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Unit 01:日常问候

A:Nice to meet you!很高兴认识你! B:Nice to meet you,too!彼此彼此!

A:Hi.I'm Robert Smith.I'm from the United States.

你好我是Robert Smith,来自美国.

B:Hi.I'm Juan Carlos I'm from Mexico.你好我是Juan CaHos来自墨西哥.

A:Hey.how's it going?/What's up?/How have you been? /How is life?近来可好?

B:Pretty good,and you?还不错,你呢?/Nothing special./Good.How about you?不错。

你呢?/Great!很好!/The Same as usual.差不多啦!

A:You look great.你看起来气色很棒.B:Thanks,you too!谢谢,你也不错嘛!

A:What's new?有啥新鲜事啊? B:Nothing is special.没什么特别的。


1.A:Time to get up!该起床啰!/It's getting late.wake up!太晚了。快点起来!/Can't you hear the alarm clock?你没有听见闹钟响吗?/Wake up and make your bed!


B:But I still want to sleep.可是我还想睡./OK.I'll get out of bed right away.

好.马上起来了/All right.I'll get up at once.好吧!我马上就起床了。/Let

me sleep for five more minutes,please!


2.A:Don't forget to brush your teeth!别忘了刷牙!

B:I won't,but where's my toothbrush?我不会忘,可是我的牙刷呢?

3.A:Mom,we don't have any toothpaste left.妈。没有牙膏了。

B: I'll get some later.我晚点会去买回来。

4.A:Do you use dental floss every day?你每天都用牙线吗?

B:Yes,it is healthy for your gums.是啊。它对牙龈健康有好处。

5.A:Please cover your mouth when you're using a toothpick!拜托你剔牙时把嘴遮

起来。B:Oh I'm sorry.I forgot哦!对不起,我忘了。


1.A:Isn't it comfortable?真是舒服啊!/The sky is gray.天色好灰暗。/What a sunny day!真是个晴朗的日子!/It is so windy.风好大喔。

B:You bet.当然了。/lt's cloudy and gray again.天色又多云灰暗了。/I'd like

to go on a picnic.我想要去野餐。/Yes,and I heard that a typhoon is coming soon.是啊!我听说台风很快就会登陆了。

2.A:How's the weather today?今天天气如何啊?What's the weather like in your


B:It looks like it's gonna rain!看起来快下雨了!/It's very hot and humid

in the summer.夏天的时候又热又湿。

3.A:Do you have snow in winter?你们那里冬天时会下雪吗?

B:No, we don't usually have snow. It snows only in the very high mountains.


4. A:What is autumn like in Canada?加拿大的秋天是什么样子呢?

B:It's very colorful because many leaves of trees change colours in autumn.


Unit 04:做家务

1.A:Sweetheart,Could you take the garbage out?亲爱的,请你把垃圾拿出去外面


B:Ok,l'll do it right after the basketball game.好,看完这场篮球赛我就去. 2.A:I'll help you wash the dishes.Mom!妈.我会帮你洗碗碟.

B:Thanks for giving me a helping hand!谢谢.你真是妈妈的好帮手!

3.A:Honey,Could you please give me a hand?亲爱的.请帮我一下好吗?

B:Yes,sweetheart.How can I help?没问题,甜心.要做些什么呢?

4.A:Tommy don't forget to wipe the table after dinner.别忘了饭后要擦桌子.

B:Ok,mum. I won't forget.好的,妈妈,我不会忘记的。

Unit 05:孩子的校园生活

1.A:Mom,I won first prize in the speech contest.妈,我演讲比赛得了第一名!

B:Really?You're our hero!真的吗?你是我们的英雄!

2.A:Honey,don't forget the parent-teacher conference this Thursday!


B: I won't.It's the first time we're going to meet Sally's teacher.


3.A:Daddy.my History teacher punished me by making me pick up the garbage


B:Mm..,Serves you right!你自找的!

4. A:How do you celebrate your birthday?你怎么庆祝你的生日?

B:I always go to a very nice restaurant with my family.


5. A:I am going to invite the whole class to my birthday party.


B: All right. But you have to help me decorate the garden.


Unit 06:旅游度假

1.A:what's your plan for the summer?你夏天有何计划?

B:Well,l'm going to fly to Bali and enjoy a sunny holiday on the beach.


A:I'm going to join a package tour to Spain.我要参加一个西班牙的跟团旅游.

B:Really?I always wanted to go to spain. How much does it cost?


2.A: It's so cold in the winter.冬天的时候好冷喔!

B: Why don't you spend your winter vacation in Australia?


A: I'm going to travel around Europe by train.我要搭火车游欧洲.

B: Good.It's one of the best ways to see Europe.


3.A: How are you going to celebrate the New Year?你要怎么庆祝新年?

B: My friends and I are going to drive down to Guang Zhou and spend the holiday there.我要和朋友一起开车南下到广州去过节.

4.A: Any plans for the weekend?周末有什么计划吗?
