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3. The president6s meaning is just what we want to express. 主席所
4. A computer is what can be used to write e-mail, to search infor-
mation, to do shopping and so on. 电脑就是可以用来写邮件、查信息、
wha t 引导的从句
湖北 杨顺学
what 可以引导多种从句。现在介绍一下这些从句的用法, 供同学 们学习时参考。
一、what 引导的从句在句中作主语。例如: 1. What Jack had said inspired all of us greatly. 杰 克 所 说 的 话 极 大地鼓舞了我们。 2. What is to be learned from bat experiments, as far as this chap- ter is concerned, is not what we think we know about how bats fly. 就 本 章内容来说, 要从蝙蝠实验中学习的东西, 并不是我们认为已知的有关 蝙蝠如何飞翔的内容。 说明: what 引导的从句作主语时, 其谓语动词通常为单数形式。例 如: What Tom said is reasonable. 汤姆说的话有些道理。 有时 what 引导的主语从句所表示的意思明显具有复数含义, 这时 其后的谓语动词应为复数形式。例如: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 进行时常用来解释、描述或归纳总结前面所说的话。这种进行时的 语气往往比较强。例如: I can:t sleep. Something is worrying me. 我睡不着, 有事使我放心不 下。( 解释前面) She was silent; she was saying much. 她默不作声, 这反而显得 意 义深长。( 归纳总结)
三、what 引导的从句在句中作宾语。例如:
7. Tell me what you want to be when you grow up. 告 诉 我 你 长 大
8. Ideas of what are good manners are different in different coun-
5. Gravity makes you weigh what you weigh. 地球引力使人称得现
6. An individual is to a country what a drop of water is to the sea.
一个人对于他的国家来说, 就如大海中的一滴水。
tries. 不同的国家对什么是有礼貌的观念是不一样的。
四、what 引导的从句在句中作宾语补足语。例如:
9. We will try our best to make the factory twice what it is today.
10. They have not changed the computer programme what it used to
earth. 在月球上一个榔头的重量仅为它在地球上的 1 /6。

12. The output of our factory is now three times what it was six years
地 ago. 我们厂目前的产量是六年前的三倍。
be. 他们没有改变电脑以前的程序。

五、what 引导的从句有时用在“分数 + of”或倍数之后, 表示一种 学
数量关系。实际上, 这些 what 从句在 of 后面作宾语。例如:

11. A hammer on the moon weighs only 1 /6 of what it does on the 语
A School Garden Of English
A School Garden Of English
What we usually call metals are not metals, but alloys. 通常我们叫
做金属的东西其实并不是纯金属, 而是合金。
二、what 引导的从句在句中作表语。例如: