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常用高频词根含义速查表1 acid,acr = sour,sharp
act = to act
agogue = leader
al,ol,ul = to nourish
alt = high
alter,ali = other
am = to love
ang = to strangle
angl,angul = to angle
anim = breath,mind
ann = year
anthrop = man
apt = fit
aqua = water
arm = weapons
art = skill
aud = to hear
aug = to increase,to make,to grow avi = bird
band,bond = to bind
bar = bar
bat = to beat
bat,bas = to go
bell = war
bio = life
brev = short
cad,cid,cas = to fall
calc,calci = lime
camp = field
cand = white,bright
cant,chant,cent = to sing
cap = head
cap = to take
car = car,to run
carn = flesh
cast = to throw
cav = hollow
cede,ceed,cess = to go,to yield ceive,cept,cip,cipate = to take
celer = swift
cent = hundred
centr = center
cern,cret = to separate
cert = sure
chron = time
cide,cise = to cut
circ,cyc = ring
cite = to call,to urge
claim,clam = to cry clin = to bend
clud = to shut
coct = to cook
cognis,gnos = to know
commun = common
cord = heart
corp = body
cosm,cosmo = universe
count = to count
cover = to cover
cre,cresc = to make,to grow
cred = to believe
crim = accusation,crime
crit = to judge
cruc = cross
culp = blame,guilt
cult = to till
cumb = to lie down
cur,course = to run
cure = to take care
cuss = to strike,to shake
常用高频词根含义速查表2 deb,du = to owe
dei = god
dem = people
dent = tooth
derm,derma,dermat = skin
dic = to proclaim
dict,dit = to say
dign = worthy
divid,divis = to divide
doc = to teach
dom = house
dom = to tame,to rule
don,dot,dow = to give
dorm = to sleep
dox,dogma = opinion
draw = to draw
drom = to run,course
duce,duct = to lead
dur = to last
dyn,dynam = power
eco = house
ego = I,self
electr = electric
em,empt = to take,to buy
equ = equal
err = to wander,to err
ess,est = to be
fa,fabl,fabul = to speak
fac,front = face,forehead
fac,fect = to make,to do
fall,fals = to deceive
fam = to speak
fare = to go
fend,fest = to strike
fer = to carry,to bear
ferv = to boil
fess = to speak
fest = festival
fict,fig = to feign
fid = to trust
figur = to shape,figure
fil = thread,to spin
fin = to end
firm = firm
fix = to fasten
flam,flagr = flame,to burn
flat = to blow
flect,flex = to bend
flict = to strike
flor = flower
flu = to flow
foli = leaf
form = to form,form
fort = strong
found,fund = base
fract,frag = to bread
fug = to flee
fuse,found = to pour
gam = marriage
gener,gen,gent = produce,race ger,gest = to carry
grad,gress = to walk
gram,graph = to write
grand = grand
grat = to please
grav = heavy
gregat = to collect
常用高频词根含义速查表3 hab,hibit = to have
hap = luck
helio = sun
her = heir
herb = grass
here,hes = to stick
horr = to tremble
hum,hom = man hum = ground
hydr = water
hypno = sleep
idio = personal,distinct
insul = island
it = to go
ject,jac = to throw
join,junct = to join
journ = day
jud = to judge
jur = to swear
just,juris = law,right
labor = to work
laps = to slip,to glide
late = to bring,to bear
later = side
lav,lau = to wash
lax,lyse = to loosen
lect,leg = to choose.to gather,to read leg = to appoint,to send
leg = law
lev = to raise,light
liber = free
libr,lib = book
lic = to be permitted
lig = to bind
lingu = tongue,language
liqu = fluid
liter = letter
loc = place
log,loqu,locut = to speak
long = long
lud = to play
lumin = light
lust,luc = bright
常用高频词根含义速查表4 magn,maj,max = great
man,manu = hand
mand,mend = to order,to entrust mari = sea
mark = to mark,boundary
matr = mother
mechan = machine
med = to heal
medi = middle
melan = black
memor = to remember
ment = to think,mind
merc = to trade,reward
merge,mers = to sink,to dip