英语话剧剧本 卖火柴的小女孩

英语话剧剧本 卖火柴的小女孩
英语话剧剧本 卖火柴的小女孩

The little match girl(卖火柴的小女孩)


Little Match Girl: 11句

Jackie: 1句 2首歌

Jenny : 2句 2首歌

Larry:2句 2首歌

Steven: 2句 2首歌

Alyssa:, 1句 2首歌

Vicky: 1 句 2首歌

Grandma 4句


Stove + Chicken:


Scene (1): It’s snowing. Six kids are singing song: Edelweiss….场景一:雪在下。台上六个孩子在唱《雪绒花》


What a cold freezing night! A girl sells matches no place to hide I see the moon

And the moon sees me

God bless the little girl

And may it be


Scene (2) the little match girl shows. She is cold and very dirty.场景二:卖火柴的小女孩出场,穿着破烂的衣服,脚上穿着一只拖鞋,怀里装着许多火柴.

The little match girl(卖火柴的小女孩台词):

“oh, it’s snowing. The snow is so nice


Listen! People are singing. Oh yes, it’s Christmas Eve.


People are celebrating. And Santa is sending gifts to the kids in the city. "


“ But… but I am alone. And there is no food and no new dress for me"


I… I’m hungry and I’m feeling so cold


Will someone come to buy a match? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 I still have so many!"

会不会有人来买根火柴呢? 我还有好多没有卖呢!”

场景三:Jackie, Larry, Steve, Alyssa, Jenny and Vicky 手拿着礼物



(Larry, Steve, Alyssa, Jenny and Vicky)台词: “Jackie, please wait for us!”等等我们!

Jackie台词: “Come on! You guys!你们快点呀!

All of them show on the stage, laughing and dancing hands with hands 六个小孩都出现在舞台上,手拉着手,笑呀,跳呀!

Alyssa (astonished很惊奇地说): “Oh, look! Who’s that?”噢,看!那是谁?

Jenny:“ she is so poor Look! She is wearing a slipper她很穷呀.看呀,她只穿了一只拖鞋

And…and she is so dirty !”噢,她好脏呀!

Steve and Larry: “Oh, she smells. She looks like a little beggar!”好臭,她看上去像一个乞丐。

Vicky: "Oh, poor girl!”可怜的人!

Steven:" Larry! There is a Christmas tree. It’s so big. Let’s go to have a look! ”


Larry: "Good idea! Let’s go!”好主意,我们走!

They all go over there to decorate the tree.他们都跑去装饰圣诞树。场景四:卖火柴的小女孩走到墙角,蜷缩着坐下,非常地冷。

The match girl(卖火柴的小女孩台词: “Matches! Matches! ”火柴,火


The voice becomes weaker and weaker声音越来越小

The girl rubs a match(小女孩擦了一根火柴):“Oh, my god. It’s a big stove. The fire is so warm." 我的天,这么大的一个火炉,火是那么的温暖。

The poor girl tries to get the stove, but it goes to the kids around the Christmas tree.


The girl rubs a match again(小姑娘又擦了一根火柴):

“Oh, a big chicken. It’s golden. It must be very delicious.”呀,烤鸡!金灿灿的,它一定很好吃。

The chicken goes towards the Christmas tree烤鸡也走到圣诞树边。(The girl rubs another match and grandma shows)(小姑娘又擦了一根火柴,奶奶出现了):

“Oh, my poor girl!”噢,我可怜的孩子

Match girl: “Grandma! Grandma! Is that you? My dear grandma!”


Grandma goes towards the match girl and hugs her奶奶走到小女孩边上,抱住了她。

Grandma老奶奶台词:“My poor girl. It’s me!我可怜的孩子,是我!They are hugging together他们紧紧地抱在一起。

Girl小姑娘:“ It’s Christmas Eve.今天是平安夜。”

Grandma points to the Christmas tree奶奶手指圣诞树。

Grandma奶奶:” Look, the Christmas tree over there is so nice. And the kids are singing and dancing happily.”


The match girl女孩: "Grandma, look at the sky! There are so many stars.


They are shining. Oh, look! A shooting star!” 他们一闪一闪地, 噢看,一颗流星!

Grandma奶奶:" Yes, someone is dying是啊,有人要去世了."

场景5:the poor girl died, hugging grandma

A group of angels show and sing. ----- Holly Night.

