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英国“桂冠诗人”泰德·休斯(1930-1998)是20世纪极具影响力的一位诗人。诺贝尔文学奖获得者谢默斯·希尼(S eamus Heaney)认为休斯是一个“伟大的诗人”。休斯出生于西约克郡并在那里度过了快乐的童年。受西约克郡的影响颇深的休斯在其诗歌创作中或多或少的表达了他对西约克郡的热爱,可以说休斯的诗歌深深的根植于西约克郡。休斯的大部分诗都是对自然的和动物的描述,因此他又被人们称为“自然诗人”和“动物诗人”。由于他对暴力和血腥的着力描写,他又被人们称为“暴力诗人”。诗集《雨中鹰》(1957)的出版让他获得了第一个奖项,其后他又凭借诗集《牧神》(1960)获得了毛姆奖和霍桑登奖,从此休斯声名鹊起,成为战后欧美文坛最重要的诗人之一,并在1984年被评为“桂冠诗人”。

"Poet laureate" ted hughes (1930-1998) was one of influential poet in the 20th century. The Nobel Prize winner, Seamus Heaney thinks Hughes is a “great poet”. Hughes was born in west Yorkshire and had a happy childhood in there. Since west Yorkshire influenced Hughes deeply, he expressed more or less his love to west Yorkshire in his poetry, so it can be said that Hughes‟s poetry are deeply rooted in west Yorkshire. Hughes' most poems are descriptions of nature and animals, so he was known as "nature poet" and "animal poet". Because of his violent and bloody concentrates on, he was known as "violent poet". The publication of the “ Hawk in the Rain” (1957), let him won the first prize, then he again with poetry anthology "pastoral god" (1960) won the Maugham prize and the Hawthornden prize with the “Lupercal”, Hughes gained a fame since then , and became one of the important poets in the post-war Europe in the literary world. In 1984 he was appointed Poet Laureate.

纵观休斯一生,他写了很多诗歌,其中最著名的包括《雨中鹰》(The Hawk in the Rain)(1957);《牧神》(Lupercal)(1960);《乌鸦之歌》(Crow)(1970),《岩石上的普洛米休斯》 (Prometheus on His Crag)(1973)《季节颂》 (Season Songs)(1975),《沉醉》 (Gaudete)(1977),《洞穴神鸟:一部炼金式的洞穴戏剧》(Cave Birds: An Alchemical Cave Drama)(1978),《埃尔梅王国的废墟》 (Remains of Elmet)(1979),《摩尔镇》 (Moortown)(1979),《生日贺信》 (Birthday Letters),等。除诗歌之外,他还创作了大量剧本和儿童文学作品。


等。Esoteric language, vivid landscape description and the creative theme is the main characteristic of Hughes‟s works. Hughes has a sense of responsibility and has carried on the continuing attention to nature and human civilization, his works involves many themes, including the natural elements, religion, mythology, war, violence, etc.

国内外的一些专家学者对休斯及其作品进行了不断的探索和研究,国内外对休斯的诗歌在社会历史、宗教文化、语言风格三个方面进行了比较多的研究,取得了不少的成果。纵观这些研究成果,国外比国内的起步早并且研究的主题更广泛、挖掘的内涵更深邃Experts and scholars at home and abroad did continuous exploration and research on Hughes and his works, they were research three aspects: social history, religious and culture, language style of Hughes, and has obtained many achievements. Throughout these research results, experts abroad started early and the study theme is more widely than domestic ones, the connotation is more profound.


1)二十世纪七十年代The 1970 s

国外对泰德·休斯的研究始于20世纪70年代。凯斯·塞加是最早研究休斯的学者,也是对休斯诗歌研究最多的学者之一。凯斯·塞加写的介绍休斯的专著《泰德·休斯》,书中探讨了《雨中鹰》、《乌鸦》等诗集,分析了诗歌中的暴力主题、神话来源和语言风格(Sagar, 1972)。之后1975年赛加在他的另一本专著《泰德·休斯的艺术》中对休斯的五部诗集的艺术特色进行了分析(Sagar, 1975)。米歇尔·斯科尼德的《当代50位英国诗人的简介》中主要谈及了休斯诗歌中的暴力色彩,并且认为休斯受到了劳伦斯河华兹华斯等诗人的影响(Schnidt,1979.)。Foreign study of ted hughes began in the 1970 s. Keith Sagar is among the first scholars to study hughes, is also one of the most popular scholars research on hughes' poems. Keith‟s monograph Ted Hughes is an introduction of Hughes. In the book, Sagar discussed Hughes‟s poetry The Hawk in the Rain and Crow, and analyzed the violence theme , mythology and language style in the two poetry(Sagar, 1972). After 1975, in his another treatise The Art of Ted Hughes, he analyzed the artistic features of the five poetry of Hughes (Sagar, 1975). Michell Schnidt mainly talked about the violence in Hughes‟s poems in his The Introduction of the 50 Contemporary English Poets , and thought that Hughes influenced by poets such as Lawrence and Wordsworth (Schnidt, 1979).
