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请媒、定亲、送礼、娶亲、送亲、结婚仪式、 谢宴等程序。 Please media, engagement gift, wedding, SongQin, wedding ceremony, Xie Yan programs.
Tu dowry 土族嫁妆
足上风情-----土族姑娘的嫁妆鞋 Amorous feelings of foot shoes minority girl's dowry
The Picture of the Embroidery
The embroidery 刺绣
• 妇女一般穿绣花小领斜襟长衫。 两袖由红、黄、橙、蓝、白、 绿、黑七色彩布圈做成,鲜艳 夺目,美观大方。俗称七彩袖, 土族语称作秀苏,意为“花袖 衫”。为土族妇女服饰的象征。 从最底层数,第一道为黑 色, 象征土地;第二道绿色,象征 青苗青草;第三道黄色,象征 麦垛;第四道白色,象征甘露; 第五道蓝色,象征蓝天;第六 道橙色,象征金色的光芒;第 七道红色,象征太阳。
Folk customs of the Tus 土族风情
Folk customs of the Tus 土族风情
1、刺绣 2、服饰 3、婚礼 4、习惯 The embroidery Costume The wedding Customs
Folk customs of the Tus 土族风情
刺绣 The Embroidery
Tu's dietary habits and predominantly agricultural characteristics of engaged in animal husbandry production are closely related. Daily staplwenku.baidu.com food is given priority to with highland barley, wheat. Vegetables are less, basically have turnip, cabbage, onion, garlic, lettuce and so on more than 10 kinds 土族的饮食习惯与以农业为主兼营牧业的生 产特点紧密相关。日常的主食以青稞为主,小麦 次之。蔬菜较少,主要有萝卜、白菜、葱、蒜、 莴笋等10余种
土族民间刺绣是青海 最具特色的民间手工 艺品之一,其刺绣品 与土族乡民的生活息 息相关,如服饰刺绣 有衣领、衣袖、绣花 口袋、围肚、大腰带、 袜跟等;生活用品有 绣花枕头、钱搭、烟 袋、针扎、香包等; 宗教方面有刺绣、堆 绣佛像及喇嘛头饰、 用具等。 •Tus folk embroidery is one of the most characteristic folk handicrafts in Qinghai, the embroidery is closely related to minority villager‘s life, such as apparel embroidery has a collar, sleeves, embroidered pockets, round belly, big belt, socks, ;Embroidered articles for daily use are pillows,、 purses, tobacco pouch, needle, sachets, etc; Religion have embroidery, barbola figure of Buddha and lama headdress, appliances, etc.
盘绣 Plate of embroidery
• 盘绣是土族刺绣中最主要的绣法,是土族妇女一生的必修课。 盘绣是土族独 有的一种绣法,复杂巧妙,汇集着古老土族文化的深刻内涵。在青海高原的 东部山区,勤劳、朴实的土族妇女世世代代传承着古老传统的民族刺绣艺术, 她们的刺绣技艺精湛,做工精细,巧夺天工。 Dish is the most main minority embroidery embroidery method, is a required subject in the tu nationality women's life. Plate is unique to the minority of a kind of embroidery method, the complex is clever, pooling the profound connotation of ancient minority cultures. In the eastern part of qinghai plateau mountainous area, hardworking, simple generations inheritance the ancient traditions of ethnic minority women embroidery art, their embroidery is an exquisite art, fine workmanship, wonderful artical excelling nature.
• 互助土族地区流传的 土族婚礼习俗源远流 长。土族婚礼习俗是 土族人民通过与自然 界的斗争和长期的生 产生活的实践中逐步 形成和发展起来的。 土族能歌善舞,不仅 表现在日常的生活中, 而且就连土族青年男 女的婚礼,也是在一 整套完整、欢乐的歌 舞中进行的。
土族婚礼的过程 Tu nationality's wedding process
The Origin of the Tus
The Origin of the Tus 土族族源 • Tu has close relationship with 土族与蒙古族有着密切 the Mongolian. Widely 关系。在互助土族中, circulated in mutual minority 广泛流传着祖先来自 ancestors came from 蒙古人,以及成吉思 mongolians, genghis khan, 汗属将格日利特(格热 and belongs to day, (hot) 台)率部留驻今互助县 effort to stay today in huzhu 一带,以后与当地霍 county area, with local hall 尔人通婚,逐渐繁衍 after marriage, procreation 而成土族的传说。过 and the legend of the tus. 去土族人把格日利特 Over the past two 当作本民族的祖先来 communities (little as native 崇拜。 to worship the ancestors.

Women usually wear small embroidered collar XieJin gown. Two sleeve by red, yellow, orange, blue, white, green, black circle made seven color cloth, bright is dazzing, the beauty is generous. Commonly known as colorful sleeve, minority language said show Sue, means "flower sleeve unlined upper garment". As a symbol of the minority women's clothing. Count from the bottom, the first is the black color, the symbol of land; The symbol of the second green, grass green crops; The third yellow symbol contained; The fourth white, symbolizing the dew; The fifth blue symbol of the blue sky; Sixth, orange symbol of golden light; The seventh red symbol of the sun.
The Brief Introduction of the Tus
• Tu nationality has a population of nearly 200,000. The Tus mainly distributed in Huzhu minority autonomous county, minhe hui minority autonomous county, and Datong hui minority autonomous county in qinghai province. The Tus in qinghai province accounts for about 85% of national minority population. 土族是中国人口较少的民族之一, 现有人口大约接近20万。主要分 布在青海省互助土族自治县、民 和回族土族自治县和大通回族土 族自治县,青海省境内的土族约 占全国土族总人口的85%。
婚礼 The wedding
• Mutual help minority areas of minority wedding customs has a long history. Tu wedding customs are a minority people through the struggle with nature and long production life practice gradually formed and developed. Tu sing, not only in daily life, and even the minority of young men and women of the wedding, is in a complete and happy singing and dancing.