外研社高一英语必修三第二单元making a difference 检测题 答案版

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1. Suddenly, he came up with(想到,想出)a good idea.

2. His _____________ (determine) look showed that he had made up his mind.

3. When the expert arrived, all the students rose to their feet(站起身来).

4. I am very confident about his success(对他的成功很有信心).

5.My grandmother passed away(过世)in the hospital last week.

6.What you have told me may make a difference to my own position(影响).

7.Alice __________________ with relief when she knew her dream had become a reality.(笑起来)

8.I am grateful to you for your timely help. (对...感激)

9.I hope to __________________ the relief of water shortage in the mountainous areas.(为...做贡献)

10.They decided to ____________________. Moreover, they would establish a water saving foundation.(采取有效措施)

11.This insight grew from a girl who had courage and ___________ (坚持不懈) to make her dream a reality.

12.The millionaire was very concerned about the project and decide to __________(资助) it.

13.Don’t _______________(犹豫) to make frank comments or suggestions if you have any.

14.A girl ______________(残疾的) may feel embarrassed when someone offers assistance to her.

15.The ____________(confuse) expression on his face suggested that he was not able to work out the __________ (confuse) problem.

16.Winton _________(帮助) hundreds of Jewish children in escaping from the Nazi military.

17.When I received my graduation ___________(证书) at the ceremony, I burst into tears with excitement.

18.The institution ___________________ (取得了伟大的成就) in cancer research, but shortage of funds limits further research.

19.Books _________________(记录) thoughts and ideas, and are therefore the major source from which people obtain knowledge.

20.Moreover, the latter phenomenon has been _________________________.(引起公众的注意)


①Samuel L. Clemens, also known as Mark Twain, started off his writing career(事业) in 1865 with his big hit story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Cala v eras County—a story­within­a­story told

to a listener by an old California miner. From that day on, the works of the great humorist always had different animals.

②Some members of Twain’s literary(文学的) animals were based on real animals, such as the Clemens family’s named pet cats. Some were imaginary, like that celebrated jumping frog.

③As a boy in Missouri, he got pleasure from knowing the animals of the woods; in old age, he felt a deep relationship with the animals large and small that he met in his travels. His cats, family dog, horses, donkeys, and calf also won his three daughters’ love at their Hartford home. On March 22,2018, to mark this part of Twain’s personal life, The Mark Twain House & Museum opened a new exhibition(展览), Tails of Twain: How Animals Shaped the Man & His Work. The exhibition was rich with exhibits from the museum’s collections.

④The king of the animals in Twain’s world was the cat,“the only creature in heaven or earth or anywhere that don’t have to obey(听从) somebody or other, including the angels”. He was known to be the proud pet parent of 19 cats during his childhood. As an adult, the Clemens home always had a named cat. Even on vacation, the Clemens family borrowed cats from locals to live with them. Dogs were considered second­class pets, but Twain liked them. Twain once wrote an ode(颂诗) to his dead dog Burns:“She lived

a quiet harmless life in Hartford...”

⑤In true Twainism, humans were not as loved as the “Higher Animals”. Even the most low­down animal, however, was superior in Twain’s eyes to “the human race”. After all, he did write once “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel.”


21.What can we learn about The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Cala v eras County?

A.It tells a story of Twain’s family pet.

B.It was written for Twain’s three daughters.

C.It made Twain pay attention to animals.

D.It was Twain’s first great success as a writer.

D解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的started off his writing career(事业) in 1865 with his big hit story 可知,《卡城名蛙》是马克·吐温的第一部巨著。

22.What’s the main purpose of the new exhibition?

A.To introduce how Twain spent his childhood.

B.To exhibit some of Twain’s best­sellers.

C.To show Twain’s different hobbies.

D.To show Twain’s love for animals.

D解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的As a boy in Missouri, he got pleasure...also won his three daughters’
