pandas love bamboo.熊猫吃竹子课件PPT

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They like eating and sleeping . They are fat . They have got a small tail and four legs. They are pigs .
Say and guess
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My favourite animal
I love all the animals, but my favourite animal is ××(单数).It‘s very (形容 词).It’s very (形容词).It‘s got (名词) . They live in (国家/地区).They like eat (食物).They can (can't) swim/fly.........(生活习惯)。We all like them .
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1 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
浮山县文昌小学 李俊莹
They are fat.
They’re black and white.
They live in China. They love bamboo.
What are they?
They’re pandas.
Pandas love bamboo.
Elephants like water.
Pandas ____ love bamboo. like the water . Elephants ____
Dogs _________ play with the children . They sleep in the winter . They are _______. bears
They They They They
Snakes love the sun.
Cats like fish.
Dogs play with children.
Bears sleep in the winter.
Snakes love the sun. Elephants like water. Pandas love bamboo. Dogs play with children. Cats like fish. Bears sleep in the winter.
love grass (草). have got two long ears. can jump . are rabbits.
They have got four legs and a long tail (尾巴). They can run fast . They love grass . They are horse .
• Homework: • 1.Recite the text. • 2.编写一则英语动物小谜语, 下节课与同学分享。