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牛津版初一英语第一学期期中调研Array .

第一部分听力试题 (15 分)


听下面5个问题,从每小题所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。每个问题读两遍。( ) 1. A. At 7:15. B. By bike. C. In half an hour.

( ) 2. A. He is a bus driver. B. He likes watching TV.

C. He smokes a lot.

( ) 3. A. They’re theirs. B. They’re nice. C. They’re cheap.

( ) 4. A. They’re in English. B. They’re interesting.

C. They’re in her bag.

( ) 5. A. It’s too small. B. Thirty dollars. C. Not very much. 二、对话理解 (5分)

听下面5段对话,从每小题所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. A. She is tall. B. She’s twelve. C. She is short.

( ) 2. A. It’s closed now. B. It’s open now. C. It’s very big.

( ) 3. A. 12 B. 22 C.10

( ) 4. A. On Sunday. B. At the weekend. C. After school.

( ) 5. A. Do homework. B. Do some shopping. C. Go fishing.

三、短文理解(5分) 听下面的短文,短文后5个小题,从题中所给的A﹑B﹑C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文和问题读两遍。

( )1.The girl before Li Ming is _____

A. in the red coat

B. very short

C. in a white sweater

( )2.Kate is _____Li Hua.

A. behind

B. before

C. near

( )3._____and______sweaters are white.

A. Tom’s; Kate’s

B. Tom’s; Li Hua’s

C. Tom’s; Li Ming’s

( )4.There are ____boys and ____girls in the classroom.




( )5. The twin s’ trousers are_____ and coats are_______.

A. purple, brown

B. brown, purple

C. white, purple



1.There are twelve__________ ( 月 )in a year.

2. My father often reads __________( 报纸) after supper.

3. –What do you do after school? –We play__________(网球).

lie does after-school ____________(活动)at 3:30 every day.

5.Thank you for ___________(组织) the class trip.

6.Playing tennis is __________(帮助).

7, John’s parents are _____________(都) teachers.

8. Millie can’t speak English well ____________(因为) she comes from America.

9. The clock __________(叫醒) me every day.

10. I go to see my grandma _________(两次) a week.


1. Annie and Sandy are good __________(swim).

2. She goes to ____________(dance) lesson every day.

3. He lives on the _________(one) floor.

4. There are two ___________(library) in our school.

5. They are not Chinese. They are some __________(America).

6. The earth __________( go ) around the sun.

7. They want _________(play) football after school.

8. Jim enjoys ___________(eat) fish.

9. Amy spends half an hour _________(run) every day.

10.He should ___________(look) left , then right.

三、单项选择。(每小题 1分,满分 10 分)

( ) 1. -Could I borrow_____ money from you?

-Sorry, I don't have_____ on me.

A. some, some

B. any, any

C. some, any

D. any, some

( ) 2. Do you have _______ about the Football Club?

A. an information

B. any information

C. some informations

D. any informations

( ) 3. He is going to the cinema Sunday evening.

A. a

B. in

C. of D . on

( ) 4. Do you love the weekend?

A. swim on

B. to play the basketball at

C. watching TV at

D. playing piano at

( ) 5. I spend about in the library, what about you?

A. an hour a week reading

B. a hour a week to read

C. a week a hour reading

D. an hour a week to read

( ) 6. What would she like when she ?

A. doing; grows up

B. to be; grow up

C. being; grow up D .to be; grows up

( ) 7. We are looking forward ________ a great day.

A. to

B. for

C. of

D. at

( ) 8. What do you ___ to them?

A. tell

B. speak

C. say

D. talk

( ) 9. The woman ___ a red coat sits beside me.

A. wear

B. wears

C. is in

D. in
