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英语初级听力D i c t a t i o n答案

Lesson 13


47 Riverside Road, London SE1 4LP.

10th May, 1989

Dear Chris,

Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t answered it sooner but writing is difficult at the moment. I fell off my bike last week and broke my arm. It isn’t anything very serious and I’ll be OK in a few weeks.

Your holiday sounds fantastic. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Someone at work went to Jamaica last year and had a wonderful time. When you are going exactly? I hope you’ll have good weather.

There isn’t really much more news from here. I’ll write a longer letter in a few weeks. Send me a postcard and give my regards to everyone.



Lesson 15


Philip is a very interesting boy. He is clever but he doesn't like school. He hates studying but he is very keen on learning new practical

skills. In his spare time he often repairs motorbikes. He likes helping the neighbours in vegetable gardens, too.

Lesson 16


1.What was the worst problem you encountered in your present job?.

2.How did you handle it?

3.Why do you want to leave your present job?

4.What are you most proud of having done in your present job?

5.Why do you think you are qualified for this job?

6.What sort of boss would you most like to work for?

7.Supposing a member of your staff was frequently away from work, claiming to be ill, what action would you take?

8.If you were working as a part of the team, what unspoken rules of behaviour would you observe?

9.How long do you plan to stay in this job?

Lesson 17


There were angry scenes yesterday outside No.10 Downing Street as London school teachers protested about their salaries and conditions. London teachers are now in the second week of their strike for better pay. Tim Burston, BBC correspondent for education was there.

Lesson 18


Mrs. Brink: Come in. Oh, it's you again. Tom. What have you done this time?

Tom: I've cut my finger and it's bleeding a lot.

Mrs. Brink: Let me see, Tom... Hmmm, that is a bad cut. I can clean it

and put a plaster on it, but you'll have to see the doctor.

Lesson 19


Doctor Sowanso is the Secretary General of the United Nations. He’s one of the busiest men in the world. He’s just arrived at New Delhi Airport now. The Indian Prime Minister is meeting him. Later they’ll talk about Asian problems.

Yesterday he was in Moscow. He visited the Kremlin and had lunch with Soviet leaders. During lunch they discussed international politics.

Tomorrow he’ll fly to Nairobi. He’ll meet the President of Kenya and other African leaders. He’ll be there for twelve hours.

The day after tomorrow he’ll be in London. He’ll meet the British Prime Minister and they’ll talk about European economic problems.

Next week he’ll be back at the United Nations in New York. Next Monday he’ll speak to the General Assembly about his world tour. Then he’ll need a short holiday.

Lesson 20
