而国内目前多语语料库的研究开发还是空白。 二、传统翻译教学面临的挑战与改革的出路 我国传统的翻译教学模式,即 理论讲解!举例验证!结论巩固,曾经为我国培养了一批优秀的翻译人才,他们中的很多人仍然是现在翻译行业的主力军。他们拥有扎实的中、英文功底和孜孜不倦的翻译探索精神。进入21世纪以来,信息技术迅猛发展,知识更新速度加快,传统的翻译教学难以适应新的挑战。从学生对课堂教学的反馈和专业八级考试中翻译部分的得分来看,传统翻译教学存在以下三个方面的问题:首先,翻译教学观念比较陈旧,课堂教学以教师讲述为主,学生听记为辅。学生只记得了抽象的翻译技巧,其实际的翻译能力并没有得到发展。其次,讲授的内容受教材限制,例句少且多为人造语境,学生感觉枯燥,难以提高学生的翻译能力。最后,课堂信息输入量小。 粉笔+黑板+教材+课后翻译练习的单一的教学方法导致课堂容量小,节奏缓慢。要改变以上现状,就要 实现翻译课程结构的科学化,扩大课堂教学的信息输入量,让学生在教师提 本文是南京大学2009年博士研究生科研创新基金课题 基于网络的英汉/汉英平行语料对自动获取(项目编号2010CW02)的前期研究成果。感谢匿名评审人员的宝贵意见。文责自负。


必修1 unit 1 Friendship 考向预测 1.考情总结 (1)从考查的力度来看,强调句型的考查频率较高。 (2)从考查的内容来看,副词等实词无论是在单选题还是在完形填空中都很重要。 2.备考建议 (1)注意强调句型的新动向---结合名词性从句、定语从句、疑问句等其它结构一起考查,以加大识别的难度。 (2)注意易混副词的之间的比较。解题应将语义和语境放在首位。 一、重点难点突破 1.suffer 用法归纳 (1)suffer做及物动词时,意为遭受(苦痛、损失);忍受(侮辱)等,其宾语通常为pain, defeat, damage, injury, loss, poverty, punishment, hardship, grief等 (2)suffer做不及物动词时,常与from连用,suffer from表示遭受(战争、自然灾害等带来的苦难及患病)之意,常见搭配:suffer from the war / the flood / a headache / hungry等 经典例句 She couldn’t suffer criticism. If we didn’t pay enough attention to the protection of land, we would suffer hunger sometime in the future. 特别提醒 Suffer用作及物动词,一般指某人直接经历、经受不好或不愉快的事,但suffer from通常指由于外力、外因等原因导致某人长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。Suffer的名词形式为suffering. 高考链接 There’s something wrong with her stomach in those days. She ____ great pain. a. suffers b. was suffered from c. suffered d. had suffered from 即学即练 完成句子 They ______ ______ ______ (遭受了巨大的损失) in the financial crisis. Suffered huge losses 2.concern 用法归纳 (1)concern做及物动词时,意为“(使)担忧;涉及;关系到”,后面经常接名词或代词做 宾语。 (2)concern做名词时,意为“担心;关注;(利害)关系”,经常和动词连用,如show / express concern about / over / for等 经典例句 He doesn’t bother about things that don’t concern him.对那些与他无关的事情,他不去费心。There is growing concern about violence on the Internet.人们对网络暴力日渐忧虑。 He showed great concern for the children’s welfare.他非常关心孩子的幸福。 Concerned parents are having a meeting on how to solve the serious problem. 思维拓展


语料库辅助的词汇教学 《普通高中英语课程标准(2003)》提倡词汇教学应为学生创设一些运用的语境,并提供语言支持,使学生在运用中加深理解,学会运用。语料库特有的语境共现界面能够批量地呈现目标词的使用语境,由此带出由目标词与周围的词共建短语词块的词汇搭配范式、语法范式、语义功能以及语用功能等,使词汇教学落实到深层知识的理解和应用。 高三学生在每次月考中反映困难最大的就是词汇问题:生词太多或者对熟悉的词的新含义不了解。针对这一现象,研究者从2012年9月高三开学起,手工加工学生正在学习的模块10的语料库,在学生学习每个单元的前后利用课文语料库使目标词汇在学生眼前多次重现,达到对词汇深层理解。具体做法如下(以模块10第一单元Reading为例): 1)要求学生上新课前预习Reading部分的生词和课文。 2)把Reading部分语料库中的所有生词用“________”代替,并打印出来,在上新课前让学生用5-8分钟练习。下面举其中的第一段为例: Teach a man to fish In 1985, there was little 1____________ in Ethiopia, which led to poor harvests and the death of many of the country’s cattle. The 2____________ of the situation shocked Bob Geldof, an Irish musician, so he organized a charity concert called Live Aid to raise money for victims of hunger in 3_____________. The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two places---LondonandPhiladelphia---and included the biggest stars of the time. Geldof intended the concert to raise money for hunger relief and to make the public more aware of the problem. In the end, $100 million was raised, which was used to buy food and to provide help with development projects inEthiopia. The concert also made the 4____________ around the world, and 5_____________________ 6______________ and 7_____________ to do something about the problem of world hunger. 说明:如果学生在没有任何提示的情况下完成该练习有困难,可以把所有生词打乱顺序摆在练习的最上端供学生选择。 3)学习完该单元后,再针对学生在学习过程中的遇到的重点和难点词汇、短语,重新设置“________”进行练习,达到词汇在正确的使用语境中重复练习的目的。 三、结语 由于研究者经验不足和能力有限,《牛津高中英语》教材语料库的建设和应用还存在以下问题:


中山大学附属第一医院生殖医学中心 1996年中心列为广东省五个一科教兴医工程重点专科;“九五”以来科室承担了多项科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金5项、卫生部临床重点专科项目3项、广东省自然科学基金6项、广东省博士启动基金2项、广东省重点科技攻关项目5项、广东省医学科研基金7项;公开发表80余篇论文,其中SCI引用论文6篇,国际杂志发表4篇,国内核心期刊发表论文40余篇。获卫生部科技进步奖二等奖1项、广东省科技进步级一等奖和三等奖各1项。 中心拥有强大的技术队伍,包括医疗、技术、护理人员共22人。其中博士导师2人、硕士导师6人;高级职称8人,中级职称9人;博士生11人,硕士6人。周灿权、教授、研究生、博士导师1978年至1983年就读中山医学院医学系,毕业获学士学位,同时留校于本院妇产科一直工作至今,期间接受了系统和严格的临床训练。1985年至1988年在中山医科大学攻读研究生,毕业获生殖生理学硕士学位。先后在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学和德国波恩大学学习生殖医学技术各一年。1986年开始从事生殖医学的临床和研究工作,在系列的辅助生殖技术以及妇科内分泌的临床和研究方面做了大量的工作,作为卫生部的专家组成员参加了许多省、市、自治区的辅助生殖中心的技术评审工作,积累了丰富临床和研究经验。以包括试管婴儿技术等各种辅助生殖技术和妇科内分泌为主要的研究方向。先后承担或参与了包括国家973、863课题、国家自然科学基金、卫生部临床重点学科项目、CMB等科研项目。先后获得卫生部科学技术进步二等奖、广东省科学技术进步一等奖。在各级专业杂志上发表学术论文百多篇。现任中华医学会全国生殖医学分会主任委员、中华医学会全国计划生育专科学会常委、广东省妇产科分会常委、《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》、《中国计划生育和妇产科》副主编、《中华妇产科杂志》编委、《生殖医学》等杂志编委,是中山大学附属第一医院妇产科学首席专家、学科术带头人。 浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院(浙江省妇女保健院、浙江省妇女医院)是浙江省妇产科医疗、教学、科研及计划生育、妇女保健工作的指导中心,是在华东区乃至全国有较大影响力的三级甲等妇产科专科医院。 医院成立于1951年,核定床位750张,婴儿床260张。目前职工1200余人,其中副高及以上专家160余人。年门诊人次超过100万人次,年收治病人达3万余人次,年分娩量超过1万,业务规模居全国同类专科医院之首,临床诊治综合技术达国内领先水平、部分达国际水平。是妇产科学硕士点、博士点、博士后流动站。妇产科学为国家重点(培育)学科,《妇产科学》为国家级精品课程,妇科、产科均为国家临床重点专科。学科优势突出,专业特色鲜明,设有普通妇科、妇科肿瘤科、产科、计划生育科、生殖内分泌科、外科、妇女保健等专科。拥有卫生部妇产科专科医师培训基地、辅助生育技术培训基地、妇科内镜诊疗技术培训基地和浙江省母婴护理专科护士培训基地。并设有浙江省计划生育指导站、浙江大学妇产科计划生育研究所、浙江省女性生殖健康研究重点实验室、教育部生殖健康重点实验室及浙江省产前诊断中心、生殖医学中心、胎儿医学中心和宫颈疾病诊治中心。2009年通过国家药监局组织的临床药物试验机构专家认证。有28人次在全国性学术组织任职,其中副主任委员4名,在国内享有声誉 黄丽丽,女,1961年出生,医学博士,教授,主任医师,博士生导师。现为浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院计划生育科主任。1983年6月毕业于浙江医科大学,获医学学士;1989年7月毕业于浙江医科大学,获医学硕士;1999年6月毕业于浙江大学医学院,获医学博士。一直在浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院从事临床、科研和教学工作。曾在德国基尔大学妇产科系生殖与免疫实验从事人类生殖方面的研究工作,也曾赴美国加州大学短期进修。参加计划生育领域的“八五”国家科技攻关项目、“十五”“十一五”国家科技支撑项目的研究,主持省厅级课题多项,发表论文多篇。作为项目主持人获省科学技术三等奖1项。目前任中华


常用词的学术替换 动词替换: 1.Improve 提高: Promote: 促进AC之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior manager in this company. Advance: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly) advanced. Enhance: the publi city has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望 2.change 改变: Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry structure.人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构 3.Emphasize 强调: Highlight:the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and insects. Stress: He stresses the need for parents to listen to their children. Accentuate: the crisis accentuates the gap between rich and poor. (highlight and emphasize 的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize差不多) 4.Develop培养: Cultivate: cultivate the ability of … ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life. Nurture: 养育,同样可以指培养人才(talents)the sea nutures ample marine animals. 5.Break 破坏: Impair:impair ability; 主要是破坏能力,莫乱用。 Undermine这个词也是指的是抽象意义上的破坏,有逐渐削弱之意,重点是循序渐进的过程。Undermine one’s ability/confidence/authority/position/credibility Jeopardize: 不能乱用,破坏的东西要上一定的等级才能配上此词。比如Jeopardize the process of peace.破坏和平进程 Devastate特指毁灭、蹂躏the earthquake devastated the whole city. 6.Keep 保存 Preserve、Conserve 保护资源用的就是这个词,不要用protect,protect这个词用在保护具体的东西。 7.deal With解决 Tackle: tackle the problem. Resolve: resolve dispute争论/conflict冲突/problem/issue/crisis危机;来自拉丁语,比较正式。 8.need 需要 Require:xxx requires courage and confidence. Necessitate: 用法不简单,没有摸透。 call for(这也是个很高级的用法,奥巴马就用这个【我不晓得奥巴马咋个用的,原帖是这样


生殖医学伦理委员会工作制度 (一)总则 第一条根据卫生部《人类辅助生殖技术伦理原则》结合我院实际,成立生殖医 学伦理委员会(以下简称伦理委员会)。 第二条伦理委员会对本院生殖医学的检查、诊断、治疗等技术实施伦理监督,确保本院人类辅助生殖医学技术的规范性。 第三条伦理委员会的决策具有公正合理性,决定具有权威性和指导性,功能具 有医学性和人文性,伦理委员会有权介入,并努力化解医患冲突,尽量避免法 律纠纷的产生。 (二)组织 第四条伦理委员会在主任委员的领导下开展工作。 第五条伦理委员会设主任委员一名,秘书一名,总委员人数为单数,任期三年。 第六条伦理委员会由医学伦理学、社会学、心理学、法学、生殖医学、护理学 专家及群众代表等组成。 (三)任务 第七条伦理委员会每年召开三至四次会议,检查、监督、指导本院生殖中心医 疗技术服务的伦理问题,对日常生殖医学医疗活动中出现的伦理问题由医疗技 术部门提出申请,伦理委员会主任召集、召开会议进行审查、咨询和论证,并 及时提出具体建议。 第八条伦理委员会定期组织各委员检查人类辅助生殖技术开展情况,监督生殖 医学医疗活动是否在伦理原则下进行。 第九条伦理委员会定期组织人类辅助生殖技术业务人员进行生殖医学伦理道 德学习,以规范医疗行为。 第十条伦理委员会对生殖中心临床使用的各种知情同意书,各种表格进行审 核。 第十一条伦理委员会会议必须有会议申请,形成的决议必须经三分之二以上的 委员签字同意。 (四)工作职责 第一条认真学习贯彻《人类辅助生殖技术和人类精子库伦理原则》,理解精神 实质,指导工作。 第二条定期召开会议,检查我院人类辅助生殖技术,从伦理原则的角度进行总 结工作,促进事业发展。 第三条对所有知情同意书及所有开展的项目进行审核。 第四条不定期抽查相关业务工作情况,及时指出问题,提出改进意见,对辅助 生殖病历进行审核。 第五条对辅助生殖技术工作人员及其它有关人员进行生殖医学伦理道德教育,提高生殖医学伦理道德水平。 第六条开展生殖医学伦理宣传教育,提高患者配合工作的自觉性。 第七条做好医患沟通工作,注意发现问题,分析问题,解决问题,总结经验,为人类生殖健康事业做出既有的贡献。 (五)工作制度 为了使我院各项人类辅助生殖技术严格按照卫生部制定的《人类辅助生殖技术


基于语料库语言学的英语词汇教学- 传统的语言学把词汇分成可以借助语法规则进行自由组合的单词和不能用语法规则解释的固定短语,因此传统上的词汇教学即指单词教学(蒋利,2003)。我国传统的词汇教学主要以词义驱动为主,学生往往只通过机械记忆单词或短语的形式及与其对应的中文意思来扩大词汇量(刁琳琳,2004)。教师在备课及授课过程中也很少涉及词块、搭配、语用规则和语义韵等较深层次的内容。而当把学生已机械记忆的单词放进具体语篇时,学生在理解和应用上都会出现问题。因此,在教学实践中,如果将语料库方法引入词汇教学,有助于区分词汇学习的不同层面及意义类型,并能切实改进词汇教学效果。 一、用语料库方法教授词汇的搭配、类联结与语义韵 卫乃兴(2001:100)将词汇的搭配定义为:在文本中实现一定的非成语意义并以一定的语法形式因循组合使用的一个词语序列,构成该序列的词语相互预期,以大于偶然的几率共现。词汇学习不是简单地记忆单词的读音与拼写,不了解词汇的搭配范围就很难真正习得了这些词汇,因此,词语搭配是词汇学习及研究的重点。类联结是发生于词语搭配中的语法结构和框架,因此它较之词汇搭配更抽象一些。甄凤超(2005:19-28)指出通过建立类联结,我们可以发现词汇的语法模式,并且词汇与语法密不可分。语法形式和词汇行为相关,并和意义发生联系。关于语义韵,卫乃兴(2002)指出词项的搭配行为显示一定的语义趋向即一定的词项会习惯性地吸引某一类具有相似语义特点的词项,构成搭配。由于这些具有相同语义特点的词项及其搭配在文本中高频共现,整个语境就弥漫了某种语义氛围,这种氛围被称

作语义韵。语义韵概念的引入对于区分同义词或近义词能起到很好的解释作用。由于受篇幅限制,本文主要探讨基于语料库语言学的词汇搭配教学。 二、语料库在词汇搭配教学中的应用 近年来语料库语言学发展迅速,基于语料库的搭配研究越来越被重视,逐步成为语言研究与教学的重要领域。在语言教学中引入索引工具,让学习者从大量的地道真实的语料中考察词语的搭配模式,有利于提高学习者的搭配水平、语言使用能力和自主学习能力。现以make和have为例讨论学习者通过接触真实语料,可以分析不同搭配在文体以及句法等方面存在的差异。首先使用AntConc检索工具从COCA和BNC中搜集部分与make和have搭配的常见词。如表2.1所示: 英语动词make的核心含义为制造,然而事实证明只了解单词的汉语意义显然不够,对以它们为中心词的各种搭配进行分析能促进学生更好地掌握其语义及使用差异。根据表格我们可以观察到如make后常跟change / corrections / comment / contribution / decision / effort / excuse / friend等。动词have的核心含义之一为经历,与其搭配频率较高的名词有accident / argument / break / conversation / difficulty / dream / experience / good time / problem 等。词汇教学中引入语料库方法,可以有效帮助学生掌握词汇的不同搭配更好地理解词之间的语义差异。学会并灵活使用大量的搭配词语有助于全面提高语言学习效率及应用能力。 三、结语 利用语料库工具辅助英语词汇教学具有重要意义。首先,提供给学生大量真实语料,营造真实语言环境,能够保证学生语言输入的质量;其次,用语料库检索工具使关键词在其索引行中


作文高级替换词!别再用那些“平庸”词汇了 中文写作中,我们总是追求“文采”,力求语言生动形象、文字丰富多彩。英文写作同样如此。反观高考作文评分标准,阅卷老师注重一下两个方面: 内容方面:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性; 表达方面:上下文的连贯与语言的得体。 其中“应用词汇的数量”就说明,高分作文的一个标准就是用词尽量多样化,避免重复使用同一单词或短语,并尽量地使用“较高级词汇”。当然,“较高级词汇”也并非生僻词汇,很多词汇是我们平时学到、阅读中经常见到、但是大家写作中又不常用或不会用的词。 今天,给大家汇总一下常用的作文高级替换词! 换掉几个常用的形容词或副词 1. very terribly 非常,极度地 extremely 极端地 surprisingly 令人惊讶地 pretty 非常 greatly 很,大大地,非常 highly 高度地,非常

badly 非常,很,严重地quite 很,相当,完全simply 简直 perfectly 完全地 totally 完全地,完全 2. good great / wonderful excellent 棒极了的,极好的fantastic 棒极了的,极好的brilliant 棒极了的,极好的fabulous 棒极了的,极好的superb 棒极了的,极好的terrific 棒极了的,极好的meaningful 有意义的educational 有教育意义的 3. beautiful attractive 吸引人的,迷人的appealing 吸引人的,迷人的fascinating 吸引人的,迷人的eye-catching 吸引人的


生殖医学设置规划意见 近年来,不孕症的发病率日趋增高,约累及10%~15%的育龄夫妇,传统的治疗方法远不能满足需要。随着科学技术的发展,辅助生殖技术(ART)领域内不断取得突破性进展,为不孕症的治疗提供了重要手段。卫生部《人类辅助生殖技术规范》就生殖中心的建设提出了要求,本文结合此规范就我院生殖中心的平面布局提出一些参考意见。 一、医院内选址及面积: 辅助生殖技术实验室应避免邻近消毒室、洗涤室、传染科、放射科、病理科等。应该将实验室建立在较高的楼层上。综合目前生殖技术的发展现状及未来发展空间,提出新区面积总共需要在2000平米以上。 三、平面布局分区 生殖医学按工作流程主要有临床诊断和ART实验室两大主要分区,其中ART实验室是核心部位。另外不管哪一区域都有护理的密切配合,设计时要充分考虑护理的工作场所。本文意见主要针对ART实验室区域。 (一)临床诊断区域 临床诊断区域是患者的主要就诊场所,女科、男科、护理、检验等各部分密切配合共同完成对患者的诊疗活动。以下为各部分房间要求:女科:诊室3-5间、B超室、检查室、治疗室、门诊手术室。 男科:诊室1-2间、男科检查室、男科治疗室。 护理:注射室、留观室、宣教室、咨询室、档案室、辅料间。 检验:取精室2-3间(与男科检验室邻近,并有洗手设备)、男科检

验室、内分泌及血液免疫检验室。 其他办公用房:候诊室、更衣室、办公室、仓储间等。 (二)ART实验室分区(此分区需要空气净化) 按工作性质分为体外授精技术(IVF)分区和人工受精技术(AI)两部分。虽然有重合的工作环节,但是按卫生部要求AI的部分场所需要专用,因此此区域仍按两区划分,部分房间如取精室可通用。 1.体外授精技术分区 (1)功能房间的设置 平面房间主要由取精室、穿刺取精手术室、精液处置室、取卵室、胚胎实验室、胚胎移植室、配液室、胚胎冷冻室、细胞室、液氮储存室、耗材试剂库、麻醉复苏区以及其他办公辅助用房组成。 (2)各功能房间的配置 取精室 设3间,其中1间设有病床(用于辅助取精),房间门禁管理,内设有电视,单人间设置,保证私密性,突出人性化的设计;取精室与护士站设有语音对讲系统,便于医患之间的沟通。取精室与精液处理室和人工受精实验室之间用互锁式传递窗连接,患者取精后,可以直接通过传递窗送至精液处置室和人工受精实验室,并有洗手设备。每间不少于5平米。 精液处理室 紧邻取精室和胚胎实验室,设1套超净工作台,1套二氧化碳培养箱,1套嵌墙式储物柜。每个二氧化碳培养箱设二氧化碳(99.9999% 高纯


高考英语作文可用的复杂句型和高级词汇 表示原因 1There are three reasons for this 2The reasons for this are as follows 3The reason for this is obvious 4The reason for this is that 5We have good reason to believe that 例如There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life Firstly people’s living standard has been greatly improved Secondly most people are well paid and they can afford what they need or like Last but not least more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life注如考生写第一个句子没有把握可将其改写成两个句子。如Great changes have taken place in our life There are three reasons for this这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。 表示好处 1It has the following advantages 2It does us a lot of good 3It benefits us quite a lot 4It is beneficial to us 5It is of great benefit to us 例如Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 表示坏处 1It has more disadvantages than advantages 2It does us much harm 3It is harmful to us 例如However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy. if we spend too much time watching television. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1.It is important necessary difficult convenient possible for sb to do sth 2.We think it necessary to do sth 3.It plays an important role in our life 例如Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age 表示措施 1We should take some effective measures 2We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties★注意括号内高级词汇的使用。 3We should solve the problems that we are faced (confronted) with★注意括号内高级词汇的使用。 例如: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore we must take some effective measures to solve it.


生殖医学中心耗材参数 1、 产品参数: ①圆底试管容量5mL ,外部尺寸12*75mm ,盖帽采用双位扣帽设计,无菌(无菌级别可达10-3)、无热原单支包装,内毒素检测水平小于0.1EU/mL ,材质为聚苯乙烯,最大离心力RCF 能达1400g 。 ②锥形离心管容量15mL ,外部尺寸17*120mm ,盖帽采用拱顶双螺纹盖设计,有书写签,打印刻度,无菌(无菌级别可达10-3)、无细胞毒性、无热原,离心管架包装,内毒素检测水平小于0.1EU/mL ,材质为聚苯乙烯,最大离心力RCF 能达1800g 。 ③移液管容量5mL ,刻度1/10,刻度容积2.5ml, 精确度在+/-2%,移液管末端有聚酯纤维塞防止满溢,无菌(无菌级别可达10-3 )、无细胞毒性、无热原,独立单支包装,材质为聚苯乙烯,内毒素检测水平小于0.1EU/mL 。 ④取精杯容量110mL ,一次性灭菌带盖采样容器,无细胞毒性、无热原,聚丙烯材质。 ⑤巴斯德吸管容量3mL ,采用一次性热封独立包装,在1mL 和2mL 有刻度标示,γ射线灭菌,无热原,聚乙烯材质。 *⑥子宫内授精导管采用弯头设计,前端开口,带可调式硅胶定位环,尺寸规格Fr.3.5*13cm 。应具有医疗器械注册证、注册登记表或备案证等。 ⑦封口膜规格10cm*38m ,快速有效密封,具有良好的韧性,防水防湿,热塑性自封薄膜。 ⑧提供使用该产品在安徽省内、外三级甲等医院至少3家开展辅助生殖技术医院的销售发票复印件并加盖单位公章和客户名单及联系电话,真实有效。 2、 预算列表 名称 规格 预计年用量 预算总价 圆底试管 5mL 1500个 90000元 锥形离心管 15mL 3000个 移液管 5mL 2000个 取精杯 110mL 1000个 巴斯德吸管 3mL 5000个


基于双语平行语料库的翻译教学 翻译是英语专业高年级学生一门非常重要的课程。传统的翻译教学以教师讲解为中心,以翻译教材为学习载体,学生在上完课之后很难具备一定水平的翻译能力。针对于此,我们把双语平行语料库及相应的检索功能引入到翻译教学当中,以提高翻译教学质量,提升学生的翻译能力。 标签:双语平行语料库;翻译;教学 双语平行语料库是指使用两种语言撰写相互间具有翻译关系的文本的集合平台,与普通的词典相比,这种翻译方法更加准确、便利、快捷,更新速度快,可以提供大量真实的双语对译语料以供学习者查询。 何安平指出,将语料库引入翻译教学,会改变传统的翻译教学模式,使学生可以开展各种学习活动,比如互动式学习、开放式学习和分析归类型学习,这一系列学习可以激发学生的好奇心、求知欲,帮助学生塑造的批判精神和反思精神,为培养学生的创新思维提供了条件。 本文例句所使用的双语平行语料库是指北京外国语大学通用双语平行语料库。 1.基于双语平行语料库的词汇翻译 曾有人提出,平行语料库最典型的应用范围之一是双语词汇教学。无论是英译汉还是汉译英,在很多时候英汉两种语言不存在一一对应的词汇,一词多义的现象很普遍,这就意味着这个词有多种译文;而且,在某些特定的语境中,有的词被赋予固定的意思,这又是新的译文。北京外国语大学王克非教授以汉语“克服”一词为例,在北京外国语大学通用汉语双语平行语料库中检索,发现24处“克服”一词中,有15处翻译为overcome。在学生学习完这24个例子后,他们就会明白,在以后的翻译中,不是所有的“克服”都用overcome翻译,在其他情况下使用cope with,fight down,get rid of 等会更加贴切。 学习者可以借助双语平行语料库的真实语境平台,找到单词在不同语境下的地道翻译,既丰富了词汇量,快速准确地译出对应语,同时可增强语感,提升双语翻译能力。 2.基于双语平行语料库的句式翻译 有时候,学生会感觉无论是英语还是汉语,其中一些句式很难理解,至于翻译更是无从下手。在这种情况下,双语平行语料库为学生们提供了大量的特殊句式翻译例句。我们以英文中“it is said that”为例。这是英语中常用的句式,很多学生张口就翻译为“据说”,好像也没有人怀疑过;包括我本人在接触双语平行语料库之前,见到it is said that也随口就翻译为“据说”。但是,笔者通过双语平行语
