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1.Shall we go for a dip at the beach? 我们去海边游泳好吗?

2.It’s a perfect day for swimming. 今天是游泳的好天气。

3.It seems that they excel in controlling their breathing. 他们似乎都很擅长控制呼吸。4.How long do you think they can hold their breath? 你认为他们憋气能憋多久?

5.You’d better learn swimming in the shallow end. 你最好在浅水区学游泳。

6.She began to pull a muscle while swimming. 正游泳时她抽筋了。

7.Warm-up exercises before swimming can avoid pulling a muscle while you’re in the pool.


8.Swimming keeps one in good shape. 游泳可以使人保持良好的体形。

9.Being able to control your breathing makes a big difference. 学会换气让你觉得完全不一样。

10. Why does your swimming always look like the doggy paddle?


11. You need to hold your breath while diving under the water. 潜水时你必须憋气。

12. What a beautiful beach. 多漂亮的海滩呀!

13. We can get a good tan today. 今天我们可以好好享受一下日光浴了。

14. It’s fun playing on the sand. 在沙滩上玩儿真带劲儿。

15. Shall we collect some shells after lunch? 午饭后去捡贝壳怎么样?

16. Let’s build sandcastle. 让我们来堆沙堡。

17. Can I rent a surfboard for the day? 冲浪板可以租一整天吗?

18. The water’s excellent and my dive was stupendous(惊人的)!水很干净,我游得很过瘾。

19. We could go for a stroll down the beach. 我们可以去海边走走。

20. We’ll have to be careful not to get burnt. 我们要小心,不要晒伤。

21. Will you help me to put some sunscreen on my back? 你能帮我在背上擦点防晒品吗?

22. We can set up a tent on the beach and enjoy the night scenery(风景) of the sea and the moon.


Conversation 1:

A:Can you swim?

B: Yes, I can swim a little.

A:Are you fond of it?

B: Yes, I like it very much.

A: You are a fine swimmer, I presume(以为,猜想).

B: No, I’m a very poor swimmer. I can swim in a swimming pool but I don’t think I can do so in the sea.

A: If you can swim in the swimming pool, you can then swim in the swimming pool more easily. B: Why?

A: Because the sea water is more buoyant(有浮力的)than fresh water as it contains salt, you know.

B. Yes, but I dare not to try.

A: It is rather hot. Shall we take a cold bath in the sea?

B: All right. I will go to bathe with you.

Conversation 2:

A: You are looking very well. 你看起来精神很好。

B: Thank you. I try to keep in shape. 谢谢,我在努力保持体形。

A: Do you often exercise? 你经常运动吗?

B: Yes, as long as I can find the time. I like swimming best. 是的,只要有时间。我最喜欢游泳。A: What style of swimming do you like best? 最喜欢什么游泳姿势?

B: I like the back best. I am good at freestyle stroke, but I usually use breast stroke as it keeps me from getting tired.


A: I think butterfly stroke is the most difficult style to learn. 我想蝶泳是一种最难学的姿势吧?B: I agree, I’m not good at it, either. Can you swim? 我也这样认为,我也不擅长蝶泳。你会游泳吗?

A: Oh, no. I am quite a stone in the water and can’t swim. 哦,不行。在水里我就是一块石头,我游不了。
